Heir to top wealthy

Chapter 1046 is never left

In the thick night, we have no expression in the week.

In an instant, an amazing domineering is exuded, and everyone is completely stunned.

Gao Qiang was screaming in the night, Zhou Long, Zhou Jian brothers showed a horrified expression, couldn't believe that Zhou Yun would be so embarrassed.

He has lost everything, and he will not hesitate to abolish his feet.

The brothers did not ban back, and the heart was tightly jumped.

Zhou Yun's head slowly lifted, and the eyebrows showed a strong angry, especially the eyes, very fierce, exuded as the same light as the sword.

Gao Qiang's horse was frightened and retreat, and the gun in his hand became a waste at this moment, and he did not dare to use it.

"Mom, what is done, I am not killed by me." Gao Qiang screamed loudly.

Li Hui and others reacted, and even the guns picked up in the hands of Zhou Yun, Lin Qingxue shot.

"If you don't want to die, despite shot." Zhou Yun low silently said, suddenly spreading an amazing waves, and he scaven Li Hui and others all down.

The gun in your hand becomes a waste, and there is no effect at all.

A high-hearted head, a strong fear, fast, Zhou Yun is really too strong, they are not opponents.

Zhou Long, Zhou Jun brothers two were not right, hurried to turn and wanted to run.

Shu, Zhou Yun moved quickly, turning his way, stopping their way.

The two people have a tightness, and the face looks at Zhou Yun's back, and the heart is getting worse.

Especially the domineering from Zhou Yun, is like a situation in their faces, and suddenly woke up, even though he lost everything, but indeed domineering still.

As long as he wants to do, it will definitely do without hesitation.

Especially in order to protect their beloved women, they will be fearless, and everything dares to do.

They dare to treat Lin Qingxue this evening, which is undoubtedly self-linked.

The brothers tried to make you calm, Zhou Yu whispered: "Zhou Yun, don't forget that you have nothing now, if you dare to do, it will definitely be more miserable."

Zhou Long also said loudly: "Yes, you have n'thing wrong, not let go."

"Nothing?" Zhou Yun gently rushed, strong domineering seems to be surrounded, becomes abnormally suppressed, and it is unable to breathe.

"One is nothing is temporary, I really thought that you have won?"

"Go back and tell Zhou Yongsheng, Laozi is ready to recover everything that belongs to himself."

Zhou Yun turned around and his face was domineering.

The brothers were shocked, and they couldn't believe that he would say this.

Also let the brothers feel more frightened, he wants to recover everything that belongs to him, if you say this, they still don't care.

He said that he said, he will definitely do it.

"Give me." Zhou Yun lowned.

The brothers looked at each other in the past, and turned away and hurriedly ran away.

Zhou Yun's eyes were abnormally staring at Gao Qiang, slowly walked, Gao Qiang saw scared that the sweat of Bean was quickly drained from the forehead, endured back.

Shuo, Zhou Yun went to Gao Qiang, steeled on his head, low and drink: "After, dare not dare?"

Gao Qiang hurriedly asked: "Zhou Yun, spare me, no longer dare."

One tense, he actually scared the two legs flowing out of the yellow liquid.

Zhou Yun gently snorted: "Okay, I will spare you, but you must first abolish you."

Swash, Zhou Yun kicked around the Gao Qiang's two legs, Gao Qiang once again sent a painful voice, and felt that the lower body moment lost perception, Zhou Yun really went wrong with him.

Zhou Yun did not look at the great eyes, but turned to the intersection to sweep Li Hui and others: "Take him."

Li Hui and others looked at Gao Qiang and hurriedly, hurriedly took him up, and he ran away.

Slowly recover quietly in four weeks, Lin Qingxue excitedly looked at the scene, and the domineering from Zhou Yun was completely exactly the same.

It seems that he is still the world of Zhou Yun, or the Zhou Yun, which is holding hundreds of millions of commercial empire.

For a time, Lin Qingxue's heart beat, as if I ran over, I took into his arms.

But she had hesitatedly stopped, but I feel that the feet seem to be nailed to the ground, standing straight.

Too much, Zhou Yun cares for himself, for himself to sacrifice everything.

But look at her, and add trouble to him.

Lin Qingxue slowly lower, but felt that he didn't dare to see him.

"Don't be a stupid thing in the future." Zhou Yun went to Lin Qingxue, gently glanced over the hair of the flourishing and chaotic hair, and a strong warmth is full of warmth.

Lin Qingxue nodded, touched to the eyes, it was wrong, it did not leave him.

Gently slammed, Zhou Yun hugged Lin Qingxue in his arms, whispered: "You are my only, no matter what happens, I will never leave you."

"Sorry, Zhou Yun ..." Lin Qingxue whispered.

Suddenly, there is no sign at all, Zhou Yun lightly kissed on the fascinating red lips of Lin Qingxue.

Lin Qingxue is slightly closed, and it takes the initiative to kiss.

In the night, two figure hugs together ...

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