"It's like the Great Hall of Hogwarts. Sylna looked at the front hall and was amazed, "Do you think there will be an echo when I shout?"

"Alright, stop making a fuss. Elrond clapped his hands, "Nana, you guys are casually strolling around on the first floor, this kid and I have something to do." "

Elrond was busy, and hadn't been idle since he took over the family's business in the United States. He had an important matter to hand over to Solim today.

"What is this?"

After finding a random room, Elrond piled a pile of parchment and small objects on the table.

"This is the contract for the Selwyngrave Joint Stocking Farm. Elrond rummaged through and pulled one out of it.

"This is the escrow agreement, which you signed before. "

Then another one was drawn.

"This is a deed to return the stewardship when you reach adulthood. "

"Wait a minute. "Solim didn't even touch those contracts.

"It's not that I'm co-owned by Elena and ......"

"That's what we said before, trying to stabilize their rhetoric. Elrond didn't look up, "They had a good idea, but I've made them compromise, they gave up on this unrealistic idea, and now it's just a nominal half-owned stake between the two of you." "

Solim tugged at his collar and said nothing.

Pure-blood wizards have more "play" in marriage than ordinary people. The concepts of pre-marital property and marital property have been used by wizards for hundreds of years. Marriages between pure-blood wizard families are often accompanied by the closing of some inheritance, and how to compete for these interests is a problem that every pureblood family must consider.

Sylna will definitely encounter similar problems when she officially gets married in the future: for example, Orvis will set aside several herb plantations in Syrna's name, or they will be jointly managed by the two of them.

Generally speaking, the verbal conventions of pure-blood families when they marry will be observed, but that is when there is not much difference in status and strength from each other. Greif clearly had no room for bargaining with Selwyn, especially since Selwyn had gained a foothold in the United States and co-opted a large number of family and Magical Congress officials.

"Sign these documents first—~—" Elrond began to stack up the parchment, "and finally sign those magical contracts." "

Looking at the quill that had been placed on the paper, Solim could only grab it and get to work.

"Assistance in the Management Agreement?"

It wasn't a problem at first, it was all procedural stuff, but the one signed by Solim was a bit interesting.

"The family can't completely leave it to you personally, you should know that. "

"It's fine, to be expected. Solim shrugged and didn't hesitate to sign his name at the end of the parchment.

The so-called "Assistance Management Agreement" was the reason for the Selwyn family to continue to meddle in the Ream cattle herd after Solim came of age. As long as this agreement comes into effect, the Selwyns can continue to meddle in related issues. Solim had expected this.

How could the world's only breeding farm for Riem cattle be handed over to a wizard who had just come of age?

"What is this?" Solim's face wrinkled, looking like sun-dried orange peel.

"Memorandum of Transition of Management?"

Solim glanced at it and found something that wasn't very friendly—death, accidental death, murder, serious injuries...... and a list of uncomfortable words and phrases, and the intent of this memo is not disguised in the slightest.

In the event of Solim's death, or in any event, if Solim is unable to continue exercising his stewardship, the Selwyns have the right to send additional family members to replace Solim in all of his positions at the Selwyn Greif Joint Stockyard and inherit all rights.

This memo was not to hope for Solim's death, but to swallow half of the shares in his stomach completely. Unless the entire Selwyn family is killed, Selwyn will always own half of the shares.

Solim has no objection to this memo, which can be said to be very unfriendly, and in fact even if there is, it will not help. But then Solim thought of a question-

"Elena, what is the point of her marrying me?" Solim looked at his grandfather, "Her name is neither in these documents nor in the contract, so what is the point of this marriage?"

"Of course it makes sense. "

"If we didn't agree to marry before, how can we intervene in the affairs of their family without being in-laws?" Elrond frowned, but still patiently explained: "The original agreement we made with them was to ensure that the status and wealth of the Greif family would not be seriously affected by external factors, to put it bluntly, to ensure that they would not continue to be encroached upon by Richie's extremely henchmen. There is no reason for our European family to get involved, and marriage can find that reason. "

"It's ...... there"

"They are related to Frederick's army. Elrond pouted, "You haven't forgotten all that information, have you?"

Solim was stunned for a moment, then tried to recall the Greif family insiders he had read a few years ago. []

"Andreas is on our side...... I remember this. Solim held out his finger, "And then there's Christian, who has the most relatives and doesn't have a lot of internal opinions. I don't know about the current situation, but I think Grandpa should have cleaned them up almost. "

"As for Frederick...... Of course I remember, but at the time there was minimal information about them, except that they and Richie were not clear. "

Elrond nodded in satisfaction.

"Yes, that means you're in mind. If I've been working for you over there for years, and you don't care at all, I'm going to punish you. "

Solim sneered and scratched his face.

"If it weren't for the fact that the European side was holding back all their energy, I wouldn't have been able to do it so smoothly over there. "

"Then should I go straight to the U.S. after graduation?"

Seriously, Solim doesn't want to go to the United States. It's okay to go shopping once in a while, but it's okay to stay for a long time. The law over there is (Zhao Zhao) treating everyone equally, unlike on the European side, where the Ministry of Magic only manages ordinary wizard people, and cannot control their thirteen families at all.

Even apparitions in the United States have to be cautious, and you can't have contact with Muggles, otherwise someone may report to the Wizarding Congress that you have a deep relationship with Muggles, and that there may be a risk of leaking the wizarding world, and then you will be invited to the Wizarding Congress for tea......

Although Solim's status will not be treated in this way, inconvenience is certain. There are a lot of stinky rules in the United States, and all kinds of small clauses are so difficult to prevent that you can't even know what's going on and you're breaking the law.

If he could, he would have preferred to stay in Europe.

"The family's arrangements for you are still being discussed. Someone suggested that you go to a subordinate institution to exercise, and someone wanted you to go directly to the United States......"

At this point, Elrond's gaze at Solim was meaningful.

"The old ancestor is thinking about this matter. "。

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