
"Sent it, sent it!"

"Made is really disgusting. What on earth is Jingdong doing?"

"It's all fucking acting."

"Kanavi has started to serve the country loyally again, right?"

"Brothers are joining us, and the opposite team is the European team."

"This team really deserves to have no fans. The more important the situation is, the more it falls behind."

"Let's congratulate G2."

"At level one, you can give three heads to the opposing EZ. How do you play this?"


After finishing the first-level group fight, I had a heart attack for everyone to see.

Heizi can also spray a barrage.

Fans who truly support the LPL were speechless, and some even turned off the live broadcast.

Especially those who hate Chen Ke.

After the first level saw Chen Ke take three heads, he really didn't dare to think about what would happen next.

As long as I turn off the live broadcast, I won't be able to see Chen Ke killing randomly.

Chen Ke took two steps back and hurried back to the city to replenish his equipment.

Three heads, one thousand yuan on the body, it would be in vain if they didn't go back to replenish equipment.

For Chen Ke, the thousand yuan is a bit embarrassing now.

Because Yaoguang's price is 1,050 yuan, Chen Ke is now fifty yuan short.

One Ale is missing.

The money you have now will not automatically increase over time.

Let alone fifty yuan, even if it is one yuan short, it will be very uncomfortable.

It’s impossible to wait for money, it’s too late at all.

In the original time and space, the reason why A Bin was able to shine at the first level was purely because the captain could go out with the first level blue crystal.

Blue Crystal went out just to make Yaoguang as soon as possible. After spending 700 yuan online, she could go home.

The captain, a hero, needs to have a radiant light to feel more comfortable in the lane.

As a result, the first-level team happened to win two heads in that game, so they collected 700 yuan.

But the hero EZ cannot do this. In the current version, most of them use level one Dolan Shield.

Even the goddess rarely goes out in tears, let alone the blue crystal.

Chen Ke felt that there was not much pressure on the line, so he just went out with Duo Lanjian, carrying only a bottle of blood medicine.

Selling a bottle of medicine only costs 20 yuan, which is still a lot of difference.

If you want to shine at the first level, there is only one way, and that is to forcefully sell the Dolan Sword.

Chen Ke thought for a while, and it seemed that it was not necessary.

If there is no Dolan Sword, it would be a bit uncomfortable to miss the little bit of attack power for the last hit in the early stage.

It’s also good to be able to buy Goddess Tears at level one, as it speeds up the process of stacking demons.

In addition, add a 350 long sword and real eyes.

Chen Ke didn't have obsessive-compulsive disorder, and he didn't force himself to spend the thousand yuan he had.

After purchasing these items, they will be sent online directly.

Now the minions are almost on the line. If you walk over, you will probably lose close to a wave of minions. Fortunately, EZ brings teleportation.

After the bomber on the opposite side was resurrected, he also teleported online directly. It was equivalent to both sides using teleportation, but there was no time difference in teleportation.

After coming online, Chen Ke was still very comfortable in the lane.

It's hard to put pressure on the hero Bomberman. Without flash, even if he clears troops quickly, he won't dare to press the line.

As long as Chen Ke reaches level two and has [Arcane Leap], he won't panic even if he is pointed out by a female tank.

And after finishing level one, Kanavi's jungle area also suffered a heavy blow.

He must ensure his own development in this game, and it is difficult to engage Chen Ke in the bottom lane.

Your own bot lane has already chosen Bomber, so it doesn't seem necessary for you to forcefully help him catch people.

After Chen Ke reached the second level, he entered the finishing rhythm.

Jingdong’s bottom lane is already very careful in laning, which is completely different from the top lane.

LokeN spent most of the time hiding behind the minions, not giving Chen Ke a chance to QQ himself.

Chen Ke doesn't have any good ideas. With the accuracy of his skills, he can occasionally find opportunities to Q Q the opponent.

Most of the damage hits the female tank.

Generally speaking, the bot lane laning was relatively stable and nothing substantial was achieved.

This situation is completely acceptable to Chen Ke.

Don't forget that EZ is a hero who is a bit rubbish in the early laning. If he can get three kills, Chen Ke's power period will come early.

So there is nothing to worry about at this time, as long as you can hold it steady.

The line was filled with last hits, and the tears of the goddess kept stacking up, making it almost impossible to get out of the defense tower on the opposite side.

After the first-level passionate interaction, the game calmed down.

Jingdong deliberately doesn't cause trouble, and everyone is developing.

G2 wants to keep the rhythm going, but this lineup still has to rely on the midfielder to find opportunities in the early stage.

Although he won the first level and got three heads, the heads were all with Chen Ke.

The upper, middle and jungle sides are all assists, and there is not much improvement in the early stage.

In addition, flash is used. If the opponent is relatively stable in the early stage, it will be difficult to find opportunities.

After the game went on smoothly for a few minutes, the colonel couldn't help it anymore: "After the first level, I thought Jingdong had just cracked."

"I didn't expect that even after hitting him, they managed to stabilize him."

"Yes, I think if we continue at this pace, there is still a chance."

"We can see that the economic lead on the other side is not much, just a few hundred dollars."


Three heads plus one blood is only a thousand yuan.

After the laning started, both sides began to develop normally. Except for the bot lane, JD.com did not fall behind with any CS.

In the jungle, even when the male gun is counter-buffed at level 1, the number of jungle clearings now exceeds that of G2 junglers.

The most outrageous thing is that the Duke on the top lane is still leading the last hit.

In addition, the captain has additional financial income, so it seems that there is no financial backwardness.

Jingdong’s lineup can accept small disadvantages in the early stage, as long as it doesn’t explode.

Many people saw this and began to send messages to their friends who had just finished watching the first level and turned off the live broadcast.

Come back quickly and continue watching, there is still more to play in this game.

Chen Ke's side was developing steadily. Seeing that he had a good opportunity when he was about to reach level six, he returned to the city to replenish equipment.

When this wave comes home, Yaoguang first takes it out in his hand to increase his combat power.

After there is a glow, the next step is to focus on making the Demon Sect, and the second one will be the Ice Fist.

After going online, Chen Keping QQed the green hair while taking away a melee soldier.

It can be seen that the damage is much higher than before.

Jingdong’s bottom lane is still stable and they still don’t give any chance.

However, Kanavi's addiction relapsed. After the jungle regained the initiative, it was uncomfortable not to resist the jungle.

When he came to the upper half of the jungle of G2, he was caught by Wan Hao.

He wasn't too afraid of just one big player, but it was a bit uncomfortable when Silas came to support him in the middle.

"Run, run, don't die."

"This Silas cannot be beheaded."

“Zoom is so big!”

"Wow, I ran away, as long as no one died."


The whole time Kanavi was being chased, the commentator felt like he was on a roller coaster.

Fortunately, the male gunman flashed on his body, and E and R could move. At the same time, the captain also provided a big support.

Only then could he barely save his life.

Chen Ke could almost see everything that happened in the first half from the bottom lane.

There is no pressure on the lane. After pushing the lane, cut the screen to see if there is any impact.

It's a bit of a pity to see that the male gun has lost so much health.

Chen Ke glanced at the fresh ultimate move in his hand, and his smart brain began to work rapidly.


After taking two steps back and reaching the grass, [Precision Barrage] flew toward the opponent's spring!


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