"It's not the first time I've heard of your father's name, after all, what he did back then was quite big, and many people saw it as a joke, and no one paid attention to it after that. "If it weren't for you, I don't think I would have seen your father's name again, but here's the interesting thing - I couldn't find anything new about him." "

The elf put a finger on the bridge of his broken nose, "Normally, it means secrets. It took me a lot of effort to find a clue from the New World, but the asking price for your father's information is ......," Babu shook his head, "My greedy fellows are either poor and insane, or your father's information is worth it. Obviously, it's the latter. "

"Well, you can talk about your father's affairs later. "Let's talk about the current matter, "620." "

"Now that I've got both vanishing cabinets, what I'm going to do next will be on my agenda. "

Solim sat still, his right hand, shrouded in his robe, constantly fiddling with the ring on his hand with his thumb.

"I just hope the cabinet comes back in good condition. "

"Of course, it's in the contract, and I'll guarantee it, so you can rest assured. "In fact, the cabinet will be quite safe, because ...... It will be safely housed in a way that is worthy of its values. "

"You're curious, aren't you? Where am I going to use it?"

Solim remained silent, waiting for Babu to continue. The goblin didn't sell it, and told his plan very directly:

After losing the war with the wizard, the elves split into two parts. Some of the goblins were frightened by the wizards, and completely fell to the wizards, and willingly became part of the wizarding society, which was the predecessor of Gringotts. These elves use their racial talents to build a wizarding society under the guidance of wizards. It's not just Gringotts this kind of financial service, Gringotts is just an institution on the surface, and its real role is a special material processing factory located deep underground, where the elves use their craft to provide wizards with a steady stream of high-quality magical materials: whether it is processed potion materials that can be used at any time, or processed alchemical items, these are provided by the goblins of Gringotts, and their biggest customer is the Elder, and it can only be the Elder, which other organization than the Elder's Council has the ability to consume so many things?

Although these "surrendering" goblins can't say too good, they are not too bad. After all, they got what they wanted: wealth. Although these riches of theirs must be consumed according to the instructions of the wizards, and then supplied to all aspects of the wizarding society.

But in the eyes of other goblins, these kindreds can no longer be called goblins. They are willing to be at the mercy of wizards, and have forgotten the pride of the elves, and in the eyes of these elves, as long as they accumulate strength and work hard to learn the powerful secrets of wizards, they may not be able to defeat wizards and wash away the shame of past defeats. These elves are dangerous and rare, and anyone who reveals their whereabouts will be hunted down by the Elders' subordinate departments.

"Don't look at me like that. Noticing Solim's inquiring eyes, Babu waved his hand, "I'm not on either side, if I have to, I'm a centrist." "

"A centrist who doesn't help either side, who can't offend anyone?" Solim looked at Babu strangely, "I don't think it's that easy, right?"

Babu nodded, looking at Solim with a "I didn't misread you" look.

"It wasn't easy, but I persevered. "

As he spoke, Baba opened the drawer and took out a slender box of this shape, which would not be unfamiliar to any wizard, and when Babu opened it, Solim showed an expression of "so it was".

"A magic wand. "

"Yes, a wand. "

Babu fumbled for the "branch," which was less than eight inches old and covered in numbness.

"Wizards' rules: No non-human magical creature is allowed to touch the wand, let alone use it. This rule has been in place for thousands of years, and until now, this fixed has never changed, not a single letter. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

This is a historical legacy, after the wizard invented the wand, the elves, elves, and even the centaurs, as well as many magical races that have disappeared from history, jumped out to try to obtain the secret of the wand. But the wand is the survival capital of human wizards, how can they share the secrets with other races? A large part of the war between wizards and goblins is due to the wand.....

"This is the foundation on which wizards live, and there is no room for compromise on this. "Solim was rightfully in the wizard's position—his natural position.

"You're right, but wands are a good thing to eat. Babu said, "As long as there is the slightest possibility, neither we goblins nor the elves hiding in the woods will give up." "

Solim looked at the twig-like "wand" in Babu's hand and had an incredible thought in his mind.

"You see, in this day and age, it's so easy for us goblins to get a wand — not to mention thousands of years ago, and it's almost impossible to get a wand now compared to hundreds of years ago. "[]

Indeed, it is extremely easy to get hold of a wand these days, especially for those who wander in the shadows, and it is many times easier than centuries ago. The only way for a goblin or elf to get a wand from a human wizard was to find a wizard to kill and then hide from the wizard's hordes - wizards were very different from the wands they are now.

Perhaps it was the long period of peace, or perhaps the long reign that had made the wizards slack, or perhaps for some unknown reason, the protection of wands by wizards was now limited to those who were officially registered.

"You might as well think about it, in such a long time, have we 3.2 found a way to make our elf's own wand?"

Babu took his wand and looked at Solim playfully.

Without Solim answering, Babu had already made a move: his hand holding the wand lifted slightly upward, and the box containing the wand floated and then turned to ashes in a burst of bright firelight......

Solim stood up with his wand in his hand. He looked in shock at the ashes that had fallen on the table, no doubt it was a fire charm, a spell that most wizards could only use with a wand.

Can a goblin use a wand?it was happening right in front of his eyes, and Solim didn't even have time to think about why Babu was doing it in front of him, he just wanted to get out of here quickly and get the word out.

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