Hello White-Eyed Wolf in Quick Travel

Chapter 353 I am not a white-eyed wolf (43)

While talking, he led the person to the classroom. When he walked to the door of the classroom, the teacher finally understood why Yu Ziyuan looked familiar.

Because there is already a boy sitting in the classroom who is more or less similar to him.

The teacher took turns looking at the two of them, and it took him a long time to say: You know each other.

He just said that this kid looked familiar!

Although Yu Guang has no sense of taste, he is not a person who treats himself badly. He especially likes to see other people eating delicious food.

Therefore, Yu Ziyuan was the best in terms of food, clothing, housing and transportation.

In contrast, Yu Zixing's life has not been easy these years.

Liao Zhi finally retired two years ago as a teacher with a monthly retirement salary of nearly 6,000 yuan.

Logically speaking, the money is actually enough for the mother and son, but the problem is that Liao Zhi attaches great importance to appearance, and would rather skip meals than buy an outfit for Yu Zixing, so that outsiders can feel that they are living a good life.

This causes them to look glamorous on the outside, but in reality their lives are miserable.

Growing up, it would be an exaggeration to say that Yu Zixing never had enough to eat, but it was a true portrayal of him that eating meat was a festival.

As early as Yu Ziyuan entered the office, he recognized this eldest brother who was sent away by his mother as a burden. But who can tell him why this eldest brother seems to be living a much better life than him.

She is a whole head taller than him in terms of height!

The teacher's words did not have any impact on Yu Ziyuan, and the expression on his face did not change at all. After thinking about it, he quickly shook his head: I don't know, maybe I am really popular.

The eldest sister has said that it is better to do less than to do more. Instead of acting rashly, it is better to let others take action first.

He has never forgotten what happened when he was a child, especially how much his younger brother disliked him!

Sister Yueyue said, don't forgive someone who hurts you, because it implies that the other person can continue to hurt you.

So if you don’t know me, don’t know me!

Yu Zixing looked at Yu Ziyuan in shock. Why should his brother deny him? Does it mean that he doesn't want his own flesh-and-blood relatives just because he is living a good life?

For a moment, Yu Zixing was so angry that he even wanted to rush towards Yu Ziyuan, pinching Yu Ziyuan's neck to make him recognize him.

But after taking a few deep breaths, Yu Zixing gradually calmed down. He would make his brother pay the price.

Yu Ziyuan also knew about Yu Zixing's situation, and Liao Zhi obviously spent a lot of thought on Yu Zixing.

Yu Zixing's grades were also among the top ten in his grade. In the words of his teacher, he was a young man who had only half a foot to step into Qingbei.

But he felt keenly that this younger brother seemed not so friendly to him.

Yu Ziyuan originally planned to stay away from Yu Zixing, but now that he knew that Yu Zixing had ill intentions towards him, he naturally would not get close to Yu Zixing.

But what he didn't expect was that if he didn't provoke Yu Zixing, Yu Zixing would start to take the initiative to cause trouble for her.

People who used to block Yu Zixing at the school gate every day started to pay attention to him.

As soon as school is over, these people will chase Yu Ziyuan, vowing to scrape a layer of oil from him.

You can go to the teacher for help when it comes to things that happen in school, but there is nothing the teacher can do about things that happen outside the school.

Yu Ziyuan ran away several times, but I don't know what Yu Zixing instigated these people. They had a relentless attitude towards Yu Ziyuan, and they chased Yu Ziyuan closer and closer day by day.

Yu Ziyuan was finally held down by them. Yu Ziyuan wanted to learn from Jiang Yue's teachings and kill anyone who touched the mop with feces.

Unfortunately, he had neither a mop nor shit. In the end, he was pushed against the wall by a group of people and severely threatened. He even got kicked several times in the stomach.

After returning to the mental hospital with internal injuries, Yu Guang and the others seemed not to notice the changes in him, and continued to eat and go about their business as usual.

Only Yu Ziyuan went back to the room alone, grinning and applying medicine to himself.

Waiting for tomorrow, he will definitely not suffer any loss again.

Sure enough, he really didn't suffer a loss the next day, because a whole fleet of Rolls-Royces came in front of the school.

People in black suits walked out of the car, and they looked like they were not easy to mess with. They bowed to Yu Ziyuan and said, Master.

Seeing these familiar faces, Yu Ziyuan's nose felt sore. Did the eldest sister call the entire mental hospital to make a show for him?

Most of the patients in Eldest Sister's mental hospital are for recuperation, and I don't know what benefits Eldest Sister gave them to make them agree to help.

As if sensing Yu Ziyuan's thoughts, Zhao Xiaohui, who was walking at the front, leaned into his ear and whispered: Your sister promised them that the chef from Juxian Yaxu would open forty tables at our place tonight.

Yu Ziyuan grinned: How much does it cost?

Zhao Xiaohui approached Yu Ziyuan again: Don't worry about her. Anyway, she won't be able to spend all her money in a few lifetimes. She plans to take it into the coffin when she dies.

Yu Ziyuan grinned again: Where do these cars come from?

Zhao Xiaohui thought for a while: It seems that your sister got a debt-free car from somewhere. It has been in the underground parking lot before, and we didn't find it.

That evil capitalist is really good at hiding things!

After that, Zhao Xiaohui opened the car door for Yu Ziyuan: Master, please get in the car.

As soon as Yu Ziyuan sat firmly, the front seat window rolled down, revealing Jiang Yue's cold face: Butler, who is that person over there!

Zhao Xiaohui looked at the little gangster who was so frightened by the motorcade that he was hiding against the wall and shivering. His tone was full of disdain: Miss, are these?

Jiang Yue hummed: Go back.

Everyone: . Although I was scolded, I couldn't resist at all.

The car started to move, and Yu Ziyuan was about to say thank you to Jiang Yue, but heard Jiang Yue whisper: I have to shoulder everything by myself, so what do we adults do?

This child has always been thoughtful since he was a child. He didn't expect that he would dare to endure such a thing. Why is he so brave?

Yu Zi's nose became even more sore: I'm afraid I'll cause you trouble.

Jiang Yue snorted: Your sister asked me to tell you.

Yu Ziyuan was nervous: What did my sister say? Maybe she asked him to pay, then he would rather be beaten to death by the gangster.

Jiang Yue's voice was full of solemnity: Your sister asked me to tell you that if you were just from a wealthy family, those gangsters would never let go of your cash cow.

But if your status becomes a top rich man, those people will no longer dare to approach you, and they will even take the initiative to clear the way for you.

If you really want to be on your own quickly, then learn to take advantage of the situation first!

He was taught by three psychiatrists.

Give you ten yuan

Lost ten yuan.


Respect the fate of others,

If I give you one million yuan, I will be a white-eyed wolf. If I give you one thousand yuan, I will be a good daughter. If I give you another hundred and eighty yuan occasionally, you will be grateful to me.

There is such a cheap thing, why don’t I do it!

Mom, you are a good planner.

Then, (end of chapter)

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