Harry Potter’s Raven’s Claw

Chapter 335: The Olive Branch of the Order of the Phoenix

| | |  -> ->  Moody is petrified.

   Very thorough, very long-lasting kind.

  Because Mike didn't keep his hands at all, he would go all out and go all out for a powerful petrification spell.

   In fact, when it comes to combat effectiveness, Moody's, the veteran Auror, is quite strong, so he shouldn't just be subdued by Mike so easily.

   But because of Dumbledore’s orders, Moody’s couldn’t make the first move.

   He originally planned to resist Mike's curse, and then he counterattacked reasonably, giving this little kid an impressive lesson.

   The plan is beautiful, but the reality is very full.

   Moody still underestimated Mike's ability, so Moody was set in this room in a funny gesture of holding up his hands.

   Seeing Moody's subdued, Shuke, who was hiding behind Mike, ran out, kicking and hitting Moody with a loyal appearance.

   The petrified Moody's body was as hard as a rock. After Shu Ke kicked and hit at random, he felt sore in his hands and feet, and he had to stop.

   But thinking of his embarrassing look just now, Shu Ke felt puzzled again.

   Suddenly, Shu Ke's eyes fell on the thing Moody was holding, and he smiled maliciously!


   Mike naturally knew that Shuke was avenging his personal revenge, but he didn't say anything.

   Strictly speaking, there is nothing wrong with what Moody said just now. Although his teacher, Professor Flitwick, has now become a knowledgeable and wise scholar, the blood of the duel is still flowing in his veins.

  This has caused Professor Flivy's curse system to always go straight forward, so even with that, my student's curse system has also become that powerful, but monotonous and unusual.

   Originally, Mike didn't think there was anything wrong with this. After all, from the appearance, his current combat effectiveness was indeed too strong.

   But Moody reminded him today, there are no useless spells, only incompetent wizards!

   No matter how sparse and ordinary spells are, as long as they are used reasonably, they can exert unexpected power.

   And about this, Mike actually knew it from Victor, but Mike didn't take it to heart.

   Now being reminded by Moody again, Mike also remembered it.

   Mike's original plan was to ask someone to guide his knowledge in this area. After all, he may not use these ghost tricks, but he has to know.

   And Moody happens to be a very suitable professor.

   But, who makes this guy the smelliest. It's fine to say hello to Mike himself, even if he dared to spit Professor Flitwick, this is something Mike absolutely cannot tolerate.

   Without the teacher Moody, Mike can only start brainstorming alone.

   The first thing he thought of was the "Law Tongue Sealing Curse" invented by Snape like "Shen Feng Wuying".

   This spell consumes very little mana, and it is quite concealed when it is released. Its function is to make the cursed person’s tongue stick tightly in his mouth and cannot move, so that the cursed person cannot speak.

   When Mike first discovered this spell in Snape's textbook, he only thought it was a prank spell similar to a river "fuchsia", so he didn't care.

   But now when I think about it, I am surprised to find that this spell is simply too strong as a battle spell!

   As long as his opponent is hit by this spell in battle, then he can't chant the spell!

   and release the curse, it means that the curse has completely lost combat effectiveness!

It should be understood that this kind of silent curse is not something that everyone knows, and even if the person who has the curse can silently curse, the power of the curse released after silent casting will be greatly reduced, unless he is going to use the'fuchsia clock (the The curse is one of the few curses whose power remains undiminished or even increased after being silently released)'.

   In this case, if the abilities of the cursed person and Mike are similar, then it is still a question of whether the ‘spell stop’ used by the other party can relieve one’s ‘lock tongue and throat’.

   Thinking of this, Mike became more excited, and at the same time, he also put the silent and wandless spellcasting training of ‘Curse Stop’ into daily life.

   He doesn't want to be defeated in the same way in the future!

   Mike thought so absorbedly that he didn't even notice the sun set.

   Until the moon was high in the sky, a sharp and rapid alarm awakened Mike from his contemplation.

Mike, who was awakened, was not too surprised. The alarm sound was made by Moody’s “Screaming Curse (an alarm curse that can remind the owner of intruders around the house)” that Moody arranged around the villa. Due to the exceptional sensitivity of the Howling Curse, it was said that the sound of the alarm sounded at this time represented a visitor.

   At this time, the sky is completely dark, but the room is bright. This is Shu Ke's handwriting.

   Mike sighed and got up to check, but when he got up, his eyes fell on Moody, who was still standing in the room.

   is different from the daytime. At this moment, all the flying in Moody's hands has disappeared, but there is still a smell in the room.

   Mike looked carefully for a long time, only to find that Moody's stiff face was smeared with a dark brown mud-like paste, and this is the source of the smell in the room.

   Mike frowned in disgust, he naturally knew that this should be Shuke's handwriting.

   Reasonable for Shuke to punish Moody, he is happy to see it happen, after all, Moody insulted the person he most respected.

   But this is really disgusting, right?

   Mike glared at Shu Ke dissatisfiedly, while the latter hid aside with a sad expression.

   Carefully bypassing Moody, Mike covered his nose and went to the door, opening the door.

   It was a familiar face that appeared outside the door.

   "Professor Lupin! Why are you back again."

   Mike was a little surprised to say that he still has a good impression of Lupin.

   And Lupin’s impression of Mike is obviously very good, he first smiled politely, and then said:

   "Is Moody still with you? We have looked for him for a long time and haven't found him."

   "Yes, he attacked me, he probably wanted to teach me a lesson." Mike spread his hand and said, "But unfortunately, he obviously underestimated the enemy. So, it became like this..."

   While talking, Mike turned away and showed Lupin the situation in the room.

"Oh! This is really strange!" Before Lupin could speak, a nice female voice came out from the darkness not far away. "A retired Auror hero was petrified by a student! This is so fun, hahaha!"

  The voice was getting closer and closer, and when the laughter sounded, a girl with a hot body appeared in front of Mike.

   The moment he saw this person, Mike was stunned.

   Because the hot girl in front of me has fiery red hair, and the ends of her hair are constantly changing colors!

   There was a strong sense of familiarity. Mike was sure that this must be the character who appeared in the original book, but because the memory was too long, Mike could not remember who this person was.

   Perhaps he noticed Mike's surprised look, and the girl made a face at Mike as if teasing a child.

   Then, something terrifying happened.

   I saw the beautiful face in front of me turned into a furry scary beast face in a flash.

   This sudden change shocked Mike. He instinctively jumped back and shouted at the same time:

   "Wow! wtf!"

   And the girl saw Mike's embarrassed appearance, but she was a prank.

   "Tonks, stop making trouble. Is there anything around?" Lupin hurriedly came out and said, "Hey, Mike, this is Tonks, my own."

   Lupin said this, and Mike instantly remembered the identity of the girl in front of him, ‘Magazine Yirong’ Tonks, as for what this person’s ‘name’ was, Mike still didn’t remember.

'Mags Yirong' is an extremely rare talent. People with this talent can change their hair color and appearance at will. Tonks is even more magical. Her hair color will follow her. Instinctive mood changes.

   And the reason why Mike really remembered this role is that in the original book, Tonks fell in love with Lupin madly and launched a fiery offensive.

It’s a pity that Lupin is a great sage who has never fallen in love. Facing Tonks’s sudden offensive, he first felt uneasy. After all, the age difference between the two is too great. Lupin himself is still a werewolf. Delay Tonks.

   So Lupin never accepted Tonks, and the two died together in the hands of Voldemort.

   "Hahaha, everything around is normal." Tonks said, "You are Mike, and Mr. Lupin often mentions you!"

   Tonks’ voice pulled Mike back from his memory. He gave Lupin and Tonks a meaningful look, and then said:

   "Hello! Come in and sit down. By the way, your hair is so interesting!"

   "I think so too!" Tonks said with a grin, "This is natural!"

   Lupin sighed, Tonks's character was so lively that he couldn't adapt.

   The two entered the villa and finally saw Moody in the middle of the living room.

   While looking at Moody's painted face, Lupin and Tonks were stunned. The two of them stood there blankly. After a long time, Lupin said:

   "I think we better not let him recover first."

   Tonks quickly echoed: "Yes, if he is allowed to recover now, he will definitely demolish this place."

   Mike's mouth was slightly tilted down on the sofa, and he didn't care what they planned to do with Moody. Instead, he asked:

   "How about Harry."

   "It's bad," Lupin frowned. "Although we kept Harry's wand, the people at the Ministry of Magic don't know what they are doing! This is obviously a trivial matter, they are going to make a big deal!"

   Tonks heard that his red hair had also turned dark, and said:

   "Yes, the people at the Ministry of Magic must be crazy. They actually want Harry to go to the Wizengamore court!"

   "Oh, this is really bad news."

   "Who said no!"

   Tonks complained, suddenly thinking of something, he rushed to Mike and said:

   "By the way, Mike. Harry has been moved to a safe place by me, and in view of the attack on Harry, I suggest you better follow us too!"

   Mike raised his head tactically to avoid Tonks's head suddenly poked, and replied:

   "Is it going to the Old Black House at Grimmauld 12?"

"how do you know!?"

   Tonks looked surprised, Lupin helped his forehead and explained:

   "He has a good relationship with Sirius. But Mike, don't you really think about it? Although your strength is good, living here alone is still too dangerous."

   "Yes, and I heard Dumbledore mean, he seems to want you to join the Phoenix..."


   Tonks was interrupted by Lupin when he was halfway talking, and Tonks, who was interrupted, was not annoyed, but instead covered his mouth.

   "Order of the Phoenix?" Mike smiled faintly, "Sorry, I don't think I want to join for the time being. Don't worry about my personal safety. I will ask the best team to protect me."

  As soon as this statement came out, Lupin and Tonks had different ecology.

   The questioning color on Tonks's face flashed away, and he said to Mike in as gentle a tone as possible:

   "Little brother, now is not the time to do what you can, you must know that the current situation is really..."

   "You can do it?!"

   A sharp voice interrupted Tonks’s words. When everyone heard about the reputation, they saw the house elf Shuke jumping on his feet and said angrily.

"Madam, do you know who is standing in front of you now? This is Mike, the chairman of Los Santos Magic Group, founder of the Hogwarts Los Santos Education Program, and the champion of the Triwizard Tournament... Mr. Tangli!"

   Shuke reported a lot of celebrities at once, and directly bluffed Tonks. Tonks blankly turned his head to look at Lupin, seeming to be asking the truth of these things.

   At this time, Lupin’s expression was very complicated, unlike Tonks, he did not treat Mike as an ordinary child from the beginning, because he knew everything about Mike.

   In fact, Lupin even doubted that Dumbledore wanted Mike to join the Order of the Phoenix because he was greedy for Mike’s wealth!

You should know that the Order of the Phoenix was created by Dumbledore to fight against Voldemort. Basically all of its members are extraordinary, and such a sophisticated team ~www.readwn.com~ consumes considerable resources and wealth Astonishing.

   Although Dumbledore is the strongest white wizard today, he is not a rich man. His personal wealth is very poor, so the Order of the Phoenix is ​​actually very hard.

   And if Mike does join the Order of the Phoenix, then the funding issue...

   shook his head, Lupin threw off the dirty thoughts in his mind and said:

   "It's right, Mike is indeed a big entrepreneur."

   Tonks' hair began to change randomly, and she pointed at Mike with a shocked look on her face, "You, you," no one could say anything for a long time.

   Finally, Lupin came out to make a relief.

   "Mike, since you have decided to do this, then we will leave."

   After all, after Mike nodded, Lupin used a spell to lift the petrified Moody. A set of Tonks wanted to continue talking to Mike, but Lupin didn't stop it with his eyes.

   Mike smiled and sent the two to the door. Lupin carried Moody, while Tonks looked at Mike with a worried expression and said:

   "You have to be careful! If you have anything, remember to come to Grimmauld 12 to find us as soon as possible!"


   Mike’s smile is even brighter.

   "You have to cheer, it's hard for someone to handle it."

   Hearing the words, Tonks’ dark hair turned pink quickly, and he shivered and lowered his head shyly.

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