Hello White-Eyed Wolf in Quick Travel

Chapter 14 The family adopted a white-eyed wolf (14)

Cai Yun stayed at home for three days before the hospital finally issued sanctions.

Xu Yuguang did not make the matter a big deal. The demotion, salary cut, and department transfer that Cai Yun originally imagined did not happen.

But the hospital gave her a very humiliating punishment, which was to suspend Cai Yun and go home, and she had to get a professional qualification certificate within a year. If she couldn't get it, she wouldn't have to go back to the hospital.

With this penalty notice, Cai Yun was not only ashamed but also a little confused. She was not an attending physician, so why did she still need to take the qualification certificate exam?

How will she convince the public in the future? Will her nurses and interns still trust her?

The intense sadness overwhelmed her again, like thousands of insects gnawing at her heart.

Cai Yun's footsteps became heavier and heavier, and each step was shaky, as if he might collapse to the ground at any time.

At this moment, she wished Luo Ran was by her side.

At this time, Luo Ran was getting angry at the female intern in the unit: "How many times have I told you to record every step in detail? Look at what you wrote. This is how you learned it in the hospital."

Luo Ran considers himself a very pure person. Right is right and wrong is wrong. He will not provide any preferential treatment to the other party because of his gender.

In order to prove that he treats everyone equally and preserve his reputation, he will even scold women more harshly.

So the intern named Xiaojie once again received a storm of criticism.

The harder Xiaojie cried, the stronger the irritability in Luo Ran's heart.

Just when the little girl was crying so hard that she almost lost her breath, Luo Ran's phone suddenly rang.

Luo Ran set a special ringtone for Cai Yun. Both of them were busy with work on weekdays, and they both made a tacit agreement: Unless something big happened, they would only send messages during working hours.

Although Luo Ran was irritated when he heard Cai Yun's call at this time, he was still a little worried about Cai Yun's situation.

He immediately suppressed his anger and answered the phone: "Why are you calling at this time? Did something happen?"

At the same time, he did not forget to yell at Xiaojie: "If you want to cry, go out and cry!"

Cai Yun was already feeling aggrieved, but when he heard Luo Ran's words, his eyes instantly turned red: "I don't want to cry either, but I can't help it!"

She has been a top student since childhood, how could she endure such humiliation.

Luo Ran's handsome eyebrows knitted together, and his angular jawline tightened: "Don't cry first, and explain the matter to me clearly."

What he hates most now is the sound of a woman crying.

After listening to Cai Yun's intermittent explanation, Luo Ran's expression became more and more impatient, but thinking that the woman opposite him was his favorite, he finally persuaded her patiently: "The matter of the professional qualification certificate is a mandatory rule, and no one can do anything about it. Now that I can support the family, you can just stay at home and take the exam with peace of mind."

From his point of view, it was normal for the hospital to ask Cai Yun to conduct research, but the way it was handled was somewhat unjustifiable.

After all, Yunyun is a top student who returned from overseas, and he is also an emerging main force in the hospital. Things like this can be clearly reminded in private, why should they be pointed out at the conference.

After all, there is still a suspicion, and Yu Guang is probably doing something behind the scenes!

Cai Yun originally thought that Luo Ran would comfort him with the same hatred as before, but he didn't expect that all he could say was: "Do you mean I was wrong?"

Both people on the phone were crying. Luo Ran felt like he was surrounded by noise: "I didn't say you were wrong. I just told you to study at home with peace of mind. I will be your strongest support."

Cai Yun originally had a filter for Luo Ran, but when he heard Luo Ran's words, he finally felt better: "Tell me, what would I do without you!"

But her coquettishness did not move Luo Ran: "I still have things to do, remember to review carefully."

After saying that, he hung up the phone and continued to be angry with Xiaojie.

Cai Yun looked at the receiver with a confused tone: Luo Ran didn't seem to call her wife today!

It was noon at this time, and the young couple next door also came back. I heard the little girl instructing her boyfriend to cook.

On the other side, Yu Guang was very busy.

Recently, she has calculated all the properties under the original owner's name and transferred all the shares she can sell to other shareholders. She doesn't care even if the price is reduced.

All the assets in her hands were converted into cash. Many media from the outside world have speculated on this matter, thinking that Yu Guang was planning to transfer assets and settle overseas.

But in fact

Yu Guang looked calmly at the clerk in front of him: "These are all the assets under my name. I plan to hand them all over to the state. At the same time, I can also authorize you to check the deposit information of all the banks under my name to ensure that no deposit information is left behind." Drop anything.”

It's so boring to just torture and scum, so if you want to have fun, just donate naked. Anyway, she has never worried about making money.

The original owner was a very sensible person, and he was really doing Cai Yun's good.

Cai Yun grew up in a honeypot. The biggest adversity in his life was the control of his original owner.

She didn't think the original owner wanted to teach her etiquette and make her a real socialite. In her heart, the original owner just liked to manipulate her life.

Therefore, while enjoying the wealthy living conditions, she subconsciously hated the original owner together with Xi Hongjian.

People like Cai Yun are not suitable to live in the real world. She is only suitable to be the sweet wife in the president's article, or the princess in fairy tales.

And these stories can only be written until marriage, because it is easy to be a mess after that.

As for Luo Ran, this man is impulsive, has low self-esteem and is selfish. He has a bad mind and loves to show off his strength. In his eyes, he is the truth and the light of the right path.

If the two of them come together like this, without the financial support of the original owner, their life should be colorful!

Yu Guang is looking forward to that day.

As for naked donation, it is not only for Cai Yun and Luo Ran, but also for Xi Hongjian.

This son weighs one hundred and sixty-six, of which one hundred and fifty-nine are perverse.

In Xi Hongjian's eyes, everything the original owner deserves is what he deserves.

Otherwise, after the death of the original owner, he would not have held a wedding for Cai Yun without any burden, and also given Cai Yun half of the property.

According to Yu Guang's understanding of Xi Hongjian, after knowing that he donated naked, Xi Hongjian would definitely feel that his behavior was to help him reverse the case, and he would be even more unwilling to prove his innocence.

Out of the corner of her eye, she pushed up her glasses and slowly raised the corners of her mouth. She liked this kind of rebellious person the most.

I just heard that several of Xi Hongjian's partners were taking advantage of his imprisonment to sell out his investment companies. They hoped that Xi Hongjian would not be too surprised when he was released from prison.

Yu Guang's generous words made the clerk's lips twitch. "You can leave some real estate such as houses and cars."

Yu Guang smiled and shook his head: "No need, making money has never been a problem for me."

Her only problem is that she makes money too fast and can't spend it.

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