Newt. Scamander, like Hagrid, did not complete his studies at Hogwarts, but it is an indisputable fact that he was born in Hufflepuff, as if no one could deny that Hagrid was a Gryffindor.

The name Scamander is thunderous when it comes to magical creatures. He was involved in the creation of almost all of the Ministry's laws relating to magical creatures, and he established the Werewolf Registry. Not only that, but he also drafted and completed the famous "Law on the Prohibition of Magical Creature Cultivation Experiments" - the same law that Hagrid's fried tail snails once violated. The students' familiarity with Scamander's name comes entirely from their textbook, Where Are the Amazing Creatures, which has now been revised to its fifty-second edition, and even Solim has a copy in his possession.

"Now the Hufflepuff idiots can be complacent. Draco said with some slush, "They finally have a big guy who can handle it." "

"They're just low-key, but they're not stupid. Sylna pouted, "I thought you could grow a little." "

"Don't you know? Scamander's grandson is at Hogwarts. Draco didn't care, and instead said something that surprised Sylna.

Even Solim turned his head to look at Draco, he really didn't know about it.

"Rolf. Scamander, like us, is in seventh grade. Draco raised his chin towards the Hufflepuff table, "That's-"

Solim and Syrna...... And the group of freshmen sitting around them all looked over there, but they still couldn't tell which was Scamander's grandson - there were too many Hufflepuffs, and there were Ravenclaws in the middle.

The Great Hall suddenly fell silent, and Solim and the others hurriedly looked at Dumbledore, who had just put his hand down.

"Maybe you've noticed. Dumbledore said, "Professor Trelawney is back in our faculty and she will continue to be Professor of Divination~~. "

Girls...... Yes, there were only girls, not a single boy would be interested in Trelawney's set, and the girls began to applaud enthusiastically.

"—of course, the same is true for Professor Ferenze. "

Now it was the boys' turn to get excited, but unlike before, this time many girls also began to applaud. Obviously, Trelawney can't compare attractiveness to a centaur. Professor Trelawney was still dressed as usual, but even the thick lenses couldn't completely hide her resentment, which was about to overflow—she had always had a problem with Frenzer who had taken her students. Of course, Solim is more inclined to the idea that "only between peers is naked hatred."

"This school is almost finished!" complained a freshman not far from Solim, "I should have insisted on going to Durmstrang at the time." "

It seems that there is a little guy in this class of freshmen who believes in wizarding supremacy, Solim glanced at it, but said nothing. Despite the fact that Voldemort and the Death Eaters are now out of power, the legacy they left behind is still in the hearts of some people and passed on to the next generation.

"How could the board of directors agree?" was the same freshman, babbling to the people around him, "How can they agree to let a centaur be a professor? I'll write to my dad when I get back!"

"Huh-" Sylna couldn't hold back, covering her mouth and laughing, then leaned forward and looked past Solim at Draco. Does that sound familiar to you? Especially the last sentence?"

Solim also looked at Draco with the corners of his mouth curled. Indeed, Draco was also of this kind of virtue in the early years, shouting that whenever something went wrong, he would write letters to his director father and make small reports.

"You ......" Draco's face turned a little rosy, and he wanted to retort, but he didn't know what to say. After all, he was no different from that freshman in the early years.

"The professors for Potions and Defense Against the Dark Arts have not changed, and they remain with Professors Slughorn and Snape. "

Dumbledore's words caused an uproar in the Great Hall - Snape continued to be a professor in Defence Against the Dark Arts?

Could it be that the curse has been lifted?

Most of the students had heard of the curse on the position of Defence Against the Dark Arts professorship, and they all believed it, after all, it was true that they had to change professors every year since they entered the school, and over time they also took the curse as a fact and believed it.

"That's what you said!" Draco said, "Professor Snape really is a Defence Against the Dark Arts professor. "

"Or else?" Solim pouted, "when did that talk about the curse come about?"

Without waiting for Draco to reply, Solim continued, "-It was rumored in the years following the Dark Lord's defeat, when the vast majority of the population believed that the Dark Lord was completely dead, that the shadows had dissipated and that the crisis had been lifted...... But we all know that he is not dead. In order not to let the wizarding world forget the threat of the Dark Lord, our headmaster has also taken great pains to come up with a curse. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The surrounding freshmen looked at Solim in awe, it took a lot of courage to dare to talk about the Dark Lord in public, even though Voldemort was now out of position, but the terrifying Dark Wizard was not dead.

"Now, I think you're all hungry," Dumbledore clapped his hands, "enjoy your dinner!"

In an instant, the long tables of the four academies were filled with all kinds of food. The auditorium was immediately bustling with activity, just as in previous years.

The surrounding freshmen couldn't wait to start enjoying their dinner, they didn't eat well on the train at noon, and after the toss of the black lake just now, they were already hungry.

Solim didn't move, he looked at the plates of food in front of him (Zhao Zhao's) in a daze...... Or rather, it looks like he's in a daze.

"What's wrong?" asked Sylna, and then it dawned on her, "Oh yes, we haven't eaten here in a long time. Why don't we go back and eat?"

Previously, for some reason, to be on the safe side, Solim and the others ate in their dormitories, and the meals were not provided by the house-elves at Hogwarts, but by Solim's own elves and delivered them. In short, Solim and they haven't sat in the Great Hall to eat for a long time.

"I need to remind you that we ate our school leaving dinner last semester – if you don't remember. Sylna said as she fetched a piece of crème brûlée on her plate.

Draco glanced at Solim, who was motionless, and then at Sylna, who was stuffing pudding into her mouth, and for a moment she couldn't figure out who she should learn.

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