"I was wondering if there was a problem until tomorrow's sorority contest."

Helmios asked about the current situation, so Allen answers the Prostia Empire's question.

At first, I tried to convey the general situation every day through Meruth and the spirit system's summoning beasts.

And it came to pass before noon that Allen broke up with Peromus.

The Palace and the Imperial Capital Patranta are busy with the songwriting contest tomorrow.

In addition, the costume matching of the song princess Rosalina was completed by yesterday.

We analyzed the purchase history Allen had obtained and the preferences of Makris the Holy Fish who was guided from it.

I explained several patterns to Cecil and Sophie, and even when I bought the clothes, it was time for the Bird F's Summon Beast Awakening Skill, "Message."

You can send the video information to Cecil and the others, so you can choose the clothes remotely.

Only Shia, who is enthusiastic that she will be active, is pushing for a brain muscle style costume for some reason.

While Cecil and Sophie were puzzled, they worked with Princess Rapsonil to modify their trajectory.

Shia has come to the Prostia Empire this time to establish herself as the Beast King.

In any case, the activities of Allen, Peromus, Luke and so on stand out, and there may be something like impatience.

"Something, that's fine." I wonder if we can go and see it, too? "

Rosetta, who looked hesitant, replied with her hands on Allen's shoulders.

"I don't mind." Will we all go together tomorrow? "

(It is impossible to have hundreds of people.In the crowd, it is possible to hold 10 or 20 people.)

Allen had the ability to shed Rosetta's actions.

Using FishA's awakening skill, "mimicry," Allen says, it is possible to change everyone here into a fishman and watch the tournament.

"That's good." I'd like to go if I can. "

The women at Helmios' party were also curious.

Every woman dreams of Holy Fish Makris.

Helmios thought it would be great for a break from his daily training, but he checked to see if it was possible.

"I can't prepare a special seat."Please be prepared to escape if anything happens. "

I think the Fishman can escape if he jumps from the top of the worst flower column.

"That's scary."

Allen's words are joking and true, so Helmios shrugs his head.

To get Rosalina to participate in the tournament, she has also faked her participation.

Participation in the tournament consists of a certificate of participation distributed to the participants and the magic tools that manage it.

This management system is the same as the Adventurer's Certificate.

Allen, an S-ranked adventurer and in a position to know the rationale for managing the Adventurer's ID, immediately came up with a way to get Rosalina to participate in the tournament.

There was a gap between the magic tools in the palace and the officials' management.

I secretly took the magic tool to Heavy User Island and had the leader of the Mage Corps Larrappa do the work.

Rosalina's forged participation number was registered in the magic tool.

There is no problem with the participation itself, but since it is only a superficial counterfeit, it will be revealed immediately after investigation.

If you look into the territory where the officials of the palace's tournament administration participated, you will notice the discrepancy between Rosalina's participation and the victory of the forgery.

If it becomes noisy, it is not the place to watch the tournament, but it seems that Holy Fish Makris will give tears on the spot directly to the participants who have been selected during the tournament.

When she got tears, Rosalina seemed to run away from the venue before she found out.

It seems like a tournament in which unauthorized participation never ends, and it seems that something similar has happened several times in the past.

Peromus asks Fiona to consider whether she will receive the tears of the Holy Fish Makris.

If this doesn't mean you've got Makris's tears, then you need to think of another way.

You can even negotiate with Makris, who is swimming somewhere in the middle of the day.

Lord Allen.

General Rudo comes to Allen, who was asked about the tournament.

(Huh? Did you get the results of the investigation?)

I knew there was something I wanted to tell you from General Rudo's expression.

General Rud sat down in front of Allen and the others.

"General Rudo, what do you think? Did you find out anything about Sinorom?”

I don't think Lord Allen would have asked for a fishman.

I see.

Half a month ago, Princess Rapsonil told me that Sinorom was suspicious.

So I decided to find out who Sinorom was and what he was doing in the palace.

However, Sinorom, who was supposed to be in the palace for more than a year, had no information except that he was advising Ignomus.

I don't even know where it came from.

I don't have any family or relatives.

I was on the side of Ignomus sometime.

There's nothing more suspicious than not being able to follow in your footsteps and not knowing anything.

It's pretty suspicious, so I thought maybe I was doing something with Beck.

It seemed like even Xinorom had invited Beck into a civil commotion.

Parallel to Rosalina's disguise of participation in the Games, she asked General Rudo, who had been in the Royal Castle for a long time in the former Beast King SS, if he knew anything about Sinorom.

General Rudo told me I didn't know that.

General Rudo, who had become Shia's amulet more than five years earlier, was unfamiliar with the Royal Castle's intel.

A year or two after I went out with Shea to hunt down the devils, I was even more neglected.

However, General Rudo has many acquaintances in the Royal Castle.

The beasts of Bek's men have confirmed the existence of an old fishman named Sinorom.

(Are you not there? I thought it was a pretty good line.

General Rudo said there was no fishman named Sinorom.

But he still said something.

I will send my gaze to you if there is anything else.

"There was a suspicious old man by my side."

"What? You don't think there's a fishman?"

I don't know what that means because I said I wasn't there earlier.

"There were no fishmen.An old beast was near Bek.The old man's name is "Sino". "

Among the beasts captured when suppressing the civil unrest, there was a suspicious beast named Shino.

Sometimes they appeared, and they approached Bek, and they had given some advice before.

General Rudo says that the outbreak of civil unrest may also be due to Shino's advice.

"The advice was, 'I will not be a king of beasts in this state.Since you have a hand in the Fishman, would you definitely succeed if you called the army? "

Allen tries what Syno would have said.

"That's right." The beasts they captured were also deceived by Shino. "

(Oh, did you finally find it? But you're a beast. You're a beastman.)

Sinorom was not a fishman, but a beast named Sinoe.

This means that you have the power to change your appearance like Allen.

It changed its appearance and melted into the ranks of the leading people in various countries.

Allen looks at Helmios as his thoughts progress.

Here were the warrior warriors and their allies who fought against the Demon King's army.

"Maybe you haven't seen such a Demon King army cadre or a demon god?"It doesn't matter if you're not a demon god or not.

The Demon King's army simply wants to destroy humans by letting their brain muscles tell them a few things.

Allen also knows from the story of the Demon King's Army Chief of Staff Kubel in the fight against the devils.

I haven't seen a demon god or a demon race called Sinorom.

Helmios, who was listening together, says he doesn't know anything about Sinorom.

There was very little information at the executive level to command the Demon King's army.

I knew this in conversation with the Helmios as Allen and the others took over the S-Class Dungeon.

The Demon King's army had been fighting for more than 50 years, but there was little useful information.

More of the information Meruth learned by joining the ranks.

Even Meruth did not know the detailed activities of the Demon King's army.

In the first place, Allen is not expecting a response from Helmios.

Since I was in the S-class dungeon, I've heard stories about demon gods that I've defeated in battle, demon gods that I couldn't defeat, and demon tribes that I've missed.

Because there was no Sinorom in it.

I was doing a good line, but I was wondering if I would go back to the bounce.

Sinorom? Sinorom?

When I thought I couldn't get anything, Doberg muttered as I touched the eyelid that hides my lost eyes.

"What? Do you know anything about Mr. Doberg?"

Do you know Mr. Doberg?

Allen asks with anticipation.

"Something about a demon tribe that was used as an eyeball monster."


Doberg didn't say a word until the end, so he didn't care what it was.

But Allen breathes there.

Dorberg's eyes were filled with anger that could kill anyone.

Allen is familiar with this eye.

It resembled the expression on Doberg's face when she almost lost to Klenna when she was in school.

"I don't know anything about researchers like that."Could it be that you lost Mr. Classis before? "

Helmios replaces me with a question for Doberg.

Helmios, who has been through the dead ends together many times, slowly speaks to Doberg.

Helmios has fought together a lot, but long before Helmios was born, Doberg fought against the Demon King's army.

"He will kill me." No, that's right, I have to find it. "

(Huh? Do you think that has something to do with Sinorom?So, you mean Mr. Classis to find it?)

And Allen heard at the time of the appraisal that the classes of the people were the saints, and that the dobergs of the serfs were the swords.

Actually, this Doberg and Classis are from the same village, and they seem to be married.

When I heard about Doberg's less talkative past before, Helmios told me what happened to Doberg.

Krasis, Doberg's wife, died in a battle with the Demon King's army.

From Doberg's current attitude and story, he was taken away by the Demon King's army.

That's why Doberg is still fighting the Devil King's Army for more than 50 years in search of his beloved Classis after the age of 70, and why Doberg is fighting the Devil King's Army.

"I guess they took Mr. Classis away." For what? "

Helmios, who has fought many times over for Allen's life, tries to get information from Doberg, choosing his words.

"He said it was some kind of experiment."What do you think of space-time?Watch out for them. I'll take the curse. "

And at that time, right?

"Yeah, I was attacked by a monster's tentacle."

Doberg was attacked by the Demon King's army, who could not heal himself even if he changed jobs.

According to the church, it looks like a "curse" and even plays the recovery magic of the saintly lady.

(I see. Is there anyone in the Demon King's army who develops weapons?)

Allen was at the centre of the war in Rosenheim and saw many eye-catching monsters gathering information.

There are wings like bats' feathers directly in the eyeball, and it seems like they are inspecting the enemy.

The Demon King army has a department that studies attacks that can't be healed, beasts that collect information, and more, and it looks like Xinolom is involved.

Having checked the situation, I realized one important thing in Allen.

(Well then, the people you left at the palace are in danger.)

Cecil and Peromus were left behind in the palace where Xinorom, a member of the Demon King's army, was hiding.

Allen confirms Bird G's Summon Monster with Cecil and the others.

Cecil, Sophie, and Shia seem to be safe there.

However, I hadn't attached the Summon Monster of Bird G to Peromus.

In a hurry, I sent the Fish D Summon Beast to the archives that separated Peromus before coming to this S-Class Dungeon.

There was no one in the file room.

(Maybe Luke and the others too?I wanted to stay. Luke and the others are safe)

Luke and Formal, with the Spirit King Faarbull, also sent the Fish D Summon Beast, but they seemed to be there.

Once again, I sent all the Fish D Summoners to the Palace to find Peromus.

What's the matter, Allen-kun?

Helmios noticed Allen's nervous expression.

"Looks like Peromus is gone."

A situation has arisen that can only be thought of.

I used three FishD Summon Monsters to expand my research, but I couldn't find them.

Peromus disappeared from the palace.

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