Solim had gone home, and there had been a slight change before he left. For example, the vanishing cabinet in his bedroom has "disappeared", and now he is wearing a pair of eyes, but the kind of single lens. Thanks to the deep eye sockets of the Europeans, Solim was able to clamp the lenses.

At this time, Solim was looking around with one eye closed, and the eyes in his sockets were a "gift" from Babu to return Solim for the help he had given him.

The glasses are made by goblins, but they are in the human style, but slightly more ornate than ordinary monocles. But these are secondary, the main thing is the function of this lens - to be able to detect objects with magical powers.

That's a great feature. Solim knew that a great wizard like Dumbledore could "perceive" magic to some extent, but how exactly he "perceived", while Solim had no idea at all, whether he saw with his eyes, smelled with his nose, or touched with his skin? How can human senses perceive invisible magic?

The more abstract something is, the more difficult it is to describe, just as you can't describe colors to a person who can't see light by nature, and wizards who can perceive magic can't explain that feeling to wizards who can't. But with these glasses, everything is different – or rather, something in the world is different.

Solim was now looking at his left hand, the one that had been eroded by the black mist released by Filch. Originally, only the black mist rising from the bones could be caught by Solim's naked eye, but now in his right eye, which was covered with lenses, it was a different sight - the magic patterns carved into the bones became clearer, and the black mist was constantly emerging from these magic patterns and converging towards the same place, that is, the bracer worn on his wrist.

After looking at his blackened left hand for a moment, Solim put the snakeskin gloves back on and began to study the candlestick embedded in the wall, which was a key to Selwyn Castle. The scene around the menorah was different from the one seen on the left hand before: the position of the menorah seemed to be like the air above the flames, and it became swaying, apparently caused by the magic on the portkey.

Solim had to admit that the glasses were a good thing, it could observe any object with magical powers, and what intrigued Solim the most was that the manifestations of magic were different - his left hand and the portkey did not behave the same in the glasses. This is obviously an area worth noting and researching, but Solim himself knows that he doesn't have the time to do so at the moment. If he can relax a little after the start of school, he will take the time to fiddle with this surprise glasses.

Speaking of the start of school...... Solim remembered that when he was at Babu's place before, his house-elf Zim did have news that he had intercepted several owls, and thinking of this, Solim hurriedly summoned Zim.

"Did you say the owl came from Hogwarts?"

"I intercepted them, but I took the letters down. As he spoke, Zim pulled out three letters from behind him.

Looking at the wax seal with the Hogwarts crest on it, Solim nodded and let Zim leave.

It's still the holidays, and it's supposed to be a time for students to go around and hang out, but due to the chaos in London some time ago, Solim doesn't want Sylna and her to be too far away from home for the sake of safety. Sylna and Elena, who had just returned from a walk, were slumped on the couch watching the news, completely distracted by the TV, unaware of Solim's approach. Solim was going to give her Sylna's letter, but when he walked up, Solim was also attracted by the TV footage.

"I don't know how, but seriously, I would have preferred it to be a nightmare. "

There was a man on the TV with a bandage on his head answering a woman's question, "I still can't remember anything, but there is no doubt that all our records are finished, the fire measures are completely ineffective, and no one will notice it until the fire is outside, but by then it is already night—we have no way of knowing what was going on in the city at that time." You know, my uncle's bakery and he has a camera in front of it, but all the footage from my uncle's shop is gone. "

"So, you think it was an organized, premeditated operation?"

"No! I didn't say that. The man on TV was a little flustered and quickly denied it, "I know there are some very ridiculous rumors out there right now, thinking that MI5 is trying to cover up the truth." But believe me, if they really want to do that, there's no need to burn down our transportation department's archives – they could have sealed it off on national security grounds. "

Solim saw this, and understood. Apparently the International Confederation of Wizards did not do a good job, or the quality of the wizards they sent out to work was uneven, and in order to cover up the Dementors' havoc in London, they had to destroy all the footage of the day, either because the time was too short, or someone was not professional enough, so they would use arson.

However, Solim can also understand that in order to deal with so many things, sometimes in order to grab time and save work as much as possible, proper "laziness" is also a way, after all, what they want is to destroy those video materials, as long as they can ensure that the truth of some things is not leaked, wizards will not be too entangled in the process.

"This is Kate. Rockville, we'll head to the Special Containment Center later. "The picture on the TV has changed, it's a studio, a man is sitting there, and the female reporter is talking on the screen behind him.

"What is this Special Containment Center?" said Elena, turning her head to Silna. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"I think it's those whose memories haven't been processed yet. "

Solim's sudden sound startled the two girls on the couch.

"Why haven't you moved at all?" Silna almost sprained her neck, "and besides, I think there should be a rule in this house that you are only allowed to enter through the main entrance." "

"Why? We're wizards. "

"Because you're the only one who has mastered the illusion!" Sylna glared at her brother, "You can go back to any room in the house at any time, and I don't want to be startled by the sudden appearance of a big living person - like now!"

Solim waved his hand, gesturing the letter in his hand.

"Is this a letter from Hogwarts?" Sylna snatched from her, "yes, school is almost open." "

"Elena is apparition too—" Solim looked at his fiancée, then said to his sister, "You missed her." "

"But I'm obviously not going to show it here. Elena retorted, "I've always been with your sister. "

Hearing this, Solim's face was a little weird, these two girls won't develop in any strange direction, right?

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