In the first group, representatives of the Baidi family and the first meeting family were selected.

After that, the warm-up ceremony began.

Only two people stepped on the ground, and then raised their hands, their palms were turned outward, which means that they did not hide or carry weapons.

Then they gargle their mouth with some water, wipe their bodies with some paper, and sprinkle some salt on the round soil surface. This is a kind of thing called "power water" and "force paper" to show cleanliness and mutual respect.

Then, two people squat to confront each other, about 70 cm together, four eyes round stare, very imposing.

In the end, they seem to be standing up and lucky. If they are not smooth or lucky, they will continue to squat down and get up again.

Chen Feng felt fresh when he saw the scene. The whole venue was quiet. It was a kind of competitive sport, but it was also an elegant career.

Although these sumo wrestlers are fat and fierce, they must be pure, warm-hearted, broad-minded and, of course, modest.

"What is your class of strength?" Chen Feng asked curiously.

These sumo wrestlers are fat and white, and their breath of Qi and blood is very huge. Chen Feng speculates that the physical strength of these warriors is estimated to have reached the peak state of Refining Essence and transforming Qi.

The peak state of refining and transforming Qi! What is the concept? If you are in China, you can be regarded as a little master of Neijia boxing.

Of course, they use pure physical strength. This kind of strength is not full of hot blood of martial arts practitioners, but a very pure and introverted force.

Chen Feng guessed that maybe this is the sumo wrestler is more powerful than ordinary people.

"These are all cultivated by our three families, and we can't play without a big level," he said

Chen Feng suddenly, the great pass is so powerful, then the most powerful horizontal Gang, is not to reach the point of refining Qi and transforming God?

In other words, the horizontal class of sumo wrestlers, may be able to compete with tolerance?

Baidi Zhenzhi said in a low voice: "Chen Feng, the strength of a strong man and a ninja are not equal. After all, Ninja is much more flexible, and he is also proficient in various body skills and fighting skills. The strength of horizontal section is the same as that of Zhongren, but it can't be the opponent of tolerance, otherwise we will be in chaos here."

Chen Feng smile, express understand.

Sumo as a popular sport in Japan, there are large-scale competitions all over the country, and so many people have been engaged in this sport.

There are many people who can possess the rank of Daguan. If all of them have the strength of tolerance, it will be too terrible.

Fortunately, they are only equal in strength and tolerance, and the others are far from threatening normal humans.

Just like boxers, many of them are very thin, but their fist strength is very terrible. It is easy to punch and kill people. Therefore, on the field, because their fist itself is defined as a weapon, they can't do it casually.

However, Chen Feng found something strange. The sumo wrestler of the Baidi family is 1.9 meters tall and weighs 160 kilograms. Take a look at the sumo wrestler of the family, which is 1.8 meters tall and weighs only 120 kilograms. It seems that there is a big difference in their body shape.

Chen Feng paid close attention to it. The average height and weight of the sumo wrestlers in Baidi family are generally higher than those in the clothing department and the first time. However, in terms of momentum, Qi and blood breath, Chen Feng is not as good as the novice and Fu family.

Baidi Shangye saw Chen Feng's doubts and said with a wry smile: "Chen Feng, you don't know, these sumo wrestlers are cultivated with the best resources, or we have to cultivate them like this."

"What do you say?" Chen Feng asked. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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