Help all mankind

Chapter 25 Worry-free Wang Kai (Thanks to the book friends ending in 9106 and 1551 for their continu

In the end, Su Ping planned to return the ring to Liang Shicheng, but he was also prevaricated by the reason that it was a sample. After get off work, Su Ping went to the jewelry store and bought a box. In the end, the ring fell into Su Chang's mother's hands.

Liang Shicheng is still relatively confident about the broken state of the super glass for the time being, because the original batch of super glass, although the appearance of the broken super glass will be somewhat different, the whole shows a certain pattern.

Now that there are potential customers, before the product is sold, a lot of destruction experiments need to be done to ensure that it is consistent with the product description, without exception, which means that a lot of super glass needs to be destroyed to collect data, but he knows the process Now there is a simple way that does not need to be forcibly obtained with destructive instruments.

Because the super glass produced by process 2 has its own weakness, or initiation point, as long as this position is forcibly hit, the super glass can theoretically be broken as a whole.

However, Wang Kai thought very well, and he also knew this point, so when producing super glass on a small scale, he cleverly hid this weakness.

The new batch of samples that Liang Shicheng brought this time has a common feature. In an inconspicuous position, there is a small hole. If you look closely at this small hole, it is still curved, and a question mark appears under the microscope. The weak point of the bubble is located at the innermost position of the bubble.

Even if someone deliberately poke a hole aimed at the location of the weakness, they cannot reach the weakness. After discovering this, Liang Shicheng feels that Wang Kai is a dedicated employee and will save him a lot of worry in the future. .

It turns out that Wang Kai is indeed a person who does not need to be supervised, and will take the initiative to devote all his attention to technical research.

When Liang Shicheng told him on the phone about what happened in Su Ping's research institute, he originally expected Wang Kai to produce a batch of samples with exposed weaknesses for testing, but Wang Kai answered calmly.

"No need. I have done a lot of crushing tests. Come to the laboratory directly. I will keep all the samples."

In the evening Liang Shicheng met with Wang Kai as scheduled in the laboratory building. Wang Kai took him to a room dedicated to storing things.

There are many cabinets here, full of samples of broken super glass.

Wang Kai selected some representative ones, put them on the table aside, and carefully explained to Liang Shicheng.

"The one on the far left is an early production sample, when things were not perfect.

The one on the far right is the batch that has just been produced recently. The situation is much better than before. You can see for yourself."

Liang Shicheng took a general look, and it was consistent with his guess.

Liang Shicheng had already witnessed the broken state of the first batch of super glass. Although there were some irregularities in the broken lines, the whole was not broken, but it also maintained its original shape, and it rarely dropped any residue.

Occasionally, a small irregular piece will be separated, but that may only be caused by the insufficient purity of the raw materials produced in the early samples due to impurities.

However, through the channels of acquaintances, Wang Kai still managed to obtain some raw materials with relatively high purity.

In the newly produced samples, the broken lines are very regular to the naked eye, and they are layered layer by layer, like folded transparent paper.

Wang Kai introduced that this is the characteristic of crack propagation direction polarization technology. As a doctoral student who used to publish papers, naming is his hobby.

Because the internal self-detonation direction of this super glass is guided by the electric current, it is very regular, so the state after being broken is also very regular, and the lines appear layer by layer along the direction of the current applied during production.

There was no glass slag, which made Liang Shicheng very happy. What is more to celebrate is that most of the later samples were broken and kept as a whole, and a few of them would be broken into thick sections.

But he still felt uneasy, and picked up the hammer, trying to hit these super glass samples with regular and delicate cracks, but no further breakage occurred.

Wang Kai did not stop him, but after Liang Shicheng stopped, he continued to explain. Although the texture is one piece, the contact area of ​​the piece is not small, so it can provide van der Waals force and atmospheric pressure on a tiny scale. It's as if two very flat glasses can be held together after being stuck together. This is his idea.

In the end, Liang Shicheng was very satisfied with the breaking of the super glass and planned to celebrate with Wang Kai.

However, Wang Kai had an unhappy expression from beginning to end. He had his worries.

"This is not a good thing for me, I have never found a way to make it break into scum."

After listening to Liang Shicheng, he was puzzled and said he was puzzled.

"Isn't good materials supposed to be scumbags? Why do you want it to scumbags?"

Wang Kai immediately explained that as early as a long time ago, he had used high-purity raw materials to produce super glass that would not drop slag after being broken.

This goal has been achieved, but he was not satisfied, and then began to study in the opposite direction, how to make the super glass shattered and broken.

This is the spirit of research people, that is, to completely control the attributes of the research objects, and ultimately get different uses.

Then Wang Kai took Liang Shicheng into the corridor, squatted down, and said his other purpose.

First, he introduced the method of polishing diamonds. Diamonds are the hardest thing in the world. Two different objects rub against each other, and the harder the object, the less damage it will suffer.

Because of the high hardness of diamonds, the efficiency of polishing diamonds with other things is extremely low, so the method of diamond processing is to polish diamonds with diamonds.

To be precise, low-quality diamonds are used to polish high-quality diamonds, but after they rub each other, the contact surface of the two diamonds quickly becomes a super smooth plane. If this continues, rubbing against each other will have no effect, so at this time It is necessary to continuously add diamond powder to it, which is the reason for the high cost of diamond processing.

At present, the grinding process of super glass can only use the same method, so he hopes to find a way to prepare super glass powder, but it has not been successful.

Liang Shicheng continued to sigh. Wang Kai took the initiative to explore the positive attitude of technology. If he develops like this, he can work on other things with peace of mind. After a period of time, he can toss about what new things he can.

Then Liang Shicheng patted Wang Kai on the shoulder and praised his current work progress. The two are planning to continue planning for the next thing.

At this moment, Liang Shicheng again received a call from Su Ping from the research institute.

"Come here again tomorrow, I'm looking for something to do with you.

Come to the lobby directly to find me, please be there!"

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When I get up at night, my mind is not very clear, so let me say who I missed.

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