Help all mankind

Chapter 13 Blackmailing De Beers Company

Liang Shicheng said in the email that he would take a plane to reach the magic city, but in fact he chose a cheaper high-speed rail. Although it is a small city located in the center of the motherland and far away from the magic city, the city has 4 high-speed rails. The magic city can be reached within an hour, so even if it is a small city, the housing price is not low.

After arriving in the magic city, I met with the person who was connected, and under their arrangement, went directly to the British embassy in the magic city to quickly apply for a visa, and then quickly boarded the plane towards the headquarters of De Beers. At the location, London flew over.

Sitting in the first-class cabin, Liang Shicheng clutched his pockets tightly, and contained the so-called sample, the rough diamond that failed to be transmitted.

Although he was about to enter other people's territory, the other party did not know that Liang Shicheng was a lonely person, nor that the so-called sample was the only one in the world and could not be reproduced.

In the message Liang Shicheng gave to De Beers, they are now the negotiator sent by the company, so they naturally dare not neglect, and they have used the best specifications to entertain and wait on the whole journey.

When the plane landed at London Airport, it was still daytime because of the jet lag. After getting off the plane, it was not enough to give Liang Shicheng the time to take the jet lag, so he was directly sent to the company's headquarters, and then taken him into a large conference room.

The representatives of De Beers there had been waiting for a long time, and at the same time they assigned Liang Shicheng an interpreter, which avoided a lot of embarrassment. Liang Shicheng's spoken English had not been practiced for a long time and was already very rigid.

Liang Shicheng repeated the content of yesterday's email roughly, then took out the precious rough diamond and handed it to the representative nearest to him.

Everyone in the conference room circulated this unusual rough diamond. It was crystal clear, perfect in color and high in appearance. The only problem was that it was mixed with some small screws and a button battery.

If it weren't for these debris, with this weight and size, it would also be an extremely rare rough diamond, which could easily be sold at a good price.

But after incorporating these impurities, coupled with Liang Shicheng’s introduction, this is a synthetic diamond produced by our company using a new low-temperature and low-pressure process.

Now this special rough diamond has its more important meaning. The representatives who circulated this rough diamond took out some instruments from around from time to time to check it, and finally concluded that its quality is indeed It's very good, and it's quite true to the natural diamond.

If it weren't for the screws and button batteries, it would be hard for everyone to imagine that this is a man-made diamond.

After each inspection with their own instruments, the representatives of De Beers nodded to each other and exchanged opinions, confirming that there is no problem with Liang Shicheng.

Once the quality of diamonds of this size is mass-produced, the value of all natural diamonds in the world will be impacted, the entire industry will be devastated, and De Beers, the dominant player in this industry, will be ruined.

In the end, the old white-bearded man sitting in a corner of the large table coughed twice, and the other representatives quickly remained silent. It seemed that he was the highest-ranking one in this group.

The old man with white beard looked at Liang Shicheng and said straightforwardly:

"Make a price, we hope to acquire your company."

When Liang Shicheng heard this reply, he disagreed. This was not his original plan, because he was not a company representative at all. He just wanted to reach an agreement with De Beers to get a small amount of money from it, and then give up Diamond research, next he needs energy to round out this lie.

"No, the company will not sell. The purpose of coming here is to discuss other conditions."

After listening to the translator's retelling, seeing Liang Shicheng so determined, the old man with white beard put on a sincere attitude, "Then what conditions do you need?"

"Please give me some time and give me a chance to introduce our company."

Liang Shicheng stood up from the table and looked at the crowd firmly. The old man with white beard nodded, put his hands on the table and kept silent, and he turned to sound.

"I know that our company's new technology may subvert the original traditional industry. Once this new synthetic diamond technology is mass-produced, De Beers will quickly decline.

So you hope to use the most crude method to wholly acquire our company, and then find a way to split it so that it can never study this technology again.

Using this method to eliminate potential opponents in the future, we have seen a lot of things like this in the technology circle."

Hearing this, the old man with white beard shook his head while smiling.

After Liang Shicheng adjusted his state slightly, he continued:

"But we don't want this to happen!

Our company is composed of a group of young people with ideals and aspirations. Compared with money, we enjoy this research process and results more.

We will not compromise with money at will, but this does not mean that we and De Beers must become competitors in the future.

There are many roads, and the direction of scientific research is even more so. Although we have developed this disruptive technology for manufacturing artificial diamonds, we do not intend to be complacent, and stop the pace of scientific research and realize it.

Our company develops more than this technology, we have other more ambitious goals.

But it is undeniable that we are short of money. This is the purpose of our negotiation with you.

We don’t deny the company’s real financial situation. Even the money for mass production of such man-made diamonds is not enough for the time being, but it’s not a problem to have a stock market here. As long as this technology is announced, many investors will immediately invest in us. money.

But in doing so, our man-made diamond technology must also be announced to the world. By then, your company may have to bear a huge impact on its business.

So I have this suggestion that if our company is not listed, we can not disclose our research and development projects to the outside world. At the same time, our group of researchers can be free from the constraints of the board of directors and engage in research with peace of mind.

As long as you are willing to assist us in researching other technologies, in exchange we will not only guarantee that it will not be listed, but also promise not to continue to research the technology of artificial diamonds and completely seal them.

Compared with money, we have more enthusiasm for scientific exploration.

We have many other fields that are worth studying..."

After Liang Shicheng’s introduction, everyone at the scene was silent for a while, and finally the old man with white beard clapped kindly and said slowly.

"Young people are really farsighted. You must know that the price of diamonds is not because of its true value, but because of its scarcity. If you choose to promote your man-made diamonds to the public, it will inevitably disrupt the price of the entire market. No benefit.

Your proposal is the best result for you and me.

On behalf of our company, I promised to cooperate with you, so how much money do you need?"

Liang Shicheng was delighted to see that the plan was half achieved, but he did not show any emotions. He tried to behave like a negotiator sent by a large company should be, and calmly continued to add:

"It's not just a matter of money. In short, the contract between us is strictly speaking.

We give up the research on man-made diamond technology, and you have to provide us with the conditions for researching other fields of technology.

As for money, we don’t need too much. You can rest assured that we are definitely not using this technology to blackmail you. We are not capitalists. We only want to get a sum of money to make up for the funds invested in this technology research. Billion dollars."

This number was not just opened up, but was obtained after Liang Shicheng’s careful research. He investigated the financial report of De Beers in advance. For this company with a market value of 300 billion US dollars, it suddenly had to pay 3 billion US dollars. It can bear it, and it won't hurt the bones.

The old man with white beard spoke after a moment of silence.

"Money is not a problem, but US$3 billion is not a small number, but if we want us to spend 3 billion in one go, then we have to visit your company first, and at least give an explanation to other senior executives in the company."

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