Harry Potter’s Raven’s Claw

Chapter 300: Christmas Ball (Part 1)

Christmas finally came as promised.

Christmas should be a very happy day for ordinary children, because on this day they can not only eat delicious food, but also receive their favorite gifts.

But for Mike, Christmas is not so pleasant.

There is no reason for him, he has too many friends.

And as you have more friends, the gifts you receive and give out also increase.

This is not to say that Mike is stingy and feels distressed about the money.

The main reason is that this is too cumbersome.

But fortunately, there are two more house elves, Shining and Dobby, around Mike now. When Mike recalled the two, the work on Christmas gifts became much easier.

In terms of gifts, Dumbledore’s gift was a blank delivery list from Duke Bee’s candy store. Mike had already deposited a large sum of Jin Jialong at Duke Bee. Dumbledore could write the candy he wanted on it.

This kind of pick-up list Mike prepared a lot, and it was specially used as a Christmas gift. Those friends who didn't know what to give Mike almost all received.

It's just that their list is different from Dumbledore's list. Dumbledore's list is the only list without a limit, while others have a maximum limit of 10 gold gallons.

To reiterate again, this is not Mike stingy, but Mike is afraid that his friends will eat too much candy, the president's tooth decay.

In terms of gifts, Mike's most attentive gift is still to Cedric and Professor Flitwick.

Among them, the gift to Cedric was naturally the ring. Mike added a lot of light, shadow and image magic as planned, and the sound and light effects were absolutely full.

The dress for Professor Flitwick was a three-cornered hat that he made by himself imitating the lucky hat, and his initials were engraved on the brim of the hat. For this reason, Mike learned how to make a hat.

As for the gift Mike received, there is really nothing to say.

Except for the gifts from the people who knew Mike, the rest of the Christmas gifts Mike hadn't even touched them and let Dobby deal with them.

There is no way. Many pure-blood families now want Mike's life. The ghost knows if those gifts will suddenly burst out of them after they are opened.

Among the gifts that Mike personally opened, the one that satisfies Mike the most is Penello's gift.

It was a scarf she knitted by herself.

This scarf is not exquisite, and even a little fluffy after wearing it, but Mike still cherishes it.

Because Penello spent a lot of effort on it, this can be seen from her rotten hands that were pierced by needles.

Please don't ask me why Penello can pierce his hands when weaving a scarf. Mike doesn't know. I can only say that Penello really has no talent in this area.

In Ravenclaw’s lounge, Mike and Penello, who had been busy all day, were chatting with the rest of the Freemasonry members who had already decided to participate in the dance.

Among them, Soraka became Benjamin’s dancing partner of course. Mike is not surprised at all about this. The two men have been eyeing each other for a long time. Mike even suspects that they have already done what they should do and what they should do when they make potions together. Everything that should be done was done.

Franklin’s dancing partner was Hillary, which surprised many people. After all, Franklin’s strength was not weak, and he was blessed as a member of the Quidditch school team. There were still many girls who liked him.

On the other hand, Hillary's impression is similar to Hermione, who is also a nerd, often hiding in the corner of the library while wearing a pair of dull glasses holding a pile of books.

Everyone was very surprised at the fact that these two people could be together and that Franklin was still in charge of Hillary Clinton. Even many girls who had been rejected by Franklin wondered if Hillary had given Franklin a fascination.

However, Mike still supports the emotional development of these two people. Let’s not say anything else. The names of these two people are very interesting. One is Clinton and the other is Hillary.

This is really...

As for Victor, he is still studying his glorious evolution in the secret territory of the Freemasonry. According to the information provided by Benjamin, it seems that this guy has been experimenting with humans recently.

Thinking of this, Mike suddenly felt something was wrong.

"Benjamin, you mean Victor has already started experimenting on humans?"

Benjamin, who was kissing me with Soraka, immediately turned his head and said:

"Yes, that's what he told me the last time I brought him food."

"Then who did he experiment on? I don't remember that I allowed him to start human experiments." Mike thoughtfully said, "As the person taking care of Victor, what do you want to tell me? ?"


Benjamin was stubbornly speechless. He was busy making love with Soraka recently, and there was no time to pay attention to Victor's side.

"You can't blame Benjamin," Soraka said to Mike, "You have so much work for him, and he can't be busy. Look, he has lost weight recently!"

After watching for a long time without seeing Benjamin’s weight loss, Mike sighed, and decided to check Victor’s situation after the prom. Probably nothing would happen to him. Victor is not a stupid. He still can't do things like experiments on his own, should he...

"Well, gentlemen and ladies, let's not talk about this for now." Mike stood up and said to everyone, "It's almost time, let's put on our dresses and get ready to go to the auditorium."

Everyone immediately dispersed and returned to their respective bedrooms.

Today's Hogwarts is very beautifully dressed, especially the lawn outside the auditorium. There is a huge cave on it, which is shining with little fairy lights, which means there are hundreds of live little fairies inside.

They are either sitting in the rose bushes conjured by magic, or flapping their wings on the statues, which seem to be Santa Claus and his reindeer.

Mike and his party came to the entrance of the auditorium with great strength.

The Franklin boys all wore neatly customized black suits. Among them, Mike's appearance was the best. The short blond hair matched the black suit very well.

Franklin, on the other hand, was terrible. He stood in the dark as if he was wearing Harry’s invisibility cloak in the black suit. If it weren’t for Hillary, who was wearing a lavender dress, was holding his hand all the time. No one could notice that there was still a person standing there.

Professor McGonagall looked at Mike and nodded with a smile, obviously very satisfied.

But when her gaze shifted to Harry next to him, Professor McGonagall's expression immediately darkened.

"Well, come with me, the warriors need to sit with all the distinguished guests."

After that, Professor McGonagall walked away.

Harry's expression was a little awkward.

The dress he was wearing now was prepared by Mrs. Weasley. To be honest, it was more like a dress than a dress. The long skirt and some worn out fabric made him very embarrassed.

Ron beside him was even more unbearable.

The dresses of the two of them were very similar, and they seemed to have been prepared by Mrs. Weasley.

But Ron seemed to have made some small changes to the dress-he used a cutting spell to cut the skirt and sleeves of the dress short.

But Ron was obviously not proficient in the cutting spell, which made his dress full of raw edges, which now looks more like a non-mainstream ripped dress than the dress.

Compared with their dresses, their dance partners' dresses are much more beautiful.

Their dancing partners are the Indian sisters Parvati Petir and Padma Petir. Among them, the sister Pajati, who is nestling next to Harry, is wearing a pink Indian traditional dress, Ron Padma around him is pale green.

Mike is not surprised that Indians will appear in British magic schools. After all, the country is very open to the immigration policy of Indians. Mike guesses this is because India has been a country for a long time. Colonial relations.

"Let's go, Harry." Mike smiled and sent out an invitation. "By the way, your partner is very beautiful."

"Oh? Oh!"

Harry was obviously in a daze, and it took him a while to react after hearing Mike's voice.

On the contrary, it was Parvati, the gorgeously dressed Indian girl saluted Mike after hearing the words, and then said lightly:

"Thank you. Your partner is also shining today."

Mike and Penello looked at each other with a smile, and entered the castle first.

Payati followed Harry, who was still absent-minded.

Payati’s etiquette is almost perfect, which does not conform to the traditional impression that the Indians are dirty and messy.

The family conditions of the two sisters Pettil must be quite good. Their family was originally either a noble or a high caste family in India. This can be seen from their fair complexion and the large amount of gold jewelry on their bodies.

Professor McGonagall didn't bring Mike, Harry and others directly to a small room next to the auditorium, and then told everyone to wait here for a while.

In this small room, the other two warriors and their dancing partners have also arrived.

Seeing Mike and Penello coming to the room, Fleur immediately took up his dancing partner, Ravenclaw Quidditch captain Roger's hand, and gave Mike a vicious look.

The meaning was clear, but Roger next to him didn't notice anything. He still stared at Fleur in a demented manner, and didn't even notice Mike and the others.

Roger felt that he should be the luckiest person in the world at this moment. Otherwise, how could he explain that a big beauty like Furong would suddenly invite him to be his dance partner?

At this moment, he just wanted to keep looking at Furong until he was old.

Mike completely ignored Fleur, and Penello beside him smiled at Fleur from an angle that Mike could not see.

This directly caused Furong to explode, and she instinctively turned her head to ask Roger to speak for him.

However, Roger at the moment was still stupid, and it seemed that his saliva was about to flow out.

"You...you trash! Get out of here!"

The furious Furong pushed Roger away and sat on a chair alone, sulking.

Upon seeing this, Penello's smile became even brighter.

And Harry, his attention hadn't left Krum and his dancing partner from the moment he came in.

"Hermione? Is that you? Hermione?"

Harry asked incredulously.

And his voice also caught the attention of the girl next to Krum. The girl instinctively turned her head, and saw that Harry and Mike were the people, and she smiled:

"Harry! Mike! You are finally here."

"Uh, yes, yes. So, your partner is Krum?"

Harry was still trembling when he spoke, and his eyes were a little erratic.

His dancing partner Payati apparently noticed Harry's anomaly, coupled with the previous report in the Daily Prophet, this made her seem to understand something, and her eyes were getting worse and worse when she looked at Harry.

But Harry can't be blamed, Hermione looks so beautiful at the moment, so beautiful that it's almost as different as usual.

The originally messy and fluffy head was found to have been docile. A beautiful princess head. The normal-sized front teeth also made Hermione’s face extraordinarily cute. Together with the pale pink princess group, at this moment Hermione is like a princess from a Disney fairy tale~www.readwn.com~You are unexpectedly beautiful today! Mike said hello, "You are also extraordinarily handsome, Krum. "

"Crab crabs, the same goes for you, this suit of fat intestine suits you."

Krum's English listening to Mike was taken aback.

He knew that Krum didn't understand English, so he didn't expect Krum to respond to him.

Upon seeing this, Hermione explained with a grin:

"Krum has been studying English during this period. Although his accent is not too standard, he can now communicate daily!"

"It's all for you," Krum said. "Hemien."

Hermione blushed, and she couldn't speak.

When Mike saw this, his brows tightened first, and then he stretched out:

"This couldn't be better, Krum. I have always wanted to talk to you, are you interested in developing in the country? Maybe you can become the product spokesperson for our Los Santos Group."

"Oh Hao Hao may need to think about it."

"It doesn't matter, you have a full academic year to consider. You can come to me anytime after you make a decision."


Krum smiled and shook his hand with Mike. At this moment, he really felt that Mike was a good person! Knowing that he is far away in a foreign country and Hermione is not easy to get along with, but also specially gave him a chance to stay and work in the country!

"Okay! Come with me, everyone, everyone else is already seated, now it's your turn to play!"

Professor McGonagall's voice sounded again, and everyone in the room quickly agreed, and even Harry, who had been in a daze, was awakened.

Everyone began to follow Professor McGonagall towards the auditorium. Mike and Penello walked at the back. He looked at Krum in front of him and his eyes gradually became bad.

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