"Dress Curry?"

Ignomus knew what she was worried about when Princess Calmin looked anxious all the time during her conversation with Allen.

"Yes, how is Dress Kalay-sama?"

Once again, Princess Calmin's question remained unchanged.

Ignomus sees Chancellor Ajiray in trouble.

If a new emperor named Ignomus is sitting on the throne, he will soon know what happened to the bloodthirsty Duke of the Prostians.

Prime Minister Ajiray, who was sent by Ignomus, also frowned.

(After all, is there any doubt about this reaction?It's an important land military base.)

Ignomus is not fighting the First Reich, the Second Reich, or the nobles.

We have scattered money and scattered rewards to keep the war from getting bigger.

This is because it is intended to invade the ground and not to exhaust the troops.

As far as Allen has observed in Fish D's Summoner, he does not intend to do any harm to Princess Carmine.

There is a verse where we were discussing how to talk about the Duke of Dress Calais.

The Kingdom of Clever was chosen as an important base for the ground invasion.

With hundreds of thousands of Mermaids operating as a base, I would like to be in a cooperative relationship with the Kingdom of Cleveland.

The Ignomous Empire is overwhelmingly superior in power relations, but if you help me, I will not drain my troops into useless oppression.

There are more than 10,000 troops in the Krebille of a weaker country.

The Allies may enter the defense while attacking the Krebille Kingdom.

With a magic network on the ground, information is transmitted to the world at once.

It is easy to imagine, at least, that you will drain a useless soldier into the Alliance's domination.

If we do harm to Princess Calmin here, there is a danger that the Krebeer royal family will get nervous.

Prime Minister Azillay persuaded his brain muscle Ignomous opponent that it would be a waste.

But what if this happens?

Ignomus opens his mouth.

(Is it the type of word that comes out in the middle of thinking?Well, that's what happens.)

Well, then?

Prime Minister Ajiray asks if he really wants to kill Ignomous.

Tension is also conveyed to knights who refrain from being near Ignomus.

If Ignomus kept quiet, he could have missed it, but if he asked, he couldn't help it.

With that in mind, Allen decided to instruct the knights on something.

"Princess Calmin, do you have any idea what's going on?Don't forget about the dress curry. "

She whispered to Princess Calmin in a size that Ignomus could still hear, as Allen whispered in her ear before Ignomus gave her instructions.

"Hmm!? No, I still don't."

Princess Calmin fell face down and cried.


Nothing starts with this word, and Ignomus' head is full.

"Nah!? Then, don't be stupid!! What does" things "mean?Ah, Alec, come see how good the Krebille royal family has been to you!! "

(Shea, my face is a little red.If you're gonna do it, you're gonna have to cut it off.)

Shea, the guardian of Princess Calmin, is dramatically overwhelmed by Allen's words.

It echoes between the loud thrones.

"What? Joanna, are you talking about me as just an official?I'm sorry, but you don't seem to understand the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary's position. "

"You! You betray me!!"

Shea prepares herself to die, grips the sword placed on her hips, and shakes her body.

"Fufu, aren't you pulling it out?Does this change if you are in a different position?You, the royal ambassador of the little girl, don't know what I've seen. "


"I've been doing my best for the royal family for years in a terrible environment of earth and smoke.And yet, it's really sad that I called because I was in trouble. "

He says he worked for the Krebille royal family for many years in a harsh environment for the dry fishmongers of the Baux Empire.

No matter how successful they were, they didn't appreciate it, and it was when the Krebeer royal family was in trouble that they came to the Prostian Empire.

Allen says it's a good story about insects.

"What are you talking about!?If the Krebille Royal leans, so will you! "

Sophie says with all her might that her turn has come.

Allen thinks she was practicing her lines until late last night.

"No, Your Majesty promised me that you would have it when you had the money."

"Here, turn around in this situation!Shame on you! Be prepared when you return safely to the royal family!! "

Sophie slightly ran out.

Immediately restrain yourself and make sure you keep an eye on Allen.

(Thank you for your imminent acting.Today yesterday, but it's perfect.Now, what do we do? (Ignomous)

He acts as he crushes Ignomus' thoughts one by one.

In the meantime, Allen wonders what he thinks.

An official came yesterday and told me to go to the palace.

In the meantime, Allen came up with this operation.

I think the situation of coming to the Imperial Capital of Patlanta and actively obtaining information is over.

I decided to get more information from what I learned.

When I told Princess Calmin about it, I decided to take off one skin for the Kingdom of Clevule.

Now that the Prostian Empire is dying, we don't know what will happen to the Krebille kingdom.

Perhaps Ignomus will make the Krebille kingdom change the way it is.

And, even if ground control works, the Crebel royal family does not necessarily follow.

The Crebel royal family is a nation that frequently embraces the blood of the prostian family.

Princess Calmin plays perfectly the role she decided last night for the survival of the nation.

The Knight Ivanam leader, who has no role this time, keeps his head down to wonder if it really works.

Supporting Princess Calmin's performance is an elevated status ring prepared by Allen.

I gave the ring to Pelomus and other non-combatants.

Princess Calmin has raised her intellect by 10,000, perfecting Allen's operation.

Allen and Princess Carmine, Shea, Sophie, and Cecil went on.

"Enough, this is before the Emperor!!"

Prime Minister Ajilai says calm down.

Princess Calmin is so tall that she looks at Ignomus what to do.

"I see. You can't keep making a scene like this?"

"Oh no, forgive me...."

The knights surrounding Ignomus stepped forward, so Princess Calmin lowered her head as if she had swallowed the situation.

The situation also makes Knight Ivanam and his escort Shea nervous.

If you want to take care of Carmine, put your life at stake and protect her.

(I still feel absolutely confident in my arms)

Ignomus, who has been told that he has the talent of a 4-Star Spear King, doesn't seem to care about the tension of Knight Ivanam.

I wonder how confident my arms are.


A voice leaks from an Ignomus who stopped thinking a long time ago.

"Wouldn't it be unbearable to defile the throne room with this flow?How about a souvenir from the emperor to the queen? "

Allen guides such Ignomous thoughts.

"Ah? What do you mean? Did you bring a souvenir?"

I didn't seem to like what I was about to do, and Ignomus changed his expression.

"Isn't the queen bored?"

"I see. Oh, yeah. Let's talk about it.Alec seems to be turning his head. "

I think Ignomus was able to postpone the situation.

"No, not as much as His Majesty."

Allen looks ill and responds humbly to Ignomus' praise.

Allen's idea was not to let her talk to Princess Rapsonyl.

This means that we can isolate Princess Calmin and her guards, who have learned of the situation and started making noise.

If we keep him alive, he will realize that he can be used to negotiate with the Krebille royal family, and the more he becomes Allen, the more he sends his gaze.

"All right, get the princesses out of the house.You can back off, too. "

It looks like this is the end of the conversation with Ignomus.

He didn't like the trouble and said, "Oh my God," while Ignomus went from the Throne Room.

Princess Calmin is carried by the knights.

Allen and the others followed.

"That's it for you.From here on out, boys are forbidden. "

I thought we could go to the separation house together, but that wasn't the case.

On the way from the first floor of the palace to the detached palace, the knights who serve the Ignomus block Allen's way.

Apparently, Allen, Pelomus, and the Knights of Ivanam can't get out of here in the men's restricted area.

"Well, then, Your Highness.I hope you're well and will never see me again. "

I will now serve Ignomus, but Allen whispers goodbye to Princess Calmin forever.

"Come, remember!!"

That's how Cecil kicks his feet.


Then, it hit Allen's back head so he could inhale it.

(Thank you very much for coming here, Adrib.Cecil, I can see your thighs.)

The knights move when Cecil's improvisation begins.

In the imminent act, the knights said, "Calm down" and "Conceptualize."

Looks like they're pushing Princess Calmin and Cecil in.

After that, the knights close the heavy doors and return to their original path.

"Still, it was quite an act.That's how it feels. "

Shea says she's done it.

I was wondering if it would really work.

"No, I'm glad it worked out."

Sophie is also relieved.

"It was a wonderful act. My serafi kick hurt."

"Oh, yeah, Alec."

That said, Bird G's Summoner will also peek at Cecil's head from the gap in his clothes.

The binding skills are sealed, but the sharing function seems to be alive, so Allen can share his vision.

Who are you!

A woman slowly comes down from the big staircase in front of her as she talks at the door.

The stairs don't seem to be used at that time.

(Oh, a mermaid, as they say, a mermaid princess)

Swimming alone came the fish in the lower body, and the green hair in the upper body was shiny and beautiful Princess Rapsonyl.

As I heard, Allen, who hid his body from the gap in his clothes to the limit, looked at it as flickering.

After Princess Rapsonyl, Dotabata and the nearby knights of women come.

"This is Her Highness. I'm sorry to disturb you.I'm here to help. "

Shea apologizes on behalf of me for suddenly entering the separation house.

"To help? What is the situation? Explain yourself."

Seems to have somehow realized something more than just Shea entering the apartheid.

Shea is creating such an atmosphere.

"Tell me what's going on here?"

Shea can put in the meaning that she talks about everything here.

"... yes, come here."

I think I caught something with that look on her face.

Under the guidance of Princess Rapsonyl, Shea and the others were transported upstairs between the docks.

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