Harry Potter’s Raven’s Claw

Chapter 513: Still not stopped

In Hogwarts' responsive room, Mike was sitting relaxed on a soft sofa, looking casually at a group of prospective Los Santos security employees who were practicing the spell in front of him.

Their training is very fortunate. Since magic is a mixture of physical, mental, emotional and other strengths, although Mike did not ask them to train their physical stamina, they will be tired every time they go through this many spells training. Fell to the ground.

And when they were sweating and training, Mike or Zhou Hong would stay not far away from them while drinking tea and watching them quietly.

This behavior is just like eating iced watermelon in front of other people during their military training! Especially Mike and Zhou Hong often show expressions of enjoyment.

However, it is a pity that five days have passed, but neither Mike nor Zhou Hong was beaten, and they were not even stared at.

This is a very strange phenomenon, but in fact it is easy to understand.

After all, Mike and the others can't beat him. Forcing him to force his way can only take his own humiliation. Moreover, for this period of training, Mike paid overtime wages, a very high overtime wage!

It is even so high that these prospective employees can be forced to move their bodies without training until they are exhausted.


Mike sitting on the sofa gulped all the hot coffee in his cup, then let out a long sigh of heat.

Now it has been nearly three days since the crowd was forced out of the Ministry of Magic Hall. It has to be said that those Aurors are indeed very bad. They were obedient to the order to drive people out of the Ministry in order to prevent these people from being there. Assembling again, instead of throwing people out as others expected, it was over. Instead, the people were divided into several parts, and then they were thrown away in some inaccessible wilderness!

This is an extremely despicable practice.

Because many people among those thrown out were injured because of the previous attack by the Aurors, and this approach of the Aurors directly caused them to lose the first opportunity to receive treatment.

Fortunately, Mike dispatched a rescue team in time when he learned of the situation, otherwise, with the Muggles whose magic level is not high enough, the injured group will peel off if they die.

After the Aurors violently suppress such a major event, it stands to reason that a large newspaper such as the Daily Prophet should report overwhelmingly the next day.

But the fact is that, so far, Mike has not said that he has seen relevant reports, and even the previous reports about the encounter of the Loya family and the appearance of people in the Ministry of Magic Hall have all disappeared.

But Mike was extremely calm about this, because he had long expected things to become like this.

After all, the traditional large-scale newspaper of the Daily Prophet is essentially the megaphone of the Ministry of Magic. In fact, the reason why the previous newspapers ignored Kingsley’s request to report related matters, except for Kingsley’s own lack of authority. In addition, the py transactions that Mike made with the Daily Prophet and other newspapers in advance also played a very important role.

And now that the Orthodox Minister of Magic Scrimgeour has returned, and Mike has stopped the transaction, it is easy to understand that the Daily Prophet returns to its former appearance.

Of course, although large newspapers such as the Daily Prophet were warned not to report on these things, other tabloids did not care so much, and began to publish relevant news under Mike's money offensive.

It's just that the tabloids are only tabloids after all. Even if they publish desperately, the social impact they cause is far less than that of the previous report in the Prophet Daily.

This move is undoubtedly a direct cut to the recruiting channels of Muggle wizards. Nowadays, even though they have been treated so cruelly, they still have not given up. Instead, they have broken up and started in Diagon Alley, Hogmore De and other wizards began to march, but the Ministry of Magic did not let them go. As long as they dare to go to the streets to make trouble, a large group of hitters or Aurors will come from all directions, beat them up and throw them again. To the wilderness.

After doing this many times, the Muggle wizards are now in desperation, and many of them have given up.

And Mike, who had been observing everything in secret, praised Scrimgeour's actions.

He really didn't expect that Scrimgeour, a guy from the army, had such a high level of political attainment.

If this was just an ordinary riot, maybe he could really resolve it so easily.

After all, everyone in society is very forgetful now, no matter how serious it is, as long as the time passes a little longer, they can't help forgetting it.

However, it is a pity that this riot is extraordinary, and Mike hiding behind this incident has not taken any action yet!

Thinking of this, Mike couldn't help but cocked his legs.

Now he still holds the biggest hole card in his hand, that is Emily, who has recovered from the injury and is extremely cooperative, and the video of Benjamin pretending to be a common worker in Los Santos and saving Emily.

Once these two cards are played, then Muggle wizards from all over the country and even in Europe will know that the Los Santos Group is a good group that really favors Muggle wizards!

Then, after waiting for things to ferment for a while, when the people in the country are about to be unable to hold on or their emotions reach the extreme, they will jump out and show their attitude of standing with them to the death, then the heart will be gained.

At that time, the power in Mike's hands will become extremely terrifying!

Clenching his fist, Mike then stretched his hand to his neck, ready to inform Benjamin and others outside that it is time to start the next step.

But before he could get the Freemasonry gold coins, Zhou Hong ran over in a hurry, picked up a newspaper and stuffed it directly into Mike's arms.

Then, panting, he picked up the teapot on the side and started pouring fiercely.

Mike did not blame Zhou Hong for his rude behavior, but directly picked up the newspaper in his arms.

‘This is a daily prophet. ’

Mike made this judgment as soon as his hand touched the newspaper.

No way, he has read too many newspapers these days, and he will almost never forget the touch of the special paper used by the Daily Prophet.

And when he really picked up the newspaper and started to check the contents, he realized why Zhou Hong was so anxious just now.

Because the Daily Prophet wrote impressively about the judgment results of the three Aurors involved in the Loya tragedy-all three were in prison for life! (Note: As the Azkaban Prison is still under repair, the three Gu Xian first returned to the Ministry of Magic Temporary Prison for detention.)

The corners of Mike's mouth rose slowly.

He really dozed off and came to the pillow. He was now worried that his plan would not have the original effect. Now the Ministry of Magic immediately sent such a gift. How could he not be surprised?

"Benjamin! Can you hear me Benjamin!" Mike hurriedly took out the Freemasonry coins and started shouting, "Give me the second plan immediately, the sooner the better!"


Listening to the sound from the freemasonry gold coin, Mike nodded in satisfaction, then glanced at Zhou Hong who was still drinking water and the prospective employees who had been hard-training. He leaned back comfortably. He collapsed on the sofa again.

At the same time, the Muggle wizards who are preparing for the next round of activities in Diagon Alley have also seen this edition of the Daily Prophet.

Suddenly, the crowd who had been a little lifeless because of the continuous suppression of the Aurors regained their vitality.

Countless people didn't even care that it was in a public place, and directly cursed the Ministry of Magic!

And it is amazing that many passers-by on the street, after hearing their curses and inquiring about what happened, even joined the team scolding the Ministry of Magic, including many mixed-blood and even pure-blood wizards!

But this is also normal, because the things done by the Ministry of Magic and even the Wisengama Council are really outrageous!

Especially when Voldemort fell for the first time, the Death Eaters arrested at the time almost filled the entire Ministry of Magic, but only the most stubborn part of them was actually imprisoned in Azkaban prison. The rest of those who did not stand firmly regained their freedom after paying a great price.

After regaining their freedom, these people not only did not reform, but continued to show off their power and live the same life as before, and even often show off in a very secretive way. The most famous example is Lucius Malfoy. Everyone knew that he was a Death Eater who killed countless, but he didn't receive the punishment he deserved.

The most commonly used reason for exemption was that the person involved was not self-conscious when committing the crime and was in a state of being controlled by the Imperius Curse.

This caused the impression of the Magic Law Enforcement Department and the Wiesengamo Council in the hearts of the people to the extreme.

It also made them feel that when they heard the familiar excuses again, they couldn't help but give birth to the idea that these people from the Ministry of Magic were playing them as fools.

If Mike knew their inner thoughts, he would feel aggrieved for the Ministry of Magic. You must know that no matter what the purpose is, the Ministry’s verdict is completely correct this time, and some of the verdicts were too heavy. Because the three Aurors were indeed controlled by Zhou Hong.

It's a pity that even if Mike said it himself, no one believes it now, and the crowd on Diagon Alley is extremely angry!

Since the Floo network of the Ministry of Magic has been mostly closed, and some of the remaining ports have been strictly checked, the angry crowd cannot flood into the Ministry as before.

But this does not mean that they will give up. These people quickly reacted and began to march on Diagon Alley as originally planned.

Although doing so according to past experience will definitely attract strong suppression by the Aurors, they have ignored them at this moment. Even if the Aurors do come, they will fight to the end!

And when they started walking along the road, some of the shop owners who were still in the shop watching the excitement suddenly received some notice, and hurried back to the shop, took a piece of special parchment paper and pasted it outside. Above the walls.

This sudden change naturally attracted the attention of the crowd, and when they looked at the sheepskin curiously, the expressions on their faces froze.

This is actually ordinary parchment printed with magical images. If you just want to say that there is something special about them, it is that they are all high-quality goods, the kind with sound.

And at this moment, a scene is playing on these parchments. It is a sweet-looking girl who is telling the camera in tears!

"My name is Emily Cavendish, the daughter of Loya Cavendish, and I am not dead. It was my father's former colleague who worked in the Los Santos Group who saved me, but he paid for it. Life! I have been receiving treatment at Los Santos Group these days. This is a good company with very good people, especially their boss McTorry and..."

As Emily spoke slowly on the parchment, people's emotions were quickly mobilized.

Among them, Emily's cute and beautiful angelic appearance has played a very important role. Everyone in this world is face-controlling. Facing a beautiful girl who is crying to you, few people can be indifferent.

Sometimes they felt fortunate that Emily was still alive, sometimes angry at the beasts of the three Aurors, and sometimes saddened by the Los Santos employee who had sacrificed bravely.

At the end of the video, it was the disguised Benjamin rushing into the wooden house and fighting the three Aurors.

Looking at the man who kept Emily under him firmly even though he had died in the fire, many people in the crowd shed tears.

The picture on the parchment stopped abruptly in the flames, and then began to repeat.

At this moment, the mood of the crowd was also pushed to the extreme. They roared loudly and took out their wands. Today they are going to make a big fuss!

Upon hearing the news, the two Auror teams were immediately dumbfounded.

They originally thought this was an ordinary expulsion mission, but they didn't expect to hit the gun.

One of the Aurors quickly reacted~www.readwn.com~ and started requesting support from the headquarters through the chest communicator, but before receiving a reply, the crowd started!

"All petrochemicals!"

"The front teeth match is great!"


"Except for your weapons!"


Numerous spells spewed from the crowd, although most of them were mischievous spells with extremely low power, but this number is really too exaggerated!

Under the effect of so many spells, these well-trained Aurors didn't even hold up a single face, and they lost their fighting ability.

But the angry crowd was not very satisfied with this. Amid the deafening roar, angry wizards with red eyes surged up, and they soon drowned the Aurors completely.

And all this was seen by Benjamin who stood on the tower of Gringotts.

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