In recent years, many electric car manufacturers have had a hard time, because Terras has played a card, that is, the policy of low price and high distribution.

Mr. Mu Xin, the CEO of Lingdong, repeatedly looked at the TTP that the employees had compiled this afternoon.

The above is the situation of some models with relatively good sales in the market.

model3 is Tesla’s main product this year.

Accelerate to 100 kilometers for 5 seconds.

Maximum power, 200KW

The distance is 520 kilometers.

Autopilot system, standard configuration.

The real transaction price, 299,000 yuan

Such parameters do not have to be compared with the friends who are also electric cars, even if it is compared with traditional high-end cars.

Every manufacturer must respond. The opponents’ actions, several of them, choose to lower the price, but the selling point is completely inferior to the opponent, and ultimately the sales are flat.

In the last month, tens of thousands of model 3 have been sold, which makes many friends and businessmen envy.

However, as a person in the industry, Mu Xin understands that model3 is just a product that uses a lot of money-saving technology, but its core technology is really eye-catching.

Lingdong responded to the opponent's move by launching the Phoenix Project. Among the technology companies, the Phoenix Project means a bold fight. Once lost, there will no longer be a chance. The entire project team will be abolished by the company.

For Atom, the Phoenix project this time is more accurately called the Phoenix Battle. Once lost, the entire company will have no future.

After many considerations, they also chose to shrink part of the process to reduce the price, but still ensure that the quality is better than model3.

And to suppress the price to the psychological turning point of 360,000, people are always more sensitive to the two numbers 3 and 6, and the difference between 3 and 4 will be very large, more obvious than 4 and 5.

As for 6 and 7, 6 makes people feel about half, and 7 makes people feel more than half.

Fengshen 27 was originally a high-end layout. While preserving its general temperament, there are many things that can be reduced. It seems that it is not a problem to beat the opponent in quality, but as a high-end electric car, it always lacks one thing. Unmanned driving system.

Although the mistakes made by Atom are not small, one of the most serious mistakes is to bet the unmanned driving system on high-end solutions.

I originally thought that I chose a high-end electric vehicle route, but of course I had to choose a high-end unmanned driving solution. The subsequent development exceeded the prediction.

To put it simply, there are three types of unmanned driving systems that are already practical in the world.

The first is to install a large number of auxiliary equipment on the driving section to guide the operation of the unmanned car. The advantage of this scheme is that the system on the car is cheap, but the disadvantage is that the system on the road is expensive. It has been widely used in express companies, but it is very refugee Used.

The second is to use lidar. The simplest idea for unmanned driving is to use a device to measure the distance between the car and all objects in the 360-degree direction at all times, so that you can grasp the surrounding situation and make the most reasonable choice.

But this simplest idea requires the most cost. In order to achieve this goal, a car needs to be equipped with many different types of lidars that continuously rotate to measure conditions at different distances.

The current cost of the entire program is more than 500,000 yuan. Although it is the most reliable program, it is also the most refugee-oriented.

The third option is more troublesome, but the cost is relatively low. This option is led and carried forward by Tesla.

That is, through a high-definition video camera, the picture is taken, and then through the high-performance artificial intelligence chip and program, all the objects in the picture are recognized and their distance is judged. After complex calculations, actions are taken.

Liang Shicheng's current technology is similar to the third solution, which does not require lidar and only needs a high-definition camera.

Atom’s previous route failed because it chose the lidar solution, but the hardware cost has never come down. However, the cost of the unmanned driving system is not much if the quality of the entire vehicle is guaranteed to be implemented in the Phoenix project. Up.

If you want to save Fengshen 27, you must find a suitable driverless system for it, otherwise it will never be able to claim to be a high-end electric car.

For this reason, Mu Xin decisively abandoned the original lidar solution and began to look for alternatives everywhere.

But he never found one to satisfy himself, until he knew Tie Niu X.

He is very satisfied with the unmanned driving system of Tieniu X. It can be said that the price of 35,000 yuan, even if the Tieniu X's unmanned driving system is disassembled and installed on his own car, then the Tieniu X He thinks it's worthwhile to throw the windy tractor into the sea.

It's a pity that the software needs to be fine-tuned, and I still have to rely on Phenom.

One day Mu Xin, the CEO of Lingdong, brought a group of people to the city where Yilong's parent company is located, and made an appointment in advance for Liang Shicheng to meet in a hotel.

Although the company that had previously planned to acquire him was rejected, this time they planned to obtain only the driverless system, even if it failed, they would purchase the system and pay a large amount of money to obtain the exclusive right to use it within a few years.

After both parties arrived, CEO Mu Xin expressed this intention sincerely, waiting for Liang Shicheng's attitude.

Liang Shicheng was not prepared for this incident at the beginning. After he wanted to buy an electric car company and talked about it, he did not plan to return to this field in a short time.

It is also an honor for someone to be able to appreciate his own products, so he made no secret of his plans and sincerely said.

He does not intend to use this system for other people, and he has his own electric car plan.

The negotiation reached a deadlock in the slightest, but Mu Xin still looked for an opportunity to chat with Liang Shicheng. He said that the business was not righteous and arranged a meal, hoping to have other exchanges, and planned to use it.

Liang Shicheng accepted the proposal and began to inquire about the battery issue he was most concerned about.

As an old man in the industry, Mu Xin took the trouble to introduce him to the current situation of the industry.

"Although graphene batteries have been widely hyped, pure graphene batteries are difficult to mass produce and manufacture, and even the feasibility of manufacturing such batteries is still unclear.

In the end, what can be done is to add a normal battery with graphene to slightly enhance its performance, and the increase will not exceed 20%. In terms of battery life, it is still better than someone's power control system..."

After listening to the introduction, Liang Shicheng inadvertently revealed some information that his electric car will not make progress in the short term.

After obtaining this information, Mu Xin continued to lobby, hoping to obtain the exclusive right to use Phenom’s autonomous driving technology in the field of electric vehicles in recent years.

He analyzed that Liang Shicheng had insufficient funds to establish Phelong Company and was planning to go public to raise funds, so he proposed that Lingdong is a well-known company in the stock market. For Yilong, it is a major benefit, which can help raise the stock price.

Later, in exchange for the battery technology that Liang Shicheng was interested in, the transaction was finally reached, and Lingdong company solved the urgent need.

When the two parties signed the contract and left, Liang Shicheng said to Mu Xin meaningfully.

"The next time I meet you may be the opponent. I will work out a better battery, and you have to work harder on unmanned driving."

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