The day after the defensive battle.

Speaking of new information since the military conference that took place last night, there is something that the Gearmut Empire has said in a magic prop communication in the city of Nest: "I will provide food and supplies support for Rosenheim". General Lucidral, in the city of Nest, told me a lot about the situation on the Central Continent, along with stories of support from the Gearmut Empire.

The Demon King's Army in the Central Continent has already begun to move, saying that in a day or two they will be intercepted by a fortress built by the Guiamut Empire at a stronghold on the northern border.

That number remains unchanged at 2 million. Divided into around 200,000 bodies per fortress, it is moving towards 10 fortresses. This is exactly what Allen expected.

Says it makes sense that the Gearmut Empire embarked on Rosenheim's support in this situation. It appears that some of the Magic Guided Ships are already headed for the Nest, stepping that they will not be turned down by the elves at the time they express their support.

Anything, Emperor Geamut says he is a rare wise emperor who has become young and has assumed the status of emperor.

The fact that 600,000 Elves' spiritual medicines were offered and their value is already in the Emperor's ear as well. This support is a fabric stone for obtaining spiritual medicines as cheaply as possible in the future.

And if Rosenheim sticks with support, the Demon King's Army reserve of 4 million might go to Rosenheim.

Either way, I say it's in the interest of the Gearmut Empire.

Allen thought the top of the nation would always seek the country's interests, even in the current situation being attacked by the Demon King's Army.

Allen is now dozens of kilometers north of the city of Tiamo.

To ascertain the trend of the demon king's army that withdrew to the north and move on to future action.

"I can see it. Are you seeing it right?

"Oh, yeah"

Even today Allen is on a bird b summons with Cecil to save summons frame. And Allen is sitting facing Cecil. With Allen riding forward, Allen will be riding backwards with the direction of travel.

If this is Cecil in front, I wish Allen was in the back, but if the fight starts, Allen is going to be the shield when something happens, so I'm sitting face to face.

Allen is turning back to place a large, shallow plant pot on the back of Bird-B's Summoner to produce heavenly grace. I consumed a fair amount of heavenly grace in yesterday's defense battle, and I'm currently generating it.

There is no defense battle today, thanks to the fact that he beat the Demon King Army quite a bit in all four cities yesterday. The depletion of 100,000 Warcraft seems to have been a good reason not to carry out a series of offensive wars.

In the meantime, let's make heavenly grace. It is flying quite high so that the enemy does not see how it is created.

Such an allen discovers, in the eyes of the summoner of the shared bird b, the end of the line of demon kings who withdrew from the invasion of Tiamo.

"Hmm. At this rate of progress, you're going to be joining your neighbor's army tomorrow. We have to stop this."

"I knew it wasn't a good idea when they joined us?

"Yeah. I can't wait if they join us and we get more numbers, and then we get attacked in a concentrated army with one or two more cities"

(After all, wasn't it just a retreat)

With four cities currently drawing defensive lines, including the city of Tiamo, the Demon King's Army is attacking the army in four parts simultaneously.

The Demon King's Army also seems to have wisdom, and has changed its operations in the wake of the night raid three days ago and even yesterday's defensive battle. I don't know what I'm going to do because I'm just marching on, but thanks. I think I'm going to rendezvous with my neighbor's army from the direction of the march.

When divided armies join together and concentrate their forces to drop one or two cities instead of four simultaneously, it's bad. Since we are at war, if something to protect is done, then annihilation means defeat.

"What are we going to do?

"Naturally I harass you. It's not a defensive battle, so don't move free. Well, it's all destroyed."

If it's a defensive battle, I can't do it because I have to make a move to protect the city. But I can attack you today without worrying about that.

Allen will use the bird f summons to inform his fellow flyers around him about today's operation. The transmission of bird f cannot be heard except by the designated opponent, so it is useful for communicating the operation.

The Allens reach the rear of a reduced number of Demon King armies up to 100,000 marching.

"Allen, it's getting noisy. Isn't the enemy attacking us? I mean, do you still keep making that?

The Summoner of Bird B is pretty big and easy to spot. Plus, the Demon King's Army certifies enemies from previous activities.

Dozens of warcraft that can fly from within the Demon King's army come to Arens.

"Naturally. This is going to last all day. Oh, a little more up there, Petite Meteo, please."

The heavenly grace creation is scheduled to take place all day today. I want to make it as soon as possible because I was able to retrieve the Demon Stone last night. I plan to keep building it if it's not in a situation where the enemy can attack me.

Seems Cecil figured out what Allen was after.

The Demon King's Army is marching north, but there is variation in the size and speed of the Warcraft. There is more than double the difference between the fast legged and the slow depending on the type of warcraft. Naturally, there seem to be many slow-moving warcraft behind the march.

Bipedal orgasms and trolls are at the rear of the Demon King's Army. The necromancer system is also bipedal, but it seems to be on the back of a quadrupedal warcraft, whether the body is composed and light with lightweight bones or something.

It rises about three kilometers and sprinkles the Demon King's army, still kicking the rising Demon King's army with the Summoner of Dragon B.

And as Cecil activates her extra skills, she begins to focus her consciousness.

"Drop it around here."


When I tell Cecil where to drop her consciousness, she puts her hand in that direction without responding.

"Petit Meteo!!!

With Cecil's cry, a huge, brightly burnt large rock falls from the rear of the queue of Demon Kings in a position slightly closer to the direction of travel.

Burn down nearly 10,000 troops at once.

(Ushiya, good experience. Defense fights count for what you fought with the elves, so you only get 10% experience)

In the night raid, 80% of EXP came in per Warcraft because they fought for six, but yesterday's defense battle was considered to have fought alongside Elf's troops, and only 10% of EXP came in per unit with the least EXP distribution.

10% is the lowest level of experience when there are more than 253 participants.

Thanks to a buff in the fish system, Allen gained experience with all the warcraft he defeated in four cities that went up to 200,000.

Today is Allen's party solo act, so experience is 80% per unit.

"Thank you, you've done quite well. Hey, heal with the ring."

Allen restores Cecil's magic with a magic recovery ring.

I was afraid to drop the ring when I was flying split into two bodies, but I can also do this because I'm riding with you.

"I'll follow you."

"Oh, you don't seem very intelligent"

It is not the rear-end Warcraft that Cecil has defeated now. It activated the extra skill of a small meteorite around leaving 20,000 bodies at the rear.

The angry rear-end 20,000 trolls and orgasms follow Allen and the others unaware they've been broken up.

Warcraft ahead of us than we dropped the meteorite. We keep marching and we don't seem to be coming after Allen and the others.

Allen and the others also lower altitude and move slowly so that the Warcraft can chase them far enough.

"But destroying each of them is an operation to attack the platoon. This is a platoon, right?"

Each destruction learned in class was like defeating a detachment or platoon as a priority with more force. This time he's forced to build platoons with small meteorites. Cecil seems to feel something is different.

"Well, you are. If not, let's make a platoon."

The 20,000 Warcraft were completely severed because the Demon King's Army, which was more on the direction of progress than the small meteorite, did not come after that.

In less than half an hour's travel, Allen and the others have stopped moving and are waiting a little higher than the Warcraft.

"" 'Gitty Gitty!!!

And a bunch of bug b summoners are waiting for 20,000 demon king armies. The number of child alipons has increased by 3000 because the cool-time of the day has passed after noon.

They hit about 500 bodies yesterday, so it's 5500. I've already sprinkled all the stunts of the fish system.

Tell Sophie and Keel to hang the aid as well, and the Summoners of Dragon B. will also summon them.

"Well, I want to collect the demon stone too. It's a little much, but you can go."

(After it took me quite a while to guide you this far, if you don't hunt about 20,000, you're inefficient, and you're not going to get a level)

I've fished out the limit number of people I can defeat from the composition of my companions and subpoenas.

The trolls and orgasms I noticed being trapped stiffened for a moment, but they seem to attack me regardless.

The child Alipons surround the enemy.

"Okay, you're ready. Ravage."

"" "Whoa!

Using the Summoner of Bird F, he gave instructions to the whole area, and each destruction began.

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