Do you want to fight me? Shorty ones. "

(Hmm, I didn't think the day would come when they would say "the dwarf". Nevertheless, do the lowest bosses have personality? Is it the same as the lowest boss of the Class A dungeon, including the fact that the memory of the last fight cannot be taken over?)

Of course, from the five huge golems we're going to have against, Allen and the others are also small.

And apparently, the Golem made of Hiirokane, known as the personality Goldino, did not share his memory with Admiral Gallara when he fought against him last time.

Every time he fights the lowest boss, Allen wonders if he generates personality.

This way, even if the plan is the same or changes a little, you won't find out when you try again.


The moment Goldino spoke, four golems started moving.

Admiral Galara was right about that.

Boss fights aren't always a fight.

And just because there are multiple bodies doesn't mean they attack at the same time.

It seems that this Bottom Boss Battle will suddenly strike at the same time.

"Let's run. Run into the passage on your left!!

Huh!? Suddenly you have to run away! Hey, you cowards!!

Allen thinks that even an inorganic golem has a strong sense of surprise.

"" "Oooh!!!

Allen calls and starts running away from Wallawara and this giant Golem.

The leader of the four parties is Prince Zew.

However, Allen was supposed to lead the whole party.

This is because Allen was used to raiding.

The idea of negotiating with multiple party leaders, manipulating them, and leading them to victory in a highly probable way was understandable to parties other than Allen's over the course of five days.

Allen, who looks at the whole thing and directs it, decides who to retreat to, what to attack, what to prioritize, etc.

However, Allen does not command all of the more than forty people.

I leave the fine movements within the party to my respective party leader.

This area is also the cult of raid battles.

Along with Allen's call, he began to flee.

Allen decides to lend it to someone who wants to lend it to Bird B.

However, there are many who fight the way Doberg has cultivated for many years.

Those who said that it was easier to fight if they moved with their feet decided not to force them.

It is Allen, Merle and Admiral Galara's party that protects Wallawala and his escaping companions.

"Here we go!! You bastards!!

Admiral Galara makes a loud call and gets everyone excited.

Fifteen golems, including Merle, appear.

They're all super soldiers of 100 meters.

Well, do some of you have Hiiro Kanegorem?

To Admiral Galara, Allen and the others gave him a set of Hyirokane's super bodyguards out of the silver box.

[First name] Gerarapa

[Pilot] Rattling

[Rank] Hyirokane

Physical strength: 25000 + 2400

Magic 25000 + 2400

[Attack] 25000 + 2400

[Durability] 25000 + 2400

[Speed] 25000

Intelligence: 25000 + 2400

[Lucky] 25000

Allen's Magic Book records the status of the Super Soldier's Hiiro Kanegorem, which Admiral Galara showed to the Magic Board.

The elemental status was 1000 for bronze, 1500 for iron, and 3000 for mythrill.

What a 5,000 leeches.

Thanks to you, the Hyiro Kanegolem has reached all stats 25000.

And King Magic Rock's stats are further increased by his abilities.

And Golems led by Goldino attacked Golems, super soldiers riding Admiral Galara, Merle and Dwarves.


"Belluca, are you okay?!

"Hey, Admiral Galara!

One arm of the dwarf on the Mithrill Golem was severely damaged.

Because both hands were crushed into a bronze golem that became a drill punch.

"Admiral Galara, support the retreat!



Mithrill Golem's pilot, Berluca, who crushed one arm from the roots, hurried back into the Golem's crystal to reinstall the Mithrill tablet.

Golem dwarves have been given a large quantity of Mythrill tablets in wooden crates.

The number of outliers exceeds 1000.

I plan to retrieve it from the dwarves when the battle is over, but they tell me I can use it as much as I want.

If the Golem body is destroyed and the tablet is no longer usable, you can use it again if you have the "Repair" skill, so I don't care if it is destroyed a little.

And Admiral Galara, who has the Hiiro Cane Golem, comes forward and is attacked by the Bronze Golem, but it doesn't seem to be completely preventable.

It will not be largely destroyed, but the body of the sunflower will be damaged.

(We still don't have half the consumption rate. The other dwarfs are also cluttered.)

Allen understands the current situation.

Dwarf Golem soldiers are getting hurt and damaged more and more, making them suitable for walls like no other.

Allen also uses Summoners to support him, but if he has five at the same time, it's obviously not enough to protect him.

"I'm sorry, but I still can't stand it. Everyone, please have 'Super Combination'!!

There is no problem with fellow Admirals retreating smoothly while Admiral Galara is earning time.

And, as expected, Admiral Galara's Hiiro Kanegolem couldn't stand a blow from the Bronze Golem.

So Allen asks for "super amalgamation."

"Ah? Are you okay? I used it because it was so tight."

"I don't mind! It's the first fight!! Fight with certainty!!

"Okay! Okay! You guys are super combined! Hey, Merle! You, come here! Get in your right hand!

"" Admiral, I understand!!

"Yes, Admiral!

Dwarves begin to shine fourteen Mithrill Golems and one Admiral Galara's Hiiro Cane Golem.

Then, when I think that my eyes have become dazzling, three huge golems descend.

All Golem Extra Skills are Combined.

Only golems of the same size can combine, but the combination of super soldiers is called "super combination" in particular.

There are five dwarves on each chest crystal, staring at the enemies in front.

"Uuuuuuuuu! Hey guys, don't keep up with it!!

-Buhaha! It's only romantic.)

Allen looks at the super amalgam golems with his glittering eyes.

It's about 1.5 times the size of a Super Army Golem, and it's 150 meters long.

Your stats will increase as well.

Super Combination will increase your stats by as much as 10,000.

Admiral Galara's Golem is a hybrid, so the Super Combined Golem on which Admiral Galara is on increases his stats even further.

A super-combined golem, piloted by Admiral Rattlesnake, with his torso, lifted the bronze golem with both hands.

Then use enough force to grind the scaffold and lift the drill punch iron golem.

Throw a crunchy bronze golem with all your might.

You're in good shape! Loosen up, Mithrill Golem!!

Goldino gives instructions to his ally Mithrill Golem.

The deformation has already begun, with two projecting turrets of the Mithrill Golem floating in the air hitting them like rain.

"Roccanelles, it's time. Don't let them miss a single shot."


Five Stone A Summoners appear silently.

Then, the metal sphere floats in the hollow, absorbing even the ranged attacks of the Mithrill Golem.

Most of Mithrill Golem's Ranged Attacks are absorbed by Stone A Summoners.

Then, two Stone A Summoners cracked all over their bodies and reached their limit.

If I absorb more, my body will collapse.

"Enough! Get rid of it!!"

Launch the "Convergence Fire" Awakening Ability from two Stone A Summoners who have reached their limit.

The convergence shelling crushes the Mithrill Golem to the ground.

I defeated a Mithrill Golem. I've acquired 800 million experience points. "

Two convergent shells seem to have ensured their defeat.

Defeating the Mithrill Golem and logging your XP are displayed in the Magic Book.

"Hmm. So you're going to win? Iron. Use Repair Energy!

One line at a time, no sense of villainy.

"Repair Energy"

The Iron Golem repairs a crushed and heavily pulled Mithrill Golem at once.

"Our people have already escaped into the aisle. We don't have much time, so let's get Admiral Rattlesnake's superamalgam to the rear of the aisle!

Golem's Extra Ability "Super Combination" has a time limit.

After an hour, the combination dissolves and a cool time of one day occurs.

From the time constraint of the super amalgam golem, the time of the lowest boss attack was taken as one hour.

(Now, with these two resuscitators, it's a waste of difficulty. Perhaps defeating Goldino will bring him back to life)

Three super-combined golems with large strides escape into the aisle.

The passage is quite wide, but if there is a super combined Golem, there is not enough room for enemy Golems to circle around.

Thanks to Golems led by Goldino, they enter the aisle in a row.

However, the ceiling is quite high and only the Mithrill Golem will be bombarded with Ranged Attacks, so the Stone A Summoners will periodically destroy it.

I ran into such a place, but have you lost your war already? It would be so much fun to twist you scared!!

Goldino provokes guns.

Admiral Galara is approaching the Bronze Golem, who specializes in melee warfare.

Next is Goldino, the spear's iron golem, and the shield's iron golem.

There is a considerable distance to the Iron Golem and it is impossible to attack.

(Hmm, did you come in this line? I wanted the iron to be dispersed if possible. I would be able to go)

The Bronze Golem's attack power appears to be antagonizing the super-combined Admiral Galara Golem.

Repeat offensive defense while stirring together.

Party allies also use Ranged Magic to sharpen their health.

"Meruth, is it time to go?

Oh, I've finished assigning attributes and setting up the nest.

Meruth has returned to Allen, so I will confirm.

Meruth's return signals that these giant Golems have fully entered the aisle, that the Special Assignment has ended, and that the nest has been installed.

"Okay, it's time to attack. Everybody, let's go! Homing Instinct!!


I thought what Goldino was, but I don't know the whole story.

Because Admiral Galara's super-combined Golem hides most of his sights.

In the meantime, Allen and the others use Bird A's Summoner Awakening Skill, "Homing Instinct."

"I'm pinched!!

"" "Ooooooooooo!!!

The super amalgamated golem approaches from behind the rear-tailed iron golem, which completely enters the passage.

Admiral Galara put a lot of effort into it, and his friends inspire themselves.

Allen and the others continued their boss battle at the bottom.

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