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About the new book

Say the way to open the layout of new books.

First, come and say that the original story will be explained why do you want to open a new book to change.

The original story is planning to write this way, the male is a chance to change life because of some reasons, and after grasping, after constantly developing his company, be a hidden rich, and Liang Sheng knows that he is not easy. To exercise low-key, don't show your black technology casually, too Zhang Yang will cause doubt. After all, he is a company's ordinary social animal, Liang Sheng, this idea seems very sensible.

Men Liang Die sincerely wanted to be so low-key development, and the worldview of the entire story began to start.

The weapon verification team revealed to the male land. There was a sudden phenomenon in this world. Some small countries, or the company suddenly mastered, more advanced technology than super big countries, preliminary doubts are the internal researchers of these countries, they call This phenomenon is a stolen fire and is investigated by the orders and destroys the illegal forces that master dangerous black technology.

Liang Qi Cheng heard sudden cold sweat came out, he is not a robber, although it is not an initiative, in order to hide this, immediately agree to help the weapon verification team investigation, it is said that the thief will help the thief.

In the process of assisting the weapon verification team survey, it has encountered a heavy loss, not only the personnel of the weapons verification team have encountered major losses, but also the target of the survey, this is certain in the inner ghost.

Just at this time, another poorer, but the poor poor, I called the organization of the Earth League, I found it to the door, telling the background of the mysterious tissue of the man before him, is actually a group of advance and outside. Star height civilization has been secretly communicated, but not to steal the prior art.

This also explains why this organization can master the most advanced black technology.

The Love Earth Alliance told Liang Diecheng. They were originally a formal agency on this earth, which was responsible for investigating the secret organization, but now I have been forced to transfer into underground illegal activities.

Because of that mysterious organization, with a special event, the real "patriot", and hiding the identity development.

And now this mysterious organization, what is doing is the arrival of the alien high civilization, the bridge is paved, and they will meet them for decades.

The governments are still busy on the earth, will not take such a long-term thing, and the talents of the mysterious organization are very savvy. It knows the importance of hidden themselves, leading to the country's invasion of aliens.

So I Love the Earth League wants to pull the unity of this outbreak to fight this group of passers-by, but the whole process is in the secret.

It is not only to deal with that organization, but also want to make a way, let all mankind changes, let the earth have a good alien civilization than yourself much.

From this time, the tone of the story becomes, and how the male is soone to save the world.

But in fact, the man is not the first person to do this, there is a person who has done it several decades ago, it is not a failure, but the time to destroy human destruction is decades, can be human The companion is not a confrontation, but also the name of the, this person is the father of the female dictator.

And the owner of course is also the heart of the iron, and proves that the father's efforts are valuable, and it will also assist the male mainly, let him not repeat the same mistakes.

Ok, the story rough outline is completed.

Then I found a problem, that is about the motivation of male main motion. Under the order of the development, it will seem to be pale, no passion.

In this case, after the man, saving the world, fighting high civilization, and there is no feeling.

So I wanted to change a new beginning, touched the timeline for decades, let the story returned, and human beings face the destruction of civilization.

There, the readers will see how the people who have been born in the country have fallen into human traitors, and become the way people of alien civilization.

Seeing the father of the Lihua Bell, and how the heroes in that era saved human civilization, but finally buried.

I think, under the put of the new opening, the whole story will generate new vitality. With this laying pad, the story will bring the reader better viewing experience.

The content in front of the new book is to make the emotional pavilion for this main story. With this paving, the Tianma Temple will be more feeling.

The previous section of the new book, because the story happened in decades ago, the starting point of all incidents, the so-called theft has no large-scale and aliens to join and receive black technology.

Therefore, it is impossible to open the cerebral holes in black technology and equipment.

However, you can still design a lot of fun plots, although there are some brains, but you will be more moving (I serious).

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