・ Allen

hero. I am from Kurena Village. The name of the previous life was Kenichi Yamada, 35 years old in the previous life. Make use of the only rare skill summoning technique.

Born as a serf, he was a servant of Baron Grande Vermont and became a guest of the Baron Grande Vermont. Sweet tooth. It was named after a monster named Albaheron.

Her appearance is beautiful with black eyes and black hair. I'm thinking only about bad things.

仲 間 Allen's friends

・ Klena

Childhood friend of the house next to Allen. The same age as Allen. Sword sacred. Blue eyes with pink hair. Born as a serf, he became a commoner with the reward of his lord.

・ Dogora

The son of a weapon shop in Clena Village. The same age as Allen. Use an ax. Potato face. Brown hair. The physique is large.

The man who became quite silent in Chapter 3 and became a samurai character.

・ Cecil-Grandvelle

From the town of Granver. The eldest daughter of the Granver family. The same age as Allen. Mage talent. Light purple hair. Selfish eyes that tend to fish. Crimson eyes. The kumite level is rising against Allen. One of the few Tsukkomi in charge of this party.


The Carnell family's heir. Thin and blonde. Height is slightly higher than Allen. My hair is slick and my eyes are bad. His sister, Nina, and six servants who had lost their place after the Carnels had been demolished were taken over.

The royal family promises to allow the Carnell family to revive with five years of service on the battlefield. A man who loves money and has the nickname "Saint of Gold (named Cecil)."

・ Sophia Lone (nicknamed Sophie)

Princess of Rosenheim. An elf with clear white skin, long white hair and golden eyes. Master of spirit magic. Allen is the only non-summon beast called "Allen-sama".

・ Formal

Sophie escort elf. Archer. Mob.

・ Meruru

From the Baukis Empire. She has dark brown hair with droopy eyes and light green hair with a sick head. The back is about one head smaller than Allen. The first person is me. He has a rare skill of one in 10 million, called "Maiwa Sho".


I came from President, Rosenheim. A 1000-year-old high elf and royal family.

A former A-rank adventurer who is the body of a homeroom teacher. He is a swordsman and has been dispatched from the adventurer's guild for Krena. Brain muscle.

・ Reform = Hamilton

Allen's classmate. The son of the Count of Hamilton. The Hamilton family is a close relative of the Granver family. He will inform Allen in various ways.

・ Worcester

Hamilton Baron's child. One of the class organizers.

外 outside

・ Elmere

Creation god. Worshiped in this different world. Allen will respond occasionally when filing a complaint.

・ Rosen

Spirit King. Collects elf worship. He told Rosenheim about Allen's existence through his sleep.

・ Digragni

A dungeon master in the Baukis Empire. If you clear the S-class dungeon, you can challenge Digragni. Dwarves are religious.

〇Latash Kingdom

・ Imbuel-von-Latas

Prince. He is in his early 30s. A handsome guy with all-back hair as seen in a previous overseas drama. The kingdom's father lost the political struggle and could not become king. He gained the support of the great nobility, became the prince, and at the end of chapter three he became king. He has no good relationship with Allen or Viscount Granver.

〇Former Carnel family

・ Nina

Blonde girl. I long for my older brother Keel.

雄 hero

・ Hermios

A man with the talent of a hero. From the Giamut Empire. A young man with light blue hair and always smiling. 10 years older than Allen.

・ Dberg

A man with sword sacred talent. Hero of the kingdom. Born of a serf from the kingdom of Latash. One eye. About 60 years old.

〇 Pioneer Village (Rodan Village)

・ Rodan

Allen's father. 20 years older than Allen. Wild hair with brown hair. He became a sergeant and became a commoner after boa hunting. Currently, he is developing a new village as mayor.

・ Telesia

Allen's mother. 18 years older than Allen. With brown hair and green eyes.


Allen's brother. Three years younger than Allen. Green eyes with brown hair. He has a talent for using spears. It was named after a monster named Mardergarsh.

・ Mura

Allen's sister. 7 years younger than Allen. Green eyes with brown hair. No talent. It was named after a precious herb called Mulase flower.

・ Gerda

Clena's father. Appearance and physique like a gorilla.

〇City of Granver

・ Butler-Von-Grandvelle

Head of the Granver family. Purple hair. Eyes like a hawk. From Baron to Viscount with Allen's advice and the provision of Mythril mining rights. Made Allen a guest of the Viscount.

・ Sebas = Chan

Butler of the Granver family.

・ Zenov

Knight leader. There is talent of swordsman. He has been fighting the Demon King for 10 years.

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