Allen brought magic equipment that could purify 10 times as much water as the Imperial Patlanta for 300 years in order to make a contribution to the Prostian Empire.

"Why is this kind of thing...?"

Director Tynome looks at Allen in dismay.

It seems to have changed considerably since the cold treatment just now.

(Hmm. I don't feel like I'm going to report it to anyone right away, and that's the director of this big port.)

Director Tynome doesn't report it to anyone, he seems to check the situation as it is.

Allen planned to talk to someone with some power, such as Director Tynome.

I don't think we can move forward smoothly because of this.

"As I mentioned earlier, I think this will be a tribute from the Baux Empire to the Emperor, so let me explain a little bit."

I brought an overwhelming amount of magic equipment.

The director of Tinome, who runs the port, will now be asked to explain himself in the Imperial Palace of Patlanta by those above him.

At that time, Allen begins explaining so that he doesn't get in trouble.

The beginning of this began when the kingdom of Clevule was vandalized by monsters who could not be called wicked.

We have suffered tremendous damage and caused tremendous trouble to the Prostian Empire.

"Does that have anything to do with this magic device?"

"Of course. The damage was huge, so I had the opportunity to get the cooperation of all countries."

"With the cooperation of all countries?"

As Pelomus, Formar, and Knight Ivanam ask how they are doing, Allen and Director Tynome continue their conversation.

In Allen's story, the countries of the United States in the same continent that had not seen the current state of the Krebil kingdom came together to consult with us.

"You have made the Kingdom of Crebel your alliance lord this year.And about three months ago, I was able to attend a meeting of the Five Continents Alliance. "


(Because it's true so far)

If you lie all the time, you get worn out.

I think it is important to deceive people by weaving a false weave.

Until now, I will be the leader of the Alliance and participate in meetings with various countries because of the truth and the enormous damage done in the Kingdom of Clevule.

There is a King Clebel who has been told that he has suffered tremendously in front of the representatives of all countries when he participated in the meeting of the Five Continents Alliance.

If representatives of each country had the opportunity to have a conversation, it would naturally be a little bit helpful.

Thanks to you, I was able to get some supplies.

I would also like to add that the support received from various countries for the Kingdom of Krebil is summarized in the report that I brought with me to report to the Prostian Empire.

Some Elmar and Carbarna kingdoms have suffered the same damage, but there is still a reason why the Krebeer kingdom was chosen.

Since the country of Ermar can be said to be the head office of Ermea, it can receive support from all over the world even if it does not become an ally lord.

Unlike the Crebel Kingdom, which can trade in rare goods of the Prostian Empire, the Kingdom of Carbarna is also less flavorful than other countries.

It is not only purely humanitarian assistance that countries support the Kingdom of Crebel.

Sometimes it makes sense to sell a favor when you're in trouble and say, "You saved me then, didn't you?"

Even if the less-saleable Kingdom of Carbarna becomes the lord of the Alliance, it won't get much support.

That's why the Krebille Kingdom became the leader of the League.

The supported kingdom of Crebel was also distributed to the Elmar and Carbarna kingdoms.

I would add that this distribution is also summarized in the report.

Since the Kingdom of Clevule is part of the Prostian Empire but is also a member of a coalition on the ground, it has been reported that it has worked with the countries of the coalition.

These various reports also play a role in bringing Allen's lies to life.

Is that what this magic tool is for?

(Well, even if you subtract the Mermaid's value, this magic device is worth a lot.)

Director Tainome wonders if such a thing has happened.

"That's why, recently, on earth, there was a shift dungeon, and the S-class dungeon of the Baux Empire is bustling."

Allen's story keeps moving away from the truth.

You think the S-Class dungeon is busy right now?

Even the director of Tainome, who runs the immigration bureau, does not know so much about the ground.

"This scale of water purification magic came out of the S-Class dungeon just before the meeting of the Continental Alliance.At that time, I was in charge of the Baux Empire. "

A huge amount of water purification magic equipment came out.

Allen sat in a department entrusted with diplomacy with another country and was a diplomat in the Krebille Kingdom in charge of the Baux Empire.

The Emperor of the Baux Empire said that when he attended the meeting of the Five Continents Alliance, he asked what was needed for the Krebille Kingdom.

"Well, directly to the emperor of the Baux Empire."

"Yes, His Majesty Emperor Pupun III has always done well.I also buy magic equipment that I deliver to the Prostian Empire. "

So he talked to the emperor of the Baux Empire.

The Krebille kingdom has lost a great deal of trust in the Prostian Empire because of this cult.

If you would like, I would like the water purification magic equipment that came out the other day as a testament to the friendship of the Baukis Empire, the great power on earth, to the Fishman nation.

He told me that it would be very helpful to restore the deterioration of the relationship if we dedicate it from the Kingdom of Clevule to the Prostian Empire.

In addition, he stressed that this favor would certainly benefit the Baux Empire.

(Well, I'm borrowing the name of the Baux Empire, but I haven't told you anything.I won't find out anyway. It doesn't matter if they find out)

They use the name of the Baux Empire, but neither the emperor nor his subordinates know such a story.

It has been confirmed that the Prostian Empire does not deal directly with the Bauxi Empire.

If this story had reached the Baux Empire, you would not have said to the Kingdom of Clevule, "Lie like that."

If the Baux Empire is too merchant, it's decided to start thinking about the gold account.

I'm sure it will lead to business, so I just need to make a good deal out of it.

"So you were appointed Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary at this young age?"

Negotiators have gained valuable magic equipment from the Baux Empire.

Director Tynome understands that he was appointed and dispatched as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to restore his relationship to the Prostian Empire.

Somewhat, I thought about it, but I was happy to receive it as a token of sympathy.

I will not forget to say in vain that I am nervous from an unnecessary position, such as that of Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary.

This explains how the Baux Empire sent this water purification magic device to the Krebille Kingdom.

"But you gave it to me."

Director Tynome said he understood the story, but he couldn't believe it, even if all the stories were true.

"You may not know because you can't go to the ground, but it's only valuable to us as a mermaid nation.For countries on earth, even if they were the same imperial capital, smaller ones would suffice. "

(I see. Thank goodness Pelomus is here.This special water purification magic tool will cost the Prostian Empire 38 million gold coins.)

Allen checked the records of imports and exports from the Krebille Kingdom and the Prostian Empire to see what the Empire wanted.

There is a lot of magic equipment imported, and the first of them is the water purification magic equipment.

And with Pelomus's extra skill, "Balance," you can also find value by country.

As a result of Pelomus's use of the "balance" of the water purification magic equipment brought in this time,

• 2.5 million Baux Empire gold coins

· 2 million Geamut Imperial gold coins

• 400,000 Rosenheim gold coins

· 0 gold coins of the Kingdom of Ratash

· 0 gold coins of the Kingdom of Clevule

· 38 million Prostian Imperial gold coins

As well as the market price, you can also check the other party's nostalgia.

There were zero gold coins in the smaller kingdoms of Lattash and Clevule.

It's necessary, but it's too expensive to buy.

In Rosenheim, water is purified by the power of spirits, so demand is low and it is less valuable than other powers.

It's a special water purification magic tool that Commander Larrapa made for three days and three nights.

Allen didn't just bring the water purification magic kit out of the dungeon's chest.

Allen added extra workmanship to the Water Purification Magic Kit (Extra Large) that came out of the Goldino Crusade Bounty box of the lowest tier boss of the S-Class Dungeon.

It incorporates three magic cores for this operation and has been adjusted to have an incredible effect.

Each time I added a magic core, the price of water purification magic equipment in the Prostian Empire rose by 10 million gold coins.

After using four magic cores, the Prostian Empire's budget was exceeded by zero gold coins.

Thanks to this, the prostian empire's national budget has been largely grasped.

"But how did you explain this....."

Even if it is a fact, I am asking my neck what to do to go to the palace to explain.

I also think about when you didn't believe me.

(Ooh? Can you trust me? Well, it's a price comparable to the national budget of the Prostian Empire.)

"Of course, you will have trouble reporting it, so would you like to test drive it here?It might be a little noisy. "

Does it make a sound? No, I guess not. Move it a little. "

Director Tynome is relieved when it is saved.

I even think it would be easier to understand the flashy sound.

"Yes, I will now test drive the water purification magic equipment we received from the Bauxi Empire.Rootie, it's time. Let me get it up and running, as you were taught. "

"Oops! Got it!!"

(I think it's a little too tight. Is there any discomfort on the contrary as it looks?)

Luke, who was watching, came along.

As Director Tynome stared, Luke approached the water purification magic tool and touched it using the manipulation method taught by Commander Larrapa.

There are a number of touch-panel-type buttons, and they are touched in turn.

Boo hoo!

Then the magic tool starts orbiting like a roar, and the geometric pattern appears on the entire surface of the box-shaped black magic tool.

Light grows stronger and stronger, illuminating the entire harbor brightly.

Sure enough, the boot sounds, but I don't think Director Tynome will make that much noise, but I quickly realized that it doesn't matter what the effect is.

"Whoa, whoa! This is great.It's getting more and more beautiful!I didn't expect to see this transparency in the Imperial Capital!! "

Director Tynome shivered his eyes.

The water in this port is either out of people's lives or slightly cloudy, as it is in the Great Empire with a population of over 1 million.

With great momentum, it is purified into water without any filth.

Since it is illuminated with more brightness than crystal flowers, the effect of purification can be seen more prominently.

It is transparent enough to forget even being in water.

Not only Director Tynome, but also the surrounding fishmongers and Allen can clearly experience the effects of magic equipment.

(Hmm. I think it's time to talk to Captain Larrapa.Oh, here you go.)


After about a minute, an alarm-like alarm started sounding in the corner of the harbor.

Something like a lamp emits light in red.

The alarm was initially in one place, but it began to jam elsewhere.

The workers carrying supplies at the port and servicing the ship began to move in a hurry.

"Hmm, what is it!? Well, what's the matter!!"

"Again, did this happen....."

Allen has no choice but to close her eyes.

"Hmm!? What is it, Alec?What's going on!! "

You finally called me by my name.

"Abnormal value. The magic tool is malfunctioning and giving an abnormal value."


"Yes, it seems that the water quality control magic equipment malfunctioned because it cleaned the water too well."

That said, Allen explains the situation where the magic gear alarm will be stuck.

The magic tool for water quality management manages the degree of water contamination numerically in 10 stages, from 0 to 9.

When the water quality exceeds 4, the alarm starts sounding because it affects the human body.

This is a magic trick that the water quality is for the life-threatening fish man.

Naturally, water quality control magic equipment is also installed in this large port.

"It should be designed to alert itself to a fault, even if the water quality is zero."

Even if the number is too low, it may ring.

That's when the water pollution is zero.

Misunderstanding that the magic equipment has stopped functioning and complaining about the failure will sound an alarm when the contamination has been completely removed.

This serves as a safety device for water quality control magic instruments.

"Water quality 0... That's what happened..."

Director Tainome wonders if there is anything like zero water quality.

If there is a fish man, the water quality will get worse.

It cannot be completely cleansed even in isolated natural places.

It is assumed that the water quality will not be zero.

Therefore, water quality 0 should have been set to function stop.

This is also the information Allen investigated beforehand.

The Prostian Empire also purchases large quantities of water quality control magic equipment.

Managing water quality seems to be the duty of the Empire.

"Whoa, you're starting to spread out of the harbor."

"Outside the harbor...."

The sound of the alarm began to be heard in the distance from the harbor.

In the water, Allen thinks the alarm doesn't sound well.

"Yes, because this magic tool purifies water 10 times as much as the Imperial City of Patlanta."

"You're saying the same thing is happening all over the city... well, I can hear it too..."

The water quality control magic equipment starts shining brightly red throughout the Imperial City of Patlanta like spreading ripples around the water purification magic equipment.

All the water quality control magic equipment in Imperial Patlanta started sounding alarms complaining about outliers.

The surface of the crystal flower, which is not 100 kilometers long, was bright red by the magic equipment of water quality control.

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