The great hall of the Buddha escort every five hundred years in the Shenguan Temple is being held. This time the escort is a fat-eared young monk who is about 20 years old.

The monks who came to observe the ceremony were all standing in the great hall, and even the square outside the hall was crowded with people’s heads. It was the abbot of Shenguan Temple who presided over this ceremony, and all around those sect disciples arrived.

After the whole ceremony passed the dust, he handed a jade slip to the young monk in front of him and gave him a face-to-face instruction in front of everyone. Afterwards, the Buddha Yingji dísciple, selected long ago, was taken from the main entrance, with great momentum along the way for fear that others would not know it.

At this time, the foreign cultivators in Shenguan City also went to the Shenguan Temple to watch the excitement, but it is not known how many of them will be unruly.

As for the entire escort ceremony, there is no silhouette of Yi Tian. At this time, the deity is staying in the Golden Land Cave Mansion and retreating. It didn’t take long for a message of jade slip to fly into the ban. After Yi Tian reached out and took it, his gaze swept away, and the many jade slips that were going to be visited in front of him were put away, and along with beckoned, he recalled the gu gu hiding beside the Spirit Beast bag. in.

After ten breaths, stand up and slowly walk out of Cave Mansion moved towards a dilapidated monk’s room in Shenguan Temple. Not long after I walked, I heard the sound of chanting in the room ahead, but outside the room, it was Monk Chen Chen standing at the door, with infinite love and expectation on his face.

When I saw my arrival, he stretched out his hand and made a soft gesture and then sound transmission said: “Junior brother is here, come and see the Buddha Hong Min sent to my Shenguan Temple this time.”

Yi Tian glanced at it in a blink of an eye, and then the eyes were filled with incomprehensible colors, and then stared carefully for a long time, and sighed in his mouth: “Sure enough, it is the reincarnation body of the sages, and the Senior Brother Chen is really amazing. I found such a dísciple. Although he is only a thirteen-fourteen-year-old, his cultivation base has reached the Foundation Establishment Early Stage. Would you like to have extraordinary talents.”

“I am ashamed that Hong Min was my Master in my previous life, my cultivation base. It passed through to Avatar in the later period, so the merits and blessings left by his previous life are naturally extraordinary,” Liao Chen continued.

Yi Tian listened to the azure light flashing in his eyes and then used the pupil technique. He looked up and down Hong Min, and saw that he was in his early five feet, and his face looked like an underage child. It’s just that there are some golden light of Buddha faintly blessed by him, even if he doesn’t use the pupil technique, he can’t detect it.

I want to cultivation the Buddhist Sect reincarnate and recultivate cultivation technique more than a hundred years later, but the golden light on my body is not so strong. I am shocked and deeply admire this Buddhist Sect reincarnate and recultivate cultivation technique. Sure enough, there is blessed by heaven. The advantages.

I think that the dust will follow this path in the future. If you don’t make any progress on the cultivation base, you may also choose to pass away, reincarnate and recultivate.

Then I saw him turning around and gently checking his head moved towards himself, and then opened the mouth and said: “Actually, I also have a trace of selfishness. This time I trust Junior Brother Fu.”

“Senior Brother don’t worry, I will do my best to protect Hong Min during this trip, but I don’t know how to walk along this road?” Yi Tian asked hurriedly after returning the gift.

“My younger brother, don’t worry, this trip is not ten thousand li or so. I have already informed Hong Min about the general route, so that he can walk the whole way down-to-earth,” Liao Chen face doesn’t change replied.

After the two had finished speaking, they heard that the sound of chanting in the inner part was over, and then there was a Great Buddhist Monk in the Buddha’s infant stage explaining to Hong Min what. The person who wants to come here should be Hong Min’s mentor, and also a dísciple of dust.

Slightly later, Yi Tian converged the spiritual power and suppressed the cultivation base in the Foundation Establishment Late Stage. He changed his body and slowly walked in like a Kutotuo. At the same time, Chen’s words came from my ears: “This is my dísciple’s right to release, and he will directly arrange the next thing later.”

After listening to Yi Tian, ​​I noticed the dust silhouette behind him. It disappeared, I’m afraid he will secluded cultivation again afterwards. After turning around and moving towards the forbidden area, Yi Tian slowly walked into the room.

When Shi Quan got the dust, he certainly knew the identity of the person in front of him. Just when he wanted to pay a salute, he saw Yi Tian with a smile on his face and gestured. Then he took Hong Min out and handed it over to his own hand, and then repeatedly asked Hong Min to pay attention to the following matters along the way.

After one hour, Yi Tian took Hong Min out of the side door of Shenguan Temple, and the two rushed to the port on the river outside the city to wait for the boat.

According to Chen’s statement, you can’t use a spatial flight along the way, you can only walk through the ten thousand li road on foot. It’s just that Yi Tian thinks that walking on a dry road and walking on a water road are the same and it’s not a foul.

As for Hong Min Little Monk in advance from the Master’s release point to teach him that the person in front of him is also a bitter from the Foundation Establishment Late Stage, and is responsible for taking care of his daily life along the way. But going out for the first time always has a plot that is difficult to give up in the homeland, and the unfamiliar people in front of him are also quite uneasy.

After the two got on the boat, they waited for one hour to start the ferry slowly. After starting from the river outside Shenguan city to the river entrance ten miles away, they changed to a large merchant ship again.

Fortunately, I bought a ferry ticket before going out, but according to Hong Min’s meaning, the monks should have done their own work and should not bring any money with them. Along the way, I show my sincerity by walking over with my own cultivation base and physical ability.

Yi Tian is also unknowable about this, but he just promised him to take a boat for a while, and then he will not take the boat again when he arrives at the next stop in a foreign town.

At this point, Hong Min looked awkward, but nodded to accept it, and then found a free space in the public warehouse to sit down and close his eyes and relax.

Yi Tian quietly released the divine sense after meeting, and swept all around, and later discovered that the strongest cultivator on this ship was just the Golden Core Stage, and it was still a Foreign Race people.

More than half of the entire ship is packaged to the Chamber of Commerce to transport supplies. Fortunately, most people here have a low cultivation base and it is impossible to see through their disguise.

When I was rejoicing, I suddenly heard a sweet voice in my ear: “Shipman, I have a batch of supplies to be boarded in Chamber of Commerce.”

The shipowner obviously did not expect it. When this unexpected situation occurred, he immediately looked at it and shouted: “The main warehouse can’t fit, let the people in the warehouse squeeze, and pile up all the things that can’t fit in the warehouse.”

Yi Tian looked up and saw that the man from Chamber of Commerce was a female cultivator dressed in her twenties. His strength was in the late Golden Core stage, but his face looks a bit similar to Wan Jiaolan, which is probably related.

I heard everyone call her Wan Er shopkeeper, it is estimated that she should be Wan Jiaolan’s sister. And the large packages of materials they transported are ordinary low-level spirit plants, which are not even human-level materials in their eyes.

After listening, Hong Min on the side slowly got up and moved to the bow deck together with everyone. Looking back, the big cabin was quickly filled with supplies, and there was only a place to sit. One third is not there.

Yi Tian also reluctantly shook his head and walked directly behind Hong Min to a space on the deck and sat down first. After the ship’s cabin was full of cargo, the ship sang and set sail.

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