Harry Potter’s Raven’s Claw

Chapter 370: corruption

The Christmas I spent with the Freemasons was very happy, especially Victor, although his anthropomorphic mech did not support even ten minutes in the confrontation with Mike-this is because Mike did not use the mass destruction magic. In the case of curse.

   But Victor was not discouraged. He thought that the reason why he would lose so badly was largely because he couldn't think sensibly like a machine, so he wasted too much energy.

   So, he once again proposed to Mike to reform his brain.

   Of course, Mike did not agree.

   After the Christmas holiday passed, the Hogwarts classmates also ushered in another thorny issue-the beginning of school.

In the auditorium, Mike, Franklin and others were enjoying their first meal after returning to Hogwarts. Because they had "comforted" Penello for several days during Christmas, Mike was in a good mood, eating while paying. Humming a little song.

   But the other classmates beside him were different. They were all frowning, and even ignored the richer breakfast on the plate than before.

   In Mike's view, this is completely a manifestation of school phobia.

  In the past, this symptom never appeared in Hogwarts students, because for many ordinary little wizards, the campus life in Hogwarts was much more interesting than the life in their small families.

   But this year is different, because there is an annoying professor in the school—Umbridge.

   "Damn it, we will be the Defense Against the Dark Arts class in the first session this morning! It's so annoying!"

   "Hey! Stop it! Do you feel uncomfortable for me? I still have five days of confinement that I haven't executed. Now school starts, Umbridge will definitely continue to come to me!"

   "Hey! *2"


   Listening to the sighs of the surrounding students, looking at their desperate look, McDonald shook his head silently and withdrew his gaze.

But at this moment, a large group of owls suddenly flew in from the hall. They were clutching packages one after another and hovering over the heads of the crowd. They would drop one from time to time like a bomber undergoing air raids. Package, people can't help but want to escape from this dangerous place.

However, the only people who really put their ideas into action are the first-year students who have just joined for a short time. Old students have long been used to this kind of scene. They are very confident in the throwing skills of these owl messengers-they will at most take you. Breakfast smashed, but I won’t smash the package on your head.


With a soft sound, a bundle of newspapers was thrown on the dinner plate in front of Mike by the owls, but the food on that plate had already been wiped out by Mike, so there was no food leftovers or soup. splash.

   The owl who dropped the newspaper looked disappointed and hovered over Mike's head for a while before slowly leaving.

   and Mike opened the newest Daily Prophet with a calm expression.

"Shock! Hogwarts Principal Dumbledore was taken away by Auror last night, suspected of being deeply involved in a case of embezzlement of public funds! 》

   As soon as he opened the newspaper, the conspicuous headline in magnified and black lines caught Mike's eyes.

   Mike was taken aback first, and then he continued watching.

   At about 17:37:42 yesterday, the famous white wizard, the principal of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, the president of the International Federation of Wizards... was taken away by the Auror in the office of the principal of Hogwarts.

   According to Rufus Scrimgeour, the head of the Auror office who led the team, Dumbledore was reported to have embezzled public funds several times during his tenure as the principal of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, resulting in insufficient school funding.

   So they will take Dumbledore back to the Ministry of Magic for the next interrogation.

   And another key member of the Ministry of Magic, the Ministry of Magic sent Hogwarts Senior Inspector Ms. Umbridge, said that Dumbledore was the one who reported it.

During her tenure at Hogwarts, she found that many senior students often encounter insufficient materials when they study potions and other courses that require a lot of expensive materials. This is something she cannot understand because the Ministry of Magic and the school every year Dongs will send a large amount of supplies and Jin Jialong to Hogwarts, and it is reasonable to say that this situation will never happen.

   So she investigated the matter, but without thinking, she discovered the secret of corruption by the principal Dumbledore.

   At present, Ms. Umbridge said that she has a lot of evidence, and she will definitely return all teachers and students at Hogwarts to fairness!


   Closed the newspaper, the expression on Mike's face was a little weird.

   Because many of the things Umbridge said in the interview came from him.

   But this is not the point of the matter. The key now is that Dumbledore has left Hogwarts again!

   Mike turned his head and looked around. Unexpectedly, most of the students around him became agitated. Obviously, he had discovered the explosive news in the Daily Prophet.

   After finishing the tableware, Mike walked directly outside the auditorium.

Dumbledore’s arrest was undoubtedly Umbridge’s revenge. It is estimated that Dumbledore himself never thought that Umbridge’s revenge would come so quickly and with such a strong force, it turned out to be directly brought by the Ministry of Magic. Left him.

   But things have happened, and now it's up to Dumbledore to get out as soon as possible, otherwise Hogwarts will soon become Umbridge's words.

Mike’s morning class was on ancient magic literature. The professor of this class had obviously heard the news of Dumbledore’s arrest, so he seemed absent-minded during the class, and the things he taught were scattered, basically the whole process. Distracted.

   In fact, it is not just her, the classmates in the class are also constantly discussing this matter, and many girls even have red eyes.

   After class, Mike was blocked by the three of Harry.

   "Mike! Have you heard that?"

   "You mean Dumbledore was arrested?" Mike said to Hermione, "Of course, I saw that article early today."

   "Umbridge should be happy now," Ron pouted, annoyed, "Hogwarts is hers again!"

   "I don't think it is necessary to worry too much."

  As soon as these words came out, everyone’s eyes fell on Harry.

   "Dumbledore should be out soon. After all, people like him can't commit corruption. This kind of false accusation won't defeat Dumbledore. So we should be concerned about another thing!"

"what's up?"

   "They are hiding something from us!"

   Harry approached Mike's ear and lowered his voice.

   Mike and Ron looked puzzled.

"Remember when Mr. Weasley was attacked by a snake? I had a dream at the time, and I was the snake in the dream! It was a wonderful experience, I could clearly perceive all the feelings of that snake , Including its thoughts!" Harry said, "So I know very well that the snake was not directed at Mr. Weasley at all. Its target was the things in the room behind Mr. Weasley. And Weasley Why did the husband show up in that place in the middle of the night? Doesn't it smell good to sleep at home? So, the answer is already obvious. Mr. Weasley must have been..."

   "...watching something!"

   Harry and Ron gave the final answer in unison.

"This is not the most terrible. I discussed it with Black. We all think that the python that attacked Mr. Weasley was sent by Voldemort! In other words, the person who really wanted that thing was Voldemort! "

   Hearing the words, everyone present was stunned, while Ron looked around, his face nervous, as if he was afraid that others would know that Harry had called that person by name.

   Suddenly, Hermione next to her slapped her palm violently, and then as if she had remembered something, she put this morning's Daily Prophet in front of everyone.

   "The clerk of the Ministry of Magic died of unfavorable life"

   St. Mungo’s Hospital pledged last night to conduct a full investigation into the death of Broderick Bod, an employee of the Ministry of Magic.

   Forty-nine-year-old Mr. Bode was strangled to death on the hospital bed by a pot of plants. The therapist failed to rescue him.

   Mr. Bode was injured in a work accident several weeks ago.

The therapist Melim Straw, who was in charge of Mr. Bold’s ward at the time of the accident, was suspended for pay and was not interviewed. According to reliable sources, Mr. Bold was killed entirely because someone regarded a devil's vine as an ordinary Gave him his potted plants.

  At present, we do not know the exact source of this devil vine, but there is no doubt that the management staff of St. Mungo’s Hospital bears an unshirkable responsibility...

   After reading the entire report, Ron looked envious and said:

   "Paid suspension? It's great, I want to find such a job in the future."

  Hermione gave him a blank look, poked hard at the picture of Mr. Bod in the newspaper and said:

"Why is your focus so weird? Take a good look, this Mr. Bold we have seen before! It was in the ward next to Mr. Weasley, just lying there staring at the ceiling. We also saw the Devil Net, at that time The therapist also said it was a Christmas gift!"

   "Oh! Doesn't that mean that if we could look more closely at the time, Mr. Bold would not..."

"Come on, we can't be blamed for this. After all, who can think that the Devil.net will pretend to be an ordinary potted plant?" Ron retorted Harry's words, "The person who gave the gift should be blamed. Who made him Stupid enough to not even know what I bought."

  Hermione rolled her eyes again, and Mike said:

   "I think this shouldn't be an accident. After all, no one is really stupid enough to give a devil net as a gift to others. So this is murder, a very clever murder!"

   Harry and Ron took a breath when they heard the words, and Hermione snapped his fingers:

   "Mike was right! And I also inquired about some interesting things there. Mr. Bold was working for the Department of Mysteries, he was a silent man!"

   Ron exclaimed again, and Mike nodded, only Harry was still bewildered.

"The Department of Mystery of the Ministry of Magic is just like its name. This is a place that specializes in mystery experiments. The people in it specialize in researching curses, prophecies, space, universe and even time. The employees inside have signed confidentiality. Agreement, you can’t mention anything in it. So the employees there are also called silent people.” Mike said, “I understand Hermione’s meaning, you mean Voldemort (Ron shivered again) ) What they want is likely to be placed in the Department of Mysteries, so they will try to torture and kill Mr. Bold, right?"

   "Yes, that's it!"

   "I don't think we can solve this alone. We'd better tell Dumbledore and let them handle it."

"I told them!" Harry suddenly raised his voice. "But they just said they knew, and they didn't want to tell me anything! Especially Dumbledore, he seems to be very cold to me lately, and he just said that at Christmas. I was forcibly ordered to stay in St. Mungo’s Hospital, and now I am going to learn Occlumency from Snape. I guess he must think I’m crazy!"

   Hermione's expression immediately became very exciting when he said this, the corners of Mike's mouth rose slightly, and Ron was shocked.

   "What? He asked Snape to teach you?" Ron said, "This is terrible. Snape's old bat will definitely torture you."

   "Who said no. Hey! I'm going to his office for the first class tonight. I really don't know what to do."

   "Uh, I don't think you know what kind of curse Occlumency is? Harry."

  Hermione asked slowly ~www.readwn.com~ The expression on her face was a bit embarrassing, and Harry shook her head inexplicably.

"Occlumency can seal the user's brain, so that spells that can invade the brain, such as dementing spells, are invalid. This is an extremely difficult spell. To learn it, you must have enough magic power. It also needs extraordinary talents." Mike explained, "I have to say that although Professor Snape is not very good in character, he is indeed a very talented wizard. In the Occlumency spell, He can be regarded as a master. So Harry, I think Dumbledore is very interesting to you. The master wizard himself teaches you Occlumency. There are not many opportunities like this."

   Hermione nodded hurriedly and said that if she could, she even wanted to take Harry's place in Professor Snape's class. As long as she could learn Occlumency, even if Professor Snape scolded her or punished her, she would accept it.

   It's a pity that Dumbledore doesn't think she needs to learn this spell.

   "But...but I..."

   Harry looked unconvinced, it could be seen that he was racking his brains to think about the reasons for the rebuttal.

"Anyway, Harry," Mike said, "you should try to learn it first. Although Snape and you are very uncomfortable, it will be worth it if you can learn Occlumency. If then you really Can't lose weight, you can make your request with Dumbledore again, can't you?"


   Harry gritted his teeth, and Mike's words really made him speechless.

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