There wasn't much time left for Solim, Hogwarts was officially off for now, and Solim had been informed that he would officially marry Elena in a week, and that he would have a duel with Dax on the third day of his wedding.

Solim was stunned by this "benevolent" arrangement, and they not only arranged the duel after his marriage, but also gave him another three days. What is this? Let him slow down after having sex?

Solim had to spare a day of preparation before he got married—and it was already rushed. This is what Elrond fought for him, otherwise he would have wasted more time.

Race against the clock, that's where Solim is at the moment. For the time being, everything he did, even the four people in the box were left to the elf to take care of. In order to get more experience from Kent.

Now it's not Solim who is being tortured, it's the trio. In addition to resting and eating, Solim spends all of his time on sparring every day.

If you abuse vegetables for a long time, you will get tired.

Kent finally asked for a substitution on the third day, and replaced Calvin, who had long wanted to try. As a result, Solim was beaten and lay in bed for a day, while Elena took care of him.

The trio were quite happy with the result, and they also needed to rest.

So the three of them began to sneakily circle around the Basque and Ash, Solim had already said hello, they were not worried that the basilisk would burst out and hurt people, and with the level of the trio, the basilisk was indeed difficult to hurt them.

They understand this.

Basilisk scales and venom are good things that money can't get, and the ashes, tears, or feathers of the phoenix can still be barely obtained with the ability of a trio, but the basilisk really can't be found. If you don't take this opportunity to eat a big meal, wouldn't you be sorry for yourself?

Solim immediately offered to give them three basilisk scales and a vial of venom, as well as a small snake fang, and gave them three vials of phoenix tears and three feathers as a friendly gift.

So Solim got out of bed the next day.

He always thought that Calvin had done something, such as a curse or something, otherwise how could he have been lying down for a day because of the Shooting Spell?

This kind of reward for putting all his energy into one thing is quite good, and Solim is extremely happy with the changes he has made in the past few days. He was now able to calmly phantom under the pressure of Kent, and there would be no separation.

With the ability to use apparition shifters at will to evade spells in combat, Solim's survivability has increased dramatically. Especially considering that he still has a phoenix, even if the visible position is recognized by the other party, he still has a phoenix to save his life.

On his last day back at Selwyn Castle, his address book picked up Archibald's request for contact. Seriously, Solim hadn't used his address book for a long time, and he used to covet it, but now if Archibald hadn't used it to contact him, Solim would have almost forgotten that he still had it.

Archibald's intentions were clear, he wanted to meet Solim and, of course, Sewell. Ticiano. Solim knew that the latter was the master.

At this juncture, Solim was reluctant to be distracted by other matters, but when Archibald said that the soft armor made of basilisk scales was finished, Solim happily agreed to meet.

This is not to say that Solim is going to use it in a duel, the basic rule of deathmatch is that no other items other than a wand are allowed to attack, protect, or otherwise function.

Sixty years ago, this rule was only "no other magical items allowed", and the reason why it was changed to what it is now is because of some wizards who have taken advantage of the loopholes.

The First World War had shown many wizards the power of firearms, and since deathmatch rules did not allow the use of magical items, some of the most brainy guys had their minds on these Muggle items - this was indeed not a violation of the rules, guns were not magical items.

Before wizard duels turned into ridiculous situations of shooting each other with guns, the rules were changed so that prohibited items no longer had the prefix "magical" in front of them.

Although it could not be used in the duel with Dax, it did not stop Solim's fiery heart in the slightest.

This is because the soft armor made of basilisk scales can resist the Requisition Charm. That alone is enough for anyone to put down what they're doing and run to Archibald as fast as they can.

Dragon scales are actually okay, but the shelf life is so short, and the conditions for making them are harsh, and no one will want to spend this unjust money unless it is necessary.

Basilisk Scales were indeed Solim's concern, but Sevier. Ticiano's intentions also intrigued him.

Sevier. Ticiano is a legendary Italian wandmaker. This title doesn't mean he's better than Ollivander.

In fact, the two wandsmiths were going in completely different directions.

The House of Ollivander is aimed at the wizarding public, who have chosen to provide the most wizards with suitable wands. Tisciano, on the other hand, only accept custom-made services that are tailored to individual wizards.

It's hard to compare the good or bad of the two, but for individual individuals, Ticiano is undoubtedly the better choice. The wands they make are perfectly suited to their owners and are perfectly powerful, while the wands sold by Ollivander always have to be honed with their owners for several years before they can show their power, and the upper limit is not comparable to such custom-made wands.

Solim thinks that Sevier is undoubtedly looking for him because of the basilisks.

It turns out he guessed right.

In Archibald's lab, Solim met the old man again. Instead of rushing to accept the basilisk scales, Solim was ready to talk about what the legendary wandsmith wanted from him and what he could give in exchange.

"Of course, of course, it makes sense. "

Sevier was overjoyed by Solim's bluntness, and he had been worried that it would be in vain. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"You know, I'm a wandmaker. Sewell rubbed his hands, "All I care about is wands, and the basilisk is something I've never tried...... When I knew you had a millennium basilisk, you had no idea how excited I was!"

Solim quietly glanced at Archibald on the side, specifying that it was the old leaky wind, which must not have run away.

Sevier confides in him that he wants to get a snake tooth to use as a wand, along with the snake blood and venom that strengthens the wand and is connected to the power. In exchange, Solim could order a wand from him for the rest of his life - completely free of charge and with priority in crafting.

"I'm not short of wands. "

Solim was a little unhappy with the exchange. []

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