Following Professor McGonagall toward the office, it may be because of his personality. Professor McGonagall did not talk to Mike along the way. Mike was too embarrassed to speak up when she didn't take the initiative to speak, so the two went on silently.

In boredom, Mike had to focus on Professor McGonagall's back. Under his careful observation, he really found something. Professor McGonagall's walking posture is very characteristic.

Every step of her step is relatively large and very powerful. Almost every step she takes will lift the hem of the long skirt. At the same time, Professor McGonagall has maintained the posture of Brother Ang's chest, which seems very aura, even It can be said that it is a female version of the dragon walk.

It stands to reason that a woman walking in this posture would be very unsightly, but Professor McGonagall is not. Mike didn't know how to describe her aura, but the moment he saw Professor McGonagall, the three words "superwoman" would automatically appear in Mike's mind.

Not knowing how long it took, the two finally arrived at Professor McGonagall's office.

"Please sit down, Mike." Professor McGonagall pulled the chair of the desk and sat down, then took out a thick stack of papers from a basket in the corner of the desk and reviewed it, "Sorry, you don't mind me. Talk to you while working?"

Mike shook his head vigorously, showing that he didn't care. At the same time, looking at McGonagall’s pile of documents that are 5 centimeters thick and the documents in the book basket several times this thickness, it seems that most of the administrative work at Hogwarts may be Professor McGonagall. The vice-principal took care of it, and Dumbledore might be a slingshot in this regard.

"Then ask you questions? I am very busy here."

"Well, Professor McGonagall, I actually want to ask what kind of spell Transfiguration is." Mike scowled at the words, "I mean I used Transfiguration when I saw President Dumbledore before waving his hands. Solved the basilisk, and Cedric used a similar technique in my wizard duel with Cedric two days ago, which almost completely invalidated my attack.

I have no doubt that Principal Dumbledore can do this, but Cedric, he is just a student. How did he do it? "

Professor McGonagall stopped when she heard McGonagall talk about the wizard duel. Obviously, she was very dissatisfied with the dueling club Lockhart played, but she still answered Mike's question.

"First of all I have to warn you, Mr. Tonley. Don't try those transformations that may be dangerous. I know that Dumbledore and Cedric may rekindle your interest in polymorphism, but I still want to remind you. You, the most important thing about Transfiguration is to be cautious.” Professor McGonagall said earnestly, “Maybe the tragic stories that I have told you before are like kappa and banshees are too far away from you. As for you cannot understand its seriousness.

Then I will give you the simplest example. You must know the five basic methods of Ganpu Transfiguration.

1. Food conjured by Polymorphism cannot be eaten.

2. Transfiguration cannot take effect on magic items.

3. Transfiguration cannot be made out of nothing.

4. Transfiguration cannot change the number of original items, such as turning a wooden stick into two swords.

5. Transfiguration cannot give permanent life to the dead, like the butterfly we have just changed. Once the remaining magic power is exhausted, it will return to its original state.

These five basic laws have guided countless wizards on the path of transformation for thousands of years, but do you know how they were discovered?

That was all piled up with human lives!

Just like the first one, an unknown wizard once tried to turn a piece of wooden stake into bread and ate it, and then he bleeds to death that night.

After he died, he suspected that he was poisoned, so his friend dissected him and found that all the blood vessels in his body were filled with wooden thorns.

As a result, everyone knew that he died of his own transformation technique. "

After speaking, Professor McGonagall saw that the look of fear she wanted to see appeared on Mike's face, nodded in satisfaction, took a sip from the water glass on the side, and continued:

"And the question you asked, I can tell you very clearly. In order to practice transfiguration to the level of flexibility like Dumbledore and others, in addition to extremely strong magic and mental power, it also needs to be Have an extremely deep understanding.

The first two are not difficult, but the difficult one is the last one.

Transfiguration is the most complicated subject. In order to go further in this course, besides amazing talents, it also requires the efforts and time accumulation beyond ordinary people, otherwise there will be more powerful wizards in the world. So, why are there so few transfiguration masters?

As for Cedric's Transfiguration, I have heard of it, his control is not at all. He was able to achieve the kind of transformation art that resembled Dumbledore completely relying on his family secret art.

That kind of secret technique can give learners an amazing ability to transform in an instant, but the learning conditions are very demanding. As far as I know, the Diggory family has appeared in such a learned Cedric for hundreds of Moreover, the Transfiguration practiced with that kind of secret technique is just a defective product at all, only its form is insignificant, and it is far from the real Transfiguration Master.

To be honest, I still feel sorry for Cedric. Originally, with his talent, it was possible to become a master of transfiguration, but because of the practice of this secret technique, I guess he will never reach that height. .

In my opinion, his father asked him to learn that secret technique, which is nothing but to encourage him. "

After listening to Professor McGonagall's explanation, McMuse started, and at the same time was fortunate that he had rashly tried to improve Transfiguration.

But when he heard the last few words of Professor McGonagall, he felt very speechless.

Is the secret technique that Cedric learned really as weak as Professor McGonagall said?

Please, are they strong enough to burst!

Mike was sure that even if Cedric were to go head-to-head with an elite Auror now, with his superb polymorphism, he would surely be able to consume the opponent to death.

Although I didn't agree with Professor McGonagall's last words, Mike kept a grateful look on his face. After talking about a lot of nonsense about Professor McGonagall's knowledge, Professor McGonagall selflessly interpreting puzzles for students, and so on, Mike finally left the office under Professor McGonagall's increasingly impatient eyes.

Just leaving the office, Mike's face sank.

Although what Professor McGonagall just said made McMaughey start, it did not help how to defeat Cedric, and even the last thought of Mike who wanted to fight with poison was completely annihilated.

Looking at a monster stone statue outside the office, Mike seemed to have thought of something, his eyes lightened slightly, and he muttered.

"Perhaps, it can only be this way..."

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