If there is one place in Britain that is most sensitive, it is neither Hogwarts nor the Ministry of Magic, but Diagon Alley. Whenever there is any turmoil in the wizarding world, Diagon Alley is always the fastest, even faster than the Ministry of Magic.

Since Voldemort and his Death Eaters entered the underworld, Diagon Alley has finally regained some of its former prosperity, but it didn't last long before it began to decline again.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that someone is doing something at Gringotts, and since the Gringotts accident, some well-informed owners in Diagon Lane have directly closed the storefront. At first, there were one or two, but within a few days, the owners of the shops closed their shops as if they had received some notice from their superiors.

In the past, no matter how deserted Diagon Alley was, Gringotts was a bit crowded, but now Gringotts is still being rebuilt, all kinds of businesses are suspended, and the only shops open in Diagon Alley in the first half are Fred and George's Joke Shop.

But the brothers are now a joke - not only do they have no customers, but they also have two hired clerks who have run away.

The brothers were puzzled by the situation, even when they first opened the store, when Voldemort had been resurrected23 and the Death Eaters were still out in the air. In that case, Diagon Alley didn't look like it is now.

The father had told them not to show their heads during this time, and the mother was strongly opposed to them continuing to open the shop. Although they don't know exactly what happened, the brothers felt that the more they were in this situation, the more meaningful their perseverance became.

At least bring a little bit of life to Diagon Alley.

But the brothers' expectations were ultimately disappointed. Many people don't know what's going on, but the sudden depression in Diagon Alley makes everyone sense that something is wrong. The best way to face unknown dangers is not to show your head.

When Diagon Alley suddenly added a group of black-robed wizards, Fred and George thought for a moment that the Death Eaters of the underworld had run up.

But they quickly settled down, because there were people in the lead who they knew.

"Crazy Eye?" Fred looked at Moody, who was particularly prominent in the crowd, "do they have some mission?"

"Oh, I know as much as you do, Fred. George said angrily, "So, all the Aurors from the Ministry of Magic behind him are?"

"I saw Tonks and Kingsley. "

"There's a big move!"

The two brothers, who were afraid that the world would not be chaotic, glanced at each other, and they both saw excitement in each other's eyes.

"Are they going down to deal with the Death Eaters?" Fred guessed.

"But what about Dumbledore, who is not going to deal with the mystery man?" said George.

"Don't be stupid, how could Dumbledore show up now. Fred shook his head.

For Diagon Alley right now, the brothers' joke shop is a striking sight — the entire street is open, the giant dolls keep taking off their hats, and the doorways and windows are glaringly lit. Not to mention the well-trained Aurors, as long as you are not blind, you will notice this place for the first time.

"These two bastards!" Moody said to the Aurors, his magic eye already on the two brothers.

"I'll leave it to you, and I'll be right back. Moody said to Scrimgeur, who was on the sidelines, with a tense face.

George and Fred stood in front of the store and watched as Moody limped over.

"Crazy Eye!"

"You two bastards!" Moody paused heavily on his staff, "Didn't Arthur remind you not to show your heads during this time?"

"But we think this is the time to breathe some life into this place—"

"At least makes this place look so lifeless—"

"At such a time?" Moody's furrowed face showed a sinister smile, "you know what we're going to do?"

"Into the Underworld—"

"Trouble with the Mysteries and the Death Eaters—"

Moody slammed the staff in his hand again.

"You know a lot, even places like the Underworld. Moody's eye spun around, "But alas, you're wrong. We're just here to give someone a hand. "

At this, there was a hint of disgust in Moody's intact eyes.

"Listen, you two boys!" Moody quickened his voice, already spotting Scrimgeour walking towards him behind him, "Go home now, there might be a fight here later." "

"We can—" The brothers tried to say something, but Moody rudely interrupted them.

"You can't!" Moody glared at them viciously, "you don't even know the dangers of those madmen, you go here at once, go home at once, and I'll explain the situation here to your mother." If you want—" (If you read a violent novel, you will go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Alasto, we can get started. "

Scrimgeour limped to Moody's side with messy blond hair, only he had one less wooden leg than Moody.

"Then let's get started!" Moody said angrily, "I'll let you—"


Moody suddenly roared, and Tonks's hair in the crowd suddenly turned red. []

"I said, no, yes, yes, yes, this, yes, yes

Tonks ran over in a rage.

"Crazy Eye! I said—"

Moody simply ignored her. Pointing to Fred and George, he said:

"You send these two bastards back, make sure his family receives the 930 cargo. "

"But I'm not here to do this today!" Tonks glanced at the twins, then confronted Moody, "I'm an Auror!"

"Send them back and come back again. Moody glared at her, then raised his staff and turned to leave.

Scrimgeot on the side looked at the scene coldly and said nothing, and followed Moody away.

"Oh, damn it. Fred muttered.

"Maybe we could—" George squinted, as if he had something in mind.

"No, you can't. Tonks walked over with a stinking face, grabbing Fred and George one by one.


"We're not closed yet!"

As soon as the twins saw Tonks' stance, they knew she wanted to drag them to apparition. Diagon Alley is empty now, but it's impossible for the store to be left open.

"Okay. Tonks gave his hand away, "But I warn you, don't try to play tricks. "

Ever since Lupin disappeared with Dumbledore's secret mission, Tonks has not been in a good mood. After all, there has been no news of Lupin for so long, and many people think that Lupin has been killed. If it weren't for Dumbledore's repeated insistence that Lupin was okay and was just on a mission, Tonks would have even broken into the underworld to find someone.

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