Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 313: Fushou becomes a minister

   Chapter 313

  Bill and Fleur’s wedding scene was filled with magical blue smoke, which looked like a fairyland.

The wedding scene of Pomona and Severus did not have balloons or flowers of various colors, but bubble gum filled with blue bellflowers and various candies, which looked like hemp. The candy kingdom in the fairy tale of Melon.

  The Weasley brothers gave up their share to the Honey Duke in Diagon Alley. Astonia was discussing business in Hogsmeade today. Young Master Draco called her directly when setting up the wedding scene.

Malfoy’s taste is unquestionable. On the scene of other people’s weddings, bees and butterflies are playing in the lawns and bushes. Her wedding is a black fairy. After casting a confusing spell on these nasty little things, they temporarily acted as little fairies. The character, with a small pocket hanging on his body, scattered gold dust everywhere.

  The opening dance of the bride and groom, other guests will only watch. This song, falling in love with you can’t help it, is just a song for them, but it has a special meaning for the newlyweds.

There has never been a marriage between the deans of the two academies, and it hasn’t happened for a thousand years since the establishment of the school. Especially Slytherin, who has a serious tendency toward pure blood, and Hefpaff, who rarely produces dark wizards, broke everything. conventional. But after removing all the external conditions of their status and status, they are just two unmarried men and women. They are wizards, not monks and nuns, and they don't need to serve God. Why should they remain single and obey the precepts?

"They told me that your birth like this shouldn't be so lofty. No matter how hard you work, you are an insignificant little person. You have to learn to bow and kneel. You have no power to anger. You told me that patience is for revenge." They followed. As the music danced slowly, he pressed her ears and said in a voice that only two of them could hear, "Others despise me and step me under their feet, so that they can feel superior. Slytherin is not Hefpa. Husband, a kind college, worthless people, even if they ask for help, the prefect will not help. I have to stand up straight again. I must rely on myself. I am a Slytherin, and I will not blame others like Sirius Black. When I have the time and energy, it’s better to change my attitude and turn the situation around. Lily defends me and does not solve the fundamental problem. She is just a euphoria, but it makes me feel better for the time being. I was a fool at the time and would be happy to bewitched by that little grace. Lily Like Hermione, she is a Muggle species. She chose James Potter as a shortcut. Hermione has to rely on her for everything. Look at her, she is not happy at all, but Lily can laugh with her husband and son every day. She joined the Order of the Phoenix for her own sake. If Voldemort is in power, her Muggle species will be suppressed, and the carefree life without work will be gone. This is the real rights defense."

  Pomona looked at Hermione, she did not seem happy at all, she was drinking punch by herself.

  "Why do you say that to her." Pomona was in a very complicated mood. She was very happy when he said that to his first love, but was he too unfeeling?

"She's a Mudblood, but she's not covered with mud like you. The potion she chose is not herbal. She is very popular in the Slug Club. She wants to get close to me. She seems to want to know more about the Dark Lord. "He sighed. "A failed female spy. Of course she didn't ask anything. Later, Dumbledore no longer assigned tasks to her. He never cared much about his useless people. If Newtska If Mander had no value in using him, he would not shed a tear even if Newt died in the hands of Grindelwald. He was such a person. Without the appreciation of the principal, she wanted to stay in the wizarding world. Dating with James Potter in seventh grade, Lily was much smarter than you, why are you so stupid?"

   "Dumbledore is not that kind of person." Pomona said in a deep voice, "Although he will use the good intentions of others to accomplish his own goals, he is not a cruel and ruthless person."

"Everyone is a chess piece in his hand. Only you are special. He never pushes you to those places where you want to take risks. The 11-year-old Dumbledore pushed them to take risks. It's bitter, let alone the three children. They add up to not enough mouthfuls. He does have a plan for them, but he teaches them how to recklessly take risks. Why would Hermione suddenly tell me that I want to teach her Occlumency? "

"You asked me to clear her memory. I let her choose by herself. This is her choice." She approached the humanoid stove and whispered. "When she cleared the memory for her own parents, she didn't let them choose. Hermione was Their treasures, they will sacrifice their lives to protect, just like Lily James protects Harry."

   "Look, her arbitrariness and disregard of other people's feelings have not changed at all. She thinks she is good to others, but his parents don't think it is good, so don't follow her."

"I do not have!"

   "What's the matter with Hannah Albert?" He said coldly, "You do exactly the same as Dumbledore."

  Pomona looked at Hannah, who was the bridesmaid, and Neville, who was the best man. They were chatting happily. When the dance was finished, the others could dance together. Of course, the best man and bridesmaid should dance together.

  Hannah wears a goose-yellow dress gown, which looks very light, which matches well with Neville’s formal dress. On the contrary, Lavender, who wears a pink headband, looks like an actor on the wrong stage.

   "I thought you would choose Lucius as your best man."

"I urged his son to associate with a girl who had a blood curse and supported peaceful coexistence with Muggles. Do you remember Alphad who sponsored the stupid dog to run away from home? He was removed. Draco is now mine. 'Hostage', if he dares to threaten you, he will lose his only heir. Do you think he will promise my best man?"

"The Slytherin friendship is really distorted." Pomona muttered. It is very difficult for a group of wizards who remember the tragedies of the Middle Ages and Muggles who forget the history of the Middle Ages to live together peacefully. Melon’s horrible pace of progress makes him wary. Malfoy regards Muggles as ants. Only pure-blooded families or talented people can treat each other equally, that is, people who they think are "worthy" will be respected. Make friends like dearth.

  Lucius really valued Hermione, he actually dropped Slughorn and chatted with Hermione.

   "Guess what they are talking about?" Severus also looked in that direction.

   "Gringotts." She said listlessly, "He treats my wedding as a social occasion?"

"Have you never done it? Use other people's weddings as an occasion to introduce your proud students." He said sarcastically, "What a handsome Cedric. He also had a Minister of Magic in his ancestors, who was founded by Eldridge. Luo recruitment plan, why didn't you say how the old guy died when you introduced him?"

  "Who would mention Azkaban at the wedding, oh, hell, you just mentioned it! And it's your own wedding vow!" Pomona yelled angrily.

   "Very moving, isn't it?" He said triumphantly, "When will we go to Gringotts and see if you can pass the identity verification of the Leicester Ranch."

   "What do you want to do?" she said alertly.

   "Look at whether there are other Horcruxes in the vault. Harry Potter patronized the gold cup and forgot to check if there were other Horcruxes."

   "Sniff." She said in front of him, "Your new nickname."

   "I didn't intend to steal from Lestrange's house." The smile on his face quickly disappeared.

   "Where is the letter you found in Sirius's room? I want to read it!"

"In my previous office, it was already emptied." He whispered in her ear, "If you want to collect my information, just use the same methods as last time. Thanks to me, you found the resurrection stone. Is not it?"

  "You just gave me a name, I found other clues by looking for Mongertons."

"It's just a name that contains many things. Pomona Sprout and Pomona Lestrange are two different people. The former is a short, fat and clay-covered benevolent witch, and the latter has ups and downs. You don’t know how happy I am for a beauty with a tumultuous life experience." He smiled nervously and shook his head. "I am still the Patriarch of the Black family now. If it were not a dream, then I would be so lucky. I will always be a company if I continue to hold on to Lily. A sad teacher who can’t even decorate a pumpkin for Halloween, I have everything when I marry you. I can also choose a simple and easy way of living."

  She has a complicated mood. She likes the hard-working and simple Severus.

   "I don't like gorgeous things." Pomona said boringly, "I like a simple life."

   "I know." He said slowly, "That's why our wedding is simple and there are not so many rules."

   "You let Neville be your best man for me, right?" She said gently, "I see your face, you are not happy at all."

   "I thought I gave you enough reason to believe that I did not choose Lucius as the best man."

   "But that's not the reason why you chose Neville as the best man." She sighed, "I said you can correct me if I do something wrong."

"You are not doing anything wrong, why should I correct you?" He slowly stopped. The song was almost over. "I don't support a female werewolf to become a bride of a pure blood family, in case she is like Queen Victoria. If you bring the blood curse into all families that have a marriage, it will not be a family that will fall."

  Pomona was stiff.

  "Astonia’s blood curse is passed on from females to males. The Malfoy family has been the only child for generations. If they have a daughter, it will be a big problem. Do you want to correct this mistake? Sister?"

  Pomona looked at Draco. He was having a buffet with Miss Greengrass, and he didn't notice his mother's ugly face at all.

  "This is my wedding, don't mention this." Pomona smiled and said, "Kiss me, dear."

He complied with kindness, and the music stopped at this time. The guests cheered and cheered. Under the enthusiastic smile on the surface, everyone had their own thoughts. Even the laborious Wei who didn't care much about human affairs couldn't help taking a look at it. A record, it seems that he also feels the magic of that song.

  (End of this chapter)

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