A few days had passed since the ship carrying Allen began sailing about ten metres from the bottom of the sea.

Allen was in the ship during that time without turning back to earth.

"Luke, what have you been doing since morning? Is that fun?"

Allen's friends are getting used to being underwater.

When Cecil got up in the morning and went into the room where everyone spent their time, Luke was playing in the room.

Yeah, why don't you try Cecil?

"Alright, it's almost dinner."

Near the fairly wide ceiling, Luke shows Cecil his back as he swims around the room.

He seems to be enjoying a floating feeling like no gravity.

Tell Luke Cecil to come down when it's breakfast time.

It was a beautiful and fantastic underwater landscape at first, but nobody sees it now.

Allen thinks that if she keeps seeing any beautiful landscape, she'll get tired of it.

(Now, I'm going to Summon Level 9 this month.)

Among the giant ships that have been diving for days are Allen.

In the meantime, I did not hunt Goldino or Iron Golem, the lowest boss, with all the team keels.

Use Bird A's Summoner Awakening Skill "Homing Instinct" to move Allen and his crew from the ship to the S-Class Dungeon.

However, several valuable items have already been delivered from Goldino, the lowest boss.

Allen thought that the priority now was to raise the level of summoning.

I thought Meruth and the two of them would reach Summon Level 9 by December this year, but I decided to go to the Prostian Empire.

Concentrate on the middle of the road and think about raising your Summon Level as early as a day.

The Pelomus Abandoned Charges Chamber of Commerce has just begun buying magic stones from all over the world.

Valuable items, such as weapons, armor, and magic equipment that Allen and the others acquired in hunting the Iron Golem, are not used solely for the living expenses of Allen's army and the residents of Heavy User Island.

Collect Magic Stones from all over the world and use them as skill experience points to increase Allen's Summon Level.

Meruth keeps making magic seeds and sending them to storage.

Meruth has been staring far lately.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I brought you breakfast."

The servants of the Kingdom of Clevule bring breakfast.


The baked bread is brought to the servants in a fluttering state on a plate.

Luke answers cheerfully and gets to his seat.

We'll all get together and have the brought breakfast.

"Allen, happy birthday. We have to celebrate tonight."

"Hmm? Oh, thank you."

When everyone is having breakfast, Cecil sends a congratulatory message in the morning.

Today is October 1, and Allen is sixteen.

"Well, that's right. Congratulations, Allen."

As if Sophie had remembered, Cecil would be followed by a congratulatory message.

High Elves live more than 1,000 years, so they are less aware of what is called a "birthday" than the human race.

"Hmm? How old is Allen?"

"You're 16."

"Oops! 16!! Congratulations!!"

Luke also participates in the conversation.

You talk while eating with great momentum in the water, so the meal spreads into the water.

In this way, the water gets dirty when it is underwater, so it seems that eating quietly is a mannered meal on the sea floor.

If it is underwater, it spreads to something that does not diffuse if it is in air.

That's why something like soup doesn't come out at dinner.

A fairly solid meal is served to avoid contamination in the water.

The room is equipped with a small water purification magic kit that does not have an air cleaner.

It is said to clean up the dirt in the water that comes out when living with this magic tool.

Everything is a necessity in the world of the Mermaid.

That's why we installed the Great Water Purification Magic Kit in the town of Coole, home to the fish who migrated to Heavy User Island.

Dirty water can lead to unsanitary conditions and infectious diseases.

It is very valuable in the world of the Mermaids and is bought from the Bauxi Empire.

It seems that the Kingdom of Clever exists as a trading point because it is necessary to buy foreign currency and magic equipment for this purpose.

In addition, when I became a fish man, I became less concerned about the dirt in the water than when I was a human family.

Maybe there's a fish man here, too.

"Hmm? What's wrong?"

Shea noticed a change in Allen's expression.

After I said I was sixteen, I had something to think about.

"Oh, yeah, 16.In my world, when I turn sixteen, my mother will wake me up and take me to the castle.I thought I was 16 years old. "

You're 16 years old and you're in the castle.

Allen, who didn't talk much about his previous life, talked about his previous life.

Moreover, it's a story that doesn't have a lot of flashbacks.

Shea has heard that Allen has come from another world.

I also understand that Elmer, the Creator God, called with his power to crush the Demon King.

In this world, there were no transferees or reincarnators from another world, and there were no anecdotes.

Allen also studied some of the heroic stories in the school library, but couldn't find any descriptions that reminded her of a reincarnated person from another world.

Though it's a rather unexpected story, Shea has seen enough to believe.

It was a conversation between Allen and the superior demon Cubel on an island that floated to defeat the Patriarch of the Divine Church.

The situation in which the conversation was concluded, and the fight against the cult patriarch Gushallah.

The same goes for fighting the Beast King.

Acceptance of residents for development on heavy-user islands with clear objectives.

The purpose of strengthening the Allen army is also clear, and all the joint exercises with the Warrior Army are for the demon king crusade.

Shia wonders very much what the castle was called for.

"Oh, in my world, when I turn sixteen, I get a penny from the king and I get it out of the city where I was born.Yeah, not everybody.My father was a hero. "

As well as Shea, everyone's eyes gather, so I will continue to talk as if I were pushed.

In words, I think it's a pretty helpful mode setting.

"Oh, isn't it a hero's family?You said you crushed the Devil King! "

Shea told me, and everyone told me, that there was no demon king that Allen couldn't defeat.

This is half a joke, but there is also a desire to know that there is no demon king that cannot be defeated.

"Oh, I'm kidding. I'm kidding."

"Whatever you say, I'm not hiding it.Even if it's not about this world, isn't it something to be proud of? "

Shea tells me to keep my chest up.

(Whoops, I really took it.)

Allen remembered his father in his previous life.

My father, who worked desperately for me as much as Rodin in this world, could not bear to be thankful.

I came to this world at the age of 35, but I still want my father to have a quiet old age.

My thoughts about my father in my previous life flooded, and I was going to joke about it, but I had a fever.

"... your father was also a hero in his previous life."

Cecil seems to understand why Allen is so grateful to his father, Rodin.

As Cecil grew bigger, so did Allen's behavior.

Allen has taken care of her family very seriously.

I think that it was possible to know once again that the memory of the previous life had been connected.

"Well, unlike me, Cecil."

He denied himself, but Allen said he was a hero to his father in his previous life.

Allen can be one too. No, I wonder if it's already gone. "

Stops the Demon King's invasion of Rosenheim and crushes the cult patriarchs.

Allen's friends wondered how much they grew up in the family line against Allen who couldn't be themselves.

Ladies and gentlemen on board, thank you for waiting.As scheduled, the ship will soon arrive in Imperial Patlanta.

Then you can hear the magic equipment broadcast on board so that you can interrupt the conversation.

These magic tools are also from the Baux Empire.

The Royal Family of Clevule told me that the product was improved so that it could be used even in water and that the price was quite high.

"Imperial Patlanta? Oh, wow, yeah!There's a city on the flowers!! "

Luke stood up from his seat and looked out the window and there was a spectacular sight.

Allen also looked out the window.

It was like a city built on a giant crystal flower petal that would be 100 kilometers in diameter.

Over a million fish people live on top of this giant crystal flower.

(Well, is the Imperial Capital of the Prostian Empire on the coral?)

Allen thinks she hasn't heard the details.

While slowing down the ship, the ship carrying Allen and the others travels to the port.

Then, the huge, thick chains are tied to the ship to keep it from flowing.

Well, may I come down?

Having successfully arrived at the port of Imperial Patlanta, Allen and the others move on to the next move.

From the ship, Allen heads to the scene where his kingdom, the Kingdom of Clevule, is handing over the ship's cargo to the Patriarchate, the Prostian Empire.

"At all, since I've been here at this time... don't waste time.The next ship is coming!! "

There, a mighty official who checked the tribute to be given in the Imperial Capital of Patlanta was flying.

Looks like he's got a lot of important positions in this port, both in style and appearance.

This time, Allen and the others have prepared and packed their gifts for the Prostian Empire with a quick pitch.

The Prostian Empire has a large city besides the Imperial Capital of Patlanta, as well as subordinates and dependencies.

However, it is the Emperor of the Prostian Empire who will make a tribute.

All the kingdoms and dependencies of the Imperial Capital of Patlanta come to pay their dues.

Taxes can also be paid as annual earnings from each territory paid by the Imperial Capital.

Thanks to you, a ship will come to this harbor to make a sudden offering.

I wonder if he's in charge of this port.

Officials must be angry because they ignored the schedules offered by countless dependencies, subordinates, and several empires.

With his emotions revealed, Allen approached the high-ranking official who flew the work order with a bad look.

"Thank you for your prompt response to this."

"Hmm? Who are you?"

The official said, looking at Allen's face as if he didn't see it.

"Yes, my name is Alec, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary.I was also able to attend this donation. "

Don't forget your pseudonym.

"... Alec the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary?"

The officials look at it with even more absurd eyes.

"Yes, on behalf of the Royal Crebel, as soon as I arrive."

That said, conversations continued with senior officials managing the gifts to be donated in Imperial Patlanta.

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