Harry Potter’s Raven’s Claw

Chapter 507: The 4 Elements of Riot

After thinking for a while, in order to prevent Mike from misunderstanding what he meant, Draco could only shook his head first, then nodded again:

"To be precise, it was because the Malfoy Manor was destroyed. As you know, most of the wealth of a large family like Malfoy is actually hidden in their own homes, and now, those wealth also follow. My manor was destroyed together. At the same time, that person's attitude towards my family has also changed. During this period of time, he has been attacking various properties of my family. The addition of these things led to the decline of the current Malfoy family. Slater Lin's classmates were so indifferent to me because they saw this. Similarly, I would be divorced because of this."

Draco spoke slowly, his tone of voice was flat and his mood did not change.

But just in the narration of Dandan, there was a sorrowful smell slowly radiating out.

Pansy, who was on the side, had already cried silently, and her family had fallen, so she felt the same for what Draco said.

It's just that Draco suddenly changed his conversation, pretending to be relaxed:

"Actually, I don't blame Greengrass. After all, her family's recent situation is also very bad, and there is an urgent need for an external family to give it a blood transfusion. The reason why she was engaged to me was also because of this, so now Malfoy has lost her It’s also normal to divorce. I believe this is not what she meant. I met her and she is a very nice girl..."

Draco was still talking, but Mike's expression became extremely weird. He really didn't know what to say about Draco.

Pansy, an infatuated girl, is right in front of him. He is actually saying good things about other women here?

It is a miracle that he can find a wife like this!

Mike turned his head instinctively, and as expected, Pansy had stopped crying long ago, and the boss with the red eyes seemed to want to rush to strangle Draco!

But I have to say that Draco's luck is still very good, just when Mike felt that Pansy was approaching the limit of endurance, he saw him sigh deeply, and then said:

"Seriously, I am not at all sad about being divorced, on the contrary, I am a little bit happy. Although Greengrass is also very good, I don't like her at all! And this time I can see clearly Many people, especially you, Pansy. I like..."

Draco's words stopped abruptly, and Pansy reached out and covered his mouth.

"There is no need to say it, Draco," Pansy said blushing. "It's good that we know it in our hearts."

After speaking, he glanced at Mike secretly.

This makes Mike feel very speechless. Is this a light bulb now?

But despite this, Mike asked Draco:

"So, you didn't tell anyone that the Malfoy family has loyalty to me, right?"

As soon as Mike said this, Draco saw Pansy suddenly startled before he could speak, and screamed:

"What! Draco! You can... he is... but..."

Pansy didn't come out for a long time, and Mike guessed that the vicious curse words in her mouth had been suffocated and uncomfortable, afraid that Draco would be affected by her mouth.

And Draco was also a little scared at this time, he hugged Pansy and blocked him behind him.

This made Mike sneer. He stared at Draco's eyes and said:

"Draco, do you know what these Slytherins look like to me now?"

Draco froze for a moment, and asked instinctively:

"What is it?"

"A bunch of trash." Mike's mouth rose even more sharply. "Slytherin's advocacy of honor has been promoted by them as discrimination against others, and they have been distorted by them as a way of adversity, bullying and fearing hardship. .

However, this is fine.

Since they will abandon you because you have lost your wealth and power, one day when these things belong to you again, they will also gather like flies that smell.

When it comes to power, I am not much worse than Voldemort.

Go ahead, Draco.

Tell them aloud who your current owner is, so that they understand that the Malfoy family has not fallen, but gained even stronger power because of their allegiance to me!

Go ahead, Draco.

Let them be loyal to you again and let them know who is the boss! "

Mike said with a grandeur, Pansy's eyes on the side had already lit up, but Draco seemed a little hesitant, he was silent for a moment, and then said with difficulty:

"Forget it, Mike. I actually..."

"Do you think I am encouraging you?" Mike said with a cold face, "This is an order, I need you to be the king of Slytherin, then you must do it! Unless... you want to tell me you are a Useless waste!"

Draco's face instantly turned pale, and he was deeply stimulated by Mike's words.

But Pansy's reaction behind him was extremely quick. She suddenly broke free from Draco's arms, looked at Mike with piercing eyes and said:

"We will do as you say!"


"Okay Draco! Haven't you seen it yet? This is our best opportunity. Do you want to be so despised forever?"

Draco was silent again, he nodded in satisfaction, and said with a smile:

"If you have any difficulties, go to Franklin. I believe he will be happy to help you."

After that, Mike didn't look at Draco and Pansy's reaction, turned his head and walked outside the classroom.

For Draco, he only had that little hope.

The more difficult things are somewhat reluctant with Draco’s ability. After all, Draco is still a spoiled child after all. Although he is gradually becoming mature after experiencing some things, it is still Not enough to be alone.

And after solving Draco's affairs, Mike, who had been idle, returned to his bedroom again.

Whistling, Mike sat down at the desk.

The leisure time has passed, and it is time to return to work.

This work, naturally, is about triggering riots.

You must know that for today, Mike has paid a lot. Now he is not only willing to defeat Voldemort. He wants to change the world, wants more power, wants to make the pure bloods fall to the throne, and even Therefore, he still wants to control this country.

And now, it is time to take the next step for the greater good.

The corners of Mike's mouth kept rising. As a former American, he was really familiar with things like riots.

To paraphrase the words of a celebrity in a previous life, no one in this world understands riots better than him.

Mike knows that four conditions must be met to use a small matter to trigger a large-scale riot.

1. The incident must have a simple cause and effect relationship and be easy for people to understand, otherwise the foolish people may not be able to empathize because they cannot understand it.

2. The incident must directly reflect an existing social problem and resonate with most people.

3. The social problems embodied in the incident must be able to arouse the anger of some people.

4. It is better to have items that are convenient for dissemination, such as videos or photos.

As long as these four conditions are fulfilled, relatively speaking, it will be easier to start a riot.

But it's just relative terms. In the eyes of excellent rulers, these are just small tricks, and they have countless ways to eliminate these seemingly critical tasks.

Regarding this point, the countless conspirators in the previous life have already proved it with their lives.

But the wizarding world is different. Mike doesn't think that guys like Kingsley can compare with the politicians of previous lives.

No, to be precise, Kingsley would not even have the qualifications to give shoes to politicians if he wanted to talk about methods and tactics.

In such an environment, Mike's actions will become much simpler.

This is also the reason why Mike asked Penello to find some low-level Muggle wizards, because the most acute problem existing in the current magic society of the country is pedigree discrimination.

With such fierce social problems and the all-round support of the Los Santos Group behind him, Mike is sure to directly defeat the Ministry of Magic in one fell swoop.

Of course, in Mike's eyes, the reason why things have become so simple is entirely because of the wizards themselves.

You must know that this is a more deformed society than the United States in Mike's previous life. The pure-blood wizards in this wizarding society actually only occupy a small proportion, and the rest are all composed of Muggle wizards and even mixed-blood wizards.

But compared to the social status enjoyed by pure-blood wizards, mixed-blood and Muggle wizards have always been discriminated against and oppressed.

Such a society in the Muggle world should have been overthrown long ago, but it has continued to operate in the wizarding world for thousands of years.

Perhaps in the eyes of many people, this is a very unbelievable thing. How could anyone allow others to **** and pee on their head for thousands of years without resisting it?

Mike had the same reaction the first time he heard about this, but there are countless possibilities in this world, let alone in the wizarding world, even in the Muggle world there is such a country, that is neon. .

As we all know, Neon is one of the few countries in the world that still retains the royal family, and their nominally supreme ruler of the royal family is the Emperor Li.

But what most people don't know is that the royal family of neon is a legend.

Their family created the only dynasty in neon history, the Chrysanthemum Dynasty.

Different from its neighbors, this chrysanthemum dynasty, known as the one-line family, has never been cut off since its birth in 660 BC. It has lasted for more than 120 generations on the small island country of Neon for more than 2,600 years.

Although the rule of the Chrysanthemum dynasty in modern times has existed in name only, it was only the result of external force majeure interference, otherwise the current neon is still in power.

There are different opinions on why the chrysanthemum dynasty lasted for such a long time, but the most widely spread and the easiest to accept is that God enjoys food.

Neon is a small island country with unique advantages. Its island country status allows it to be protected from aggression by other countries, and its small terrain and sparse population are also conducive to rule.

The two characteristics of being undisturbed and sparsely populated are also in the wizarding world.

The only difference from neon is that because Muggle wizards often join in, the wizarding world is not as closed as neon.

But the wizarding world has an advantage that the neon nation does not have, that is, extraordinary power!

In the wizarding world, where there are extraordinary powers, personal force is the absolute mainstream, and too strong personal strength will forcefully suppress the voice of the group, which leads to the fact that although the bottom has long been resentful, the strong at the top of the pyramid The resistance of these people under suppression is not at all painful.

Of course, due to the large base of Muggle wizards, some super powers will naturally emerge.

In theory, these strong men should fight for their compatriots, but in fact, none of them has succeeded at all for so many years.

The reason is also very simple. These powerful men from Muggle wizards are growing up and their class status is constantly changing. Purebloods will continue to use friendship, love, family affection, wealth, power and other methods to restrain them. Living with them, this has led them to become the vested interests of the system after they have mastered the power to change the world, and they naturally stand against their compatriots.

Lily, Harry Potter's mother, is a good example.

Lily’s talents amazed all the professors who taught her, but in the end she went after love, married James Potter, abandoned her original identity and became a member of the pure-blooded noble Potter family. .

I have to say that this is really a pity, she could have become a super strong to do more things.

It can be said that the wizarding world has been slowly developing in this strange balance.

But now, this balance has been broken!

Mike appeared among the Muggle wizards, and now the two strongest combat powers in the magical world of the country are also hurting, and even the Ministry of Magic itself is also badly hurt!

Such a good opportunity is a rare encounter in thousands of years!

Mike thought so, and the smile on his face became more and more presumptuous.

But at this moment, the freemason gold coin in his chest suddenly shook.

Mike quickly sorted out his emotions, and then took out the gold coin and said:

"Penello~www.readwn.com~ what's wrong."

"Mike, after screening, we have found the target person." Penello's slightly tired voice came out, "Of course, we also found a few alternative targets. There are countless Muggle wizards in miserable situations. I I believe it should be enough for you to choose."

Mike nodded and said casually:

"There is no need to be so troublesome, just choose the worst one."

"Uh, that's the problem, Mike." Penello's voice began to deform. "Each of them is miserable. Seriously... I don't know how to describe it, I believe you still It’s good to see for yourself."

Mike fell silent suddenly as if thinking of something.

After a long time, he sighed and said:

"I know, I'll come here."

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