Solim's impression of Evans wasn't like that. He can only attribute it to Evans' rusty brain caused by not going out to communicate with people for a long time. He also wanted to continue to communicate with Evans, but time did not allow it. He had to go to his father now.

Solim is still looking forward to training tonight, and Ogle will teach him the Flying Charm tonight. The Flying Charm isn't a must-have for Solim to master with Phantom Shifting and owning a Phoenix, but no one dislikes having more spells at his disposal, right? and in some cases, the Flying Charm may be better than the Phantom Shifter.

Phantom shifting is no longer a problem for Solim, but he still can't use it frequently to evade spells in battle - no way, it has nothing to do with magic or anything like that, it's purely a "eight-seven-three" of proficiency. If you want to apply phantom shifting skillfully in combat, there is no other way than to practice a lot.

Compared to the phantasmal shapeshifts that regular wizards have to learn, the Flying Charm is a bit unpopular. It's somewhat more difficult than Phantom Shifter. Phantom Shapeshifter only needs positioning and guidance, and does not need the wizard himself to control it in the process of shifting, but the Flying Spell is different, it needs to be controlled by the wizard himself throughout the process, which has quite high requirements for the wizard's magic and control.

Solim passed these two indicators, otherwise Ogle would not have taught him this. But the Flying Charm was more difficult than Solim had anticipated - he had no experience flying.

For those who are used to being down-to-earth, the feeling of empty soles is not easy to adapt. Especially when it comes to acceleration and deceleration and changes in flight altitude, Solim, who is not used to it, is nervous and his muscles are tense - this is a completely instinctive reaction. However, this instinctive reaction is a big no-no when flying, and the consequence of not being able to control one's body well is to hit one's head into a tree.

The magic that enveloped Solim's body dissipated when he hit the tree, his head fine, but his shoulder hurt.

"I remember stressing to you, to relax. "

A black mist descended to the ground, dissipating to reveal Ogel's form.

"Instinctively, I'm still not used to it. Solim grinned and raised his shoulders, only to grin even wider.

Whether it was for Solim or Ogle, it was not an "injury" at all, and soon he became alive again.

"The vision of the Flying Charm is just too poor. Solim moved his arm and continued, "Couldn't this spell be improved?"

"Who's going to improve it? You?" Ogle pulled out his wand and snapped the branch that Solim had knocked back onto the trunk.

"For the vast majority of wizards who have mastered the Flying Charm, the only purpose of this Charm is to enter the field during battle. Other than that, the spell is rarely used, and no spell solver will be willing to bother to improve it in this case. "

Ogle is absolutely right. It's also an embarrassment for many spells - it's too narrow to be used.

If a wizard needs to move long distances, either the Floo Net, or the Phantom Shifter, or even the Knight Bus...... But never use a flying charm. Solim remembers when he crossed the ocean in a horse-drawn carriage to America, and that the wizard who attacked them that night used a flying charm to make a breakthrough.

Phantom Manifestation is not suitable for a large number of people, especially if the Manifestation is in a relatively narrow area, which is very likely to cause an accident, while the Flying Charm can reach the designated location relatively quickly. Aside from the pendulum, this is the most versatile scenario for the Flying Charm, so to speak—a quick dash into the battlefield.

"I still don't have a good grasp of it. "

Solim shook his head, no one who had ever used the Flying Charm could not experience that feeling, it was like wearing a swimming goggle that was very obscuring his vision, he could only see what was in front of him, and if he wanted to see both sides, he had to turn his head, and the change of posture was a disaster for a novice like Solim.

"But you do learn," Ogle said, "at least you're flying, and all you have to do now is master it." "

Solim held his wand and stood there with his head raised...... This is the posture of the Flying Charm, at least for a novice like him, who needs the help of this pose.

"Forget it tonight. You can find a place to practice on your own. "

Ogle walked over and put his hand on Solim's shoulder, and the next second they vanished in place, returning to the huge treehouse where Solim had been practicing spells.

"I have something to do with you. "

Solim's father's words surprised him.

"What's the matter?" (read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

"I need your opinion, after all, I can't find anyone else about this, that is too risky. Ogle's words were so misty that Solim didn't know what he was referring to for a moment.

"I told you before, I have a lab in Canada—"

Solim reacted.

Ogle has a laboratory dedicated to the study of magic, but this research is a little different from the methods used by other wizards - this laboratory tries to explain magic in terms of science.

This incident had been very interesting to Solim for a while, but he had a lot to do. As someone who can prioritize things, he put this curiosity aside for a moment. But today, his interest was stirred up again. []

"Speaking of which—" Solim calmed down, "Draco. Is Malfoy's broom a product of there?"

"I'm glad you were able to notice that. Ogle said, "Did you realize it now, or did you notice it before, but didn't say it?"

"I've noticed it before, but every time I come over, I can't help but ask. "

Ogle looked at Solim twice, and he was satisfied. A person who can hold things in his heart is much better than someone who can't hide things in his heart, especially for his plans, and Soli 3.9m will be a qualified insider.

"The prototype I made in the lab, and then I gave the materials to Lucius, and he was busy with the rest of the work. The amount of information in Ogle's words exploded.

If Lucius, who came to the United States, was able to connect with Elrond, Solim would be able to understand it, but where did he get the channel to contact Ogle? Solim would not have thought that his grandfather would reveal his father's news to an "outsider" so easily.

"Don't think about it. As a father, Ogle knew what he was thinking as soon as he saw Solim's face, "It was through your grandfather, and I wasn't fit to meet Lucius—at least not yet." "

"And when are we going to visit?" Solim stood up, "I can't wait." "。

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