Solim panicked a little when he heard the movement in the living room and the alarm spell he had cast at the doorway was unresponsive. But when he ran after Charles to the living room, he was relieved.

For a normal person, entering the house is to pass through such a thing as a "door", but for a seven-year-old child, an open window can also play the role of a door.

"A false alarm. Charles's tense muscles relaxed, "A little cub." "

"Is it his son?" Solim's wand was still in his hand.

"It seems to be. Charles was a little unsure.

"I thought you had looked into it. Solim glanced at Charles.

"I can only look at it from afar, this kind of task does not need to be so rigorous, they are all ordinary people. Charles walked over to the child, "What's your last name, child?"

Solim shrewdly enveloped the entire house with a spell, making sure that no passers-by noticed any unusual sounds that might be coming from the place.

"Come, tell me, Kent. Is Bao 23 Wisson your father?" Charles's bear-like physique makes even adults feel the pressure when they look at it, let alone a seven-year-old kid whose waist is not as thick as Charles's thighs.

"You scared him. Solim took a few steps forward.

"I'm sorry about that. Charles rolled his eyes, then stood up and stepped aside, closing the window.

"What did you do to my mother?" the boy tried to make himself look less scared, but the effort was tellable for both Charles and Solim.

"Your mom was a little tired, she fell asleep. Solim smiled, "We just talked to your dad inside......"

"What are you going to do?" Charles stood by the window, "will you do the same as his father?"

"Oh, Charles, it's not good. Solim shook his head, "I'm not a Grindelwald Saint, I'm not a Death Eater of Voldemort, and I wouldn't do it to a child - that's the bottom line." "

"So what are you going to do?

"I wouldn't want to do it if I could. Solim sat down on the couch in the living room, "So, Mr. Bowitson—"

For seven-year-old Sean, the title "sir" is a novelty, as it is usually used to address adults. This was the first time he had been called sir.

"My name is Sean. "

"Ah, Sean. Solim nodded, "It's a good name, but when you grow up, a name that starts with an S might bother you a little bit - by the way, my name also starts with an S." "

"Yes, I'm always at the back of the list call. "Sean and Solim seem to be closing the distance over the initials.

Charles shook his head as he watched from the sidelines. He's an old oilman who only focuses on results. This time, their goal was clear: to eliminate all those involved and prevent the leakage of information about the Canadian lab. In Charles's opinion, just stuffing the family into the car and finding an intersection, or just burning down the house with people is more troublesome than Solim.

You know, except for this Kent. Bowison, there are four other purges in the city. If Charles were to do it himself, it would take some time, but there was a wizard here, and spells could simplify a lot of things.

"Will you hurt me, sir?"

"I thought you'd put up with it. Solim rubbed the boy's hair, "Don't worry, you and your mom will be fine." "

"What about my dad?"

Charles couldn't stand it anymore, he felt that Solim was too procrastinating, this little kid just stunned, and he used nonsense?

"Boy, you have too many questions. Charles strode over, looking at the posture and preparing to do it.

"Charles!" Solim raised his voice, "he's just a kid. "

"Then you'd better hurry. Charles frowned, "Don't forget, there are four more." "

"I know. Solim turned his head to look at the boy, then raised his wand, "So little Shaun, I'm so sorry, I didn't want to do this-"

"You should have done this a long time ago. Charles looked at the boy who was spread on the ground and said to Solim.

"Seriously, it's a very unpleasant feeling. Solim disposed of Sean's memories lightly - very well with memories that had just happened, but given that the subject was a seven-year-old, Solim tried not to hurt him as much as possible.

"—makes us look like villains in a movie. Solim stood up, ready to process Kent wife's memories.

"You're thinking too much. Charles had already dragged Kent out of the back room to facilitate Solim's next move.

"This kind of thing should not be mixed with personal emotions - it is a small piece of advice. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Was it decided?" Solim looked back at Charles.

"It's the most convenient, isn't it?"

"Okay, then a car accident. Solim nodded, and began to revise Kent's wife's memory.

For ordinary people who don't have magical powers, it's fairly simple, at least easier than Solim's modification of his experiments.

"Do you know the Imperius Curse?" Charles asked. []

Solim glanced up at Charles, then pointed his wand at Kent on the ground:

"Out of body!"

Very relaxed. It's much easier than controlling the wizard in the first place.

Kent got up from the ground and walked to the door.390

"Put on your shoes. "

"Your level of this spell doesn't seem to be very good. Charles touched his chin, although he couldn't cast spells, but he didn't have bad eyesight with Ogle.

"As long as it works. Solim took Charles back to the back room, ready to process the traces of their existence.

For the United States, the country with the largest number of cars per capita, it is too normal for people to die in car accidents. Not to mention that wizards won't notice, even the local media won't report on it. As long as Kent disappears, the matter is settled. Because he had a direct connection with Alexander.

"What are you going to do next?" After returning to the car, Charles began to swallow again.

"Ask the remaining four people out and settle them all at once. Solim shook the curved bottle in his hand, which sounded like it contained a thick liquid.

"It's still a wizard's means to save a lot of trouble. "

Charles started the car and caught up with the Cadillac driven by Kent in front of him.

Solim's curved bottle contained the polyjuice potion, and his hair was provided by Kent. Solim had just used the Truth Elixir to extract a lot of useful information from Kent, and it was no surprise that the matter would be settled tonight.

Before that, though, they had to follow Kent's car until they saw a mud truck completely smash the cab of a Cadillac.

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