"After being exposed, this wave of gank can only be given up."

As soon as the colonel finished speaking, Kanavi left the grass on the road.

If Aoun really doesn't give him a chance, there's nothing they can do.

At this time, it is somewhat abstract to clear a tower with full health Ornn. Ornn just came out from home and replenished a wave of armor.

When playing against Jingdong's upper jungle, you must pile up armor like crazy in the early stage.

After a while, Ornn's ultimate move will probably be ready, and it will be more difficult to jump over the tower, so there is no need to waste time on the road.

Chen Ke's [Eagle Strike in the Sky] shines a light on the opponent's jungler, not only allowing his top laner to die once less.

Indirectly helped him get the first blood tower.

Once killed on the road, the two people on the opposite side can use the vanguard to push the tower directly.

After being interrupted by Chen Ke just now, the Duke finally ate two layers of tart crust.

Now that the person is not dead, as long as he is kept firmly under the tower, it is impossible for the other side to forcefully push down the tower.

As long as he buys a little time, Chen Ke can push the tower in the bottom lane.

Now the AD equipment gap between the two sides of the bot lane is quite large, and the laning intensity is very high.

It is already difficult for the two bottom laners on JD.com to get out of the tower.

As long as Chen Ke's midfielder teammates come over to put some pressure, or even show their heads or disappear in the lane, then the two players in JD's bottom lane will have to retreat quickly.

If the person dies, the tower will still have to fall.

It's better to let the tower save his life.

The first blood tower was successfully obtained. When the laning period ended and he came to the middle, Chen Ke already had ruin + attack speed boots + yellow cross on him.

When it comes to the level of luxury equipment, there is no problem that it is definitely the best in the game.

But Chen Ke still didn't dare to be careless.

No matter how fat you are in the AD position, you will melt away if you are caught by the opponent.

Otherwise, if you don't say a sudden death, you may be overturned by the opponent in a direct match.

The whole G2 team also understands it very well. The vision on both sides of the middle is pretty good, so there is no pressure on Chen Ke to push and develop in the middle.

"Ouch, be careful with this arrow!"

Chen Ke took a break from pushing the line and shot an arrow directly towards LokeN.

He knew that the purification time on LokeN was still almost over, because of the fierce team battle just after the bottom lane.

Although LokeN didn't die in the end, he used all his two moves.

If this arrow hits, he will be in danger in the middle.

Even the senior colonel became nervous when he saw Chen Ke making a big move.

LokeN was also quite scared, but he still used his subconscious reaction to move and avoid it.

"Oh, fortunately, the arrow missed."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief when they saw that Chen Ke's ultimate move was empty.

LokeN cannot die at this time. If he dies again, the middle tower may be gone.

The reaction of the audience was similar to that of the commentary, and even the green man behind LokeN broke into a cold sweat.

Looking at a game as a whole, it is normal for the ice ultimate to be empty.

But this Chen Ke's ultimate move is too abnormal, and so far he has hit every target.

It would be fine if it was shot close to the face, but it can be shot from a very long distance.

As soon as you take action, you will feel like you have something.

When I saw that Chen Ke missed, I felt weird.

This person only plays on high difficulty, right?

The one that is close in front of you cannot hit, but the one that is eight hundred miles away can penetrate your soul.

Fortunately, after the arrow was empty, there was much less content about "opening" on the barrage.

Chen Ke had indeed opened it, but no one could check it out.

Anyone with a sane mind knows that this kind of competition equipment has been checked in advance. It makes no sense to say that technology is turned on.

But you can’t watch live barrages with your brain.

Chen Ke didn't care, he made a profit if he won blood, and it wouldn't affect anything if he lost.

When the BGM is not playing, even if he has the bonus of [Penetrating Yang with a Hundred Steps], he cannot have a 100% hit rate.

Subsequently, both sides found their own rhythm, but overall, G2 had the advantage.

By the 15th minute of the fight, we already had an economic lead of 3,000.

Especially after Chen Ke came to the middle, JD.com, the second vanguard, failed to win.

Using the second Canyon Pioneer, G2 pushed down JD.com's first tower in the middle.

After the first tower in the middle fell, Jingdong became more passive in terms of the situation.

At 18 minutes into the game, Chen Ke came out of his home and went to his jungle area to get a red buff.

If this performance is not good, then the red buff Qian Jue will definitely eat it himself.

We are all shooters, how can you, Han Bing, take the red better than Qian Jue?

But now that Chen Ke is performing at the level of a big daddy, that's another story.

After getting red, Chen Ke saw that there was no wave line in the middle, and Caps just came over and pushed the wave line over.

Chen Ke simply planned to go over and kill the stone beetles.

If you play AD and don't farm in the jungle, you are absolutely unqualified.

Until now, Chen Ke has been fighting alone, and he is still too honest.

What Chen Ke never expected was that as soon as he came over, he saw that the stone beetle was empty.

No one comes to clean it at home. In this case, it can only be stolen by the other side.

Chen Ke couldn't figure out whether it was Kanavi or the toothpaste that did it.

It is normal for Kanavi to invade the jungle, and he will find opportunities to do so even in disadvantageous situations.

But this wave is actually a brush with toothpaste, and he has been leading the lane in the bottom lane.

I didn't have this intention at first, but I came over anyway when I saw that I almost didn't have enough money.

After brushing, he squatted in the grass and was about to go back. When he saw Chen Ke coming over, Toothpaste suddenly became interested.

Chen Ke now has a 500 bounty on him. Who can see this and not be tempted?

Toothpaste's development is quite average. After the wave of death in the early stage, the lane has been suppressed and it is uncomfortable.

If he could get Han Bing's head, it would really take off.

When the colonel saw this scene, he suddenly became excited: "Toothpaste seems to have a chance this time. He can steal Han Bing Da."

Cat King added: "And the flash on the toothpaste is still there."

"If I can squat down enough to kill Han Bing, I think the disadvantage will be restored."


Toothpaste thought so too, but he didn't act rashly.

The best thing is to wait for Chen Ke to come over and he will come out of the grass to pull E.

As long as Han Bing is controlled, no matter how poorly developed he is, he can still be killed alone and still have a flash on him.

Chen Ke is not stupid. The stone beetles are gone and there is no need for him to go there.

He directly hit it with an E skill and took out the toothpaste.

When Toothpaste saw that everyone was being photographed, there was no need to hide anymore, so he used his big move to steal Chen Ke's big move.

Chen Ke kept pulling back, knowing that Silas could not be touched by this wave.

Fortunately, he has both moves now, so he doesn't feel any pressure.


Seeing Toothpaste E coming over, Chen Ke's ultimate move flew over.

The same goes for toothpaste, which came out almost at the same time.

He deliberately used the E skill to move up a section and then zoom in, just to shorten the distance and not give Chen Ke room to move.

It doesn't matter if the control time of the ultimate move is short, as long as it can hit or activate the skill.

The two magic crystal arrows even met each other in the air and flew in their respective directions. The picture looked quite spectacular.

This wave, this wave is genuine versus pirated.


PS: Brothers, there will be an update later, so don’t worry.

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