Hello White-Eyed Wolf in Quick Travel

Chapter 38 The family adopted a white-eyed wolf (38)

Cai Yun's rebellious phase came later than others, but it was definitely fierce.

From that day on, in the next month, Cai Yun ate at various snack bars that he had never eaten before.

After eating, I hid in the cafe listening to soft music and reading a book.

She was really reading, but she just didn't remember any knowledge points.

Restaurants attach great importance to taste, heavy on oil and salt, and wish they could use some technology to make the food taste better.

After eating and drinking like this for a month, Cai Yun's weight increased at a speed visible to the naked eye, and a few pockets even appeared on his forehead.

Cai Yun obviously hadn't realized the changes in her figure. What made her panic was her wallet.

She didn't do anything, so she only had less than 20,000 yuan left in her card.

The small treasury that she originally thought would be enough for her to obtain her professional qualification certificate had already given her a sharp crack.

This forced Cai Yun to stop the comfortable life he liked and stayed at home in pain to continue to face Yu Guang.

It's easy to give up coffee, but the appetite is not good.

The appetite that had been whetted by all kinds of delicious food during this period was already protesting against Cai Yun before noon.

While telling myself to be patient, I clicked on the takeout page.

Thinking that the two of them were dining now, Cai Yun finally chose the cheaper takeout dishes and placed the order for them to be delivered.

After all, saving money does not necessarily have to be done today, it will be the same starting tomorrow.

Looking at the thick layer of grease on the take-out box, 08 couldn't help but exclaimed: Host, how can I eat this? It feels so greasy just looking at it!

The biggest advantage of following a host who is very good at making money is that you can see all kinds of things in the world.

Although he can't eat it, he can see it!

As a person with good taste, he doesn't want to watch his host eat such greasy food.

Yu Guang stuffed the food into his mouth disapprovingly: No matter what cooking method is used, food is food and must not be wasted.

She couldn't taste anything anyway.

08: .Okay, as long as you are happy.

Different from Yu Guang's leisurely manner, Cai Yun was immersed in eating. After a while, the takeout was gone.

Seeing the unfinished look on Cai Yun's face, he smiled softly at her from the corner of his eye and said, You have a good appetite.

Cai Yun didn't want to talk nonsense with Yu Guang and burped: You can eat by yourself. I'll go and take a nap.

It's so annoying, when will the foster mother move out.

She watched Cai Yun go back to her room with a smile from the corner of her eye. Her daughter's figure had become much thicker. As a mother, she was very happy.

Luo Ran has been coming home later and later these days because he discovered something that troubled him. Xiaojie seemed to have some unwanted thoughts about him.

These days, Xiaojie always takes the initiative to talk to him about work issues.

When collecting evidence, she always likes to go against him to attract his attention.

People who used to leave as soon as they get off work now always linger and have to wait until they leave before getting off work.

What’s more, I often give him things for no apparent reason.

Luo Ran helplessly held his forehead and smiled bitterly, what should he do, what should he do to make Xiaojie retreat from the difficulties.

Carrying a few sticks of celery and strolling home, Luo Ran thought seriously about how to reject Xiaojie.

As soon as he entered the room, he was faced with Cai Yun's shiny face.

The original entanglement flew away in an instant, and Luo Ran subconsciously focused his eyes elsewhere: Why is Cai Yun's face so much rounder than before.

She looked at the two people with a smile out of the corner of her eye. She never thought that there could be any unforgettable love between these two people.

It's nothing more than the unhappiness after being forcibly separated, and the fact that I haven't found a partner that better suits my selection conditions.

When external conditions such as wealth and appearance are stripped away layer by layer, what is left in the end is their true inner emotions.

I hope these two can withstand the test and don't become each other's mosquitoes too quickly.

After finishing the meal, Luo Ran still took Cai Yun back to his room to rest.

Perhaps sensing Luo Ran's recent indifference to him, Cai Yun subconsciously put his hand around Luo Ran's waist.

Unexpectedly, Luo Ran's body tensed up instantly, and then he pushed Cai Yun away: I'm very tired today.

Why didn't I notice before that Cai Yun had suddenly gained so much weight? The sudden change almost made him choke.

Hearing Luo Ran's rejection, Cai Yun turned over depressedly and took away all the quilts.

Thinking of the unscrupulous love words he heard during the day, Cai Yun bit the corner of his quilt and cried silently. Why couldn't Luo Ran be as passionate as the boy next door.

She doesn't want much, as long as Luo Ran pays more attention to her.

Luo Ran pulled the quilt and saw that Cai Yun was motionless. He quietly weighed his and Cai Yun's bodies.

Feeling that he might not be able to overtake Cai Yun now, Luo Ran got up and got himself a bed quilt.

Cai Yun originally thought that Luo Ran would coax her, but Luo Ran actually broke up with her directly. Powerful grievances welled up in her heart, and tears burst out.

She just wanted Luo Ran to coax her. Isn't this difficult?

It's not that Luo Ran doesn't know Cai Yun is crying, he just can't get enough of Cai Yun's days when Cai Yun seems to have no mouth and lets him guess everything.

Cai Yun has already caused him a lot of troubles, can't he make his life easier?

Hearing the sound of Cai Yun sniffing hard, Luo Ran finally thought of a topic: How are you preparing for the exam?

He wanted to know how long he would have to live this kind of life of raising a family alone.

I thought Cai Yun could come down the steps, but Cai Yun cried even harder after hearing this.

Feeling that the mattress was shaking up and down with Cai Yun's cries, Luo Ran picked up the quilt irritably: I have to go to work tomorrow, so you should go to bed early!

Then he fell asleep on the sofa in the living room.

I thought I would fall asleep soon, but although my eyes were dry, my mind became clearer and clearer.

He could still faintly hear crying coming from the room, which made Luo Ran feel more and more irritable.

In the end, he rushed to Yu Guang's door and slammed the door panel hard, calling Yu Guang out: When can you leave?

He was fed up with this kind of life, and fed up with Yu Guang's interference in his life.

Yu Guang smiled and leaned against the door frame: As long as you give me the money, I will leave immediately.

Luo Ran wanted to take action, but thinking of Yu Guang's methods, he finally swallowed his breath and said, Are you raising the child in order to repay her?

How could this old witch be so utilitarian?

He looked at Luo Ran with a smile from the corner of his eye: No, I raised the white-eyed wolf just so that she could join forces with you to bite me back.

Luo was furious and pressed his tongue against his cheek. Just as he was about to speak, he was kicked in the stomach by Yu Guang: How many times have I told you not to tilt your head? Why can't you remember it?

Are you coming to me to pave the way for you to abandon Cai Yun?

You find that Cai Yun, who has nothing, is of no help to your life, right?

Have you come up with a reasonable reason for divorce, or are you waiting for Cai Yun to leave on his own initiative! (End of Chapter)

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