Helena. The reason why Ravenclaw is what it is now is because of Tom. Riddle's deception.

What is Ravenclaw's tiara?

It wasn't just a symbol of Ravenclaw College, it was Rowena. The symbol of Ravenclaw is a symbol of wisdom...... And because of Tom. Riddle's deception and subsequent actions have led to the transformation of this legendary magical artifact into an evil Horcrux. Not to mention this kind of thing, not to mention a "person" with whom Ms. Gray has a deep relationship, even Solim, an outsider, is deeply regrettable.

An unexpected person from Ravenclaw College wants to approach Ms. Gray and communicate with her further, and gaining trust is the first step. But it was extremely difficult for a Slytherin student to win the trust of Ms. Gray, and Solim didn't even want to hear the word "Slytherin" appear, as it would inevitably irritate Ms. Gray.

"I'm a Slytherin—I'm a Slytherin when I die!"

Above the Ravenclaw dome was a larger space filled with bookshelves, and it was clear that this was the exclusive Ravenclaw library, which Solim thought was much more practical than the "Glory Showroom" in the Leterin common room of 23. There was a door to the south of the library, and a small balcony was attached to it, and Barrow and Mrs. Gray were floating in the air staring at each other.

"You should know what a real Slytherin gentleman looks like!" Barrow was clearly different from usual, his tone full of intense emotion.

"Ah, then I don't know!" said Mrs. Gray, "do you mean that hysterical Slytherin, or is it a murderer?

Barrow and Ms. Gray spoke to each other like sharp knives, stabbing each other into each other's hearts. And the most surprising thing for Solim was that Ms. Gray did not turn away as rumored, but instead had a heated confrontation with Barrow at the top of her throat - which may prove that Barrow's position in her heart is indeed extraordinary.

"Is this the person you want me to meet?another Slytherin?" Miss Grey clearly didn't have a good impression of Solim, and her words were full of gunpowder, and she looked at Solim condescendingly.

"How are you goddamn snakes going to deceive me this time, and what are you going to get from me?"

Ms. Gray's attitude was interesting. If she just looked at Barrow indifferently and turned away, this situation was what Solim was most worried about, but she was arguing with Barrow. Even the worst of the exchanges were exchanges, and as long as Ms. Gray didn't leave, Solim had a way to get her to stay and listen to him.

"Do you trust Dumbledore?

Without introducing himself, without justifying himself, or picking up Slytherin's stubble, Solim threw a question directly at Ms. Gray.

"Dumbledore?" Miss Gray's eyebrows furrowed, "I don't trust anyone!"

"Of course," Solim nodded, "understandable, after all, after going through that kind of thing......"

Seeing that Barrow had been eyeing himself, Solim was a little surprised, after all, a bloody man who could give people an eye, Barrow had never seen before. Everyone is still used to him with a pair of dead fish eyes.

"But there's one thing you can't deny, Ms. Gray. Ignoring Barrow's gaze, Solim continued, "He's been fighting the Dark Lord, the man who once deceived you. "

This is a fact that no one can deny, not even ghosts.

"I can tell you the good news first—" Solim gestured his hands in a circle in the air, "the crown is back at Hogwarts again. "

The news about the crown is strictly blocked, Solim is sure of that. Dumbledore would never tell Helena anything about the crown just because her mother was once the owner of it.

Sure enough, Miss Gray looked incredulous when she heard that the crown had returned to Hogwarts. She couldn't wait to float in front of Solim, and if she still had the ability to touch at this time, Solim's shoulders would be firmly grasped by her.

"How!" Lady Gray was agitated, "that scum stole it! Even I don't know where it was hidden, who found it?" Dumbledore?"

"No, our headmaster is powerful, but he really didn't do it. Ms. Gray leaned too close, and Solim felt something strange, like when he took off his sweater in winter, and his hairs stood on end.

In fact, the tiara was brought back to Hogwarts by the crook himself. Solim said as he observed Ms. Gray's translucent face.

"He?" said Lady Gray, with a hint of bewilderment on her delighted face, "he did, but...... Why didn't he tell me?"

"He did?" said Solim, "do you mean him bringing the crown back to Hogwarts?"

"Yes, he promised me that if he had the chance, he would return to Hogwarts with the crown. "

"Tsk. Solim smacked his lips, this was indeed something Voldemort could do: he did bring the crown back, but the crown was no longer a crown, but a Horcrux, and he wouldn't tell Gray about it.

"Why didn't he tell me? He did what he had promised...... "Ms. Gray was clearly caught up in memories decades 193 ago.

Tom back then. Riddle wasn't what he is now, he was a famous handsome guy at Hogwarts, and with a brain that hadn't been damaged by Horcruxes and dark magic, he used a polite attitude, the right tone, and the right wording...... It would have been too easy to get something out of Ms. Gray's mouth with these things that he was very good at, let alone Ms. Gray, and even the old fox Slughorn was not like Voldemort back then. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Speaking of which...... Solim took the moment to glance at Barrow next to him - the long, though not ugly, but obviously the same as Tom from his school days. Riddle is not comparable in any way. Could it be that Ravenclaw's daughter is a "face control"? When she meets a handsome guy, she has no door to ask?

Reining in his sympathy for Barrow, Solim said, "As for the answer to this question, it's not good news. "

"Is there something he can't say, that's why he didn't tell me?" Ms. Gray no longer had the momentum she had yelled at Barrow a few minutes ago, but like a ......

"Ahem. Solim forbade himself to think about it.

"Is it hard to say? "[]

Glancing at Barrow, Solim said, "After all, Horcruxes are too private, and no one should be going around publicizing them." "。

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