Her Mysterious Life – In love with her secret savior

Chapter 113 - They Are Fans Of Each Other.

For the first half of the movie, Kyra and Oliver continued to exchange glances and smiles as they peeked at each other once in a while. 

When she second half of movie was playing, it is only when Oliver realised that Kyra has king slept, leaning her head comfortably on his shoulders. 

Oliver smiled as he suppress the cough that is trying to make its way out. 

He gently caressed Kyra's face, taking in every detail of it. Still, unconvinced, she could only click the picture of her sleeping face. 

He couldn't resist it because of the cute, peaceful expression she is wearing. 

After having his fill, he held her cautiously and then moved her head to his lap, so that Kyra could sleep properly on the couch. 

He continued to watch the movie as he caressed her hair. Nevertheless, it didn't take him much time to fall asleep as well.

First of all, the movie is sleep inducing and given the tablets he took, it didn't take him much effort to sleep. 


Kyra woke up to the sound of her phone buzzing. 

After opening her groggy eyes, the first thing Kyra wondered about is, how and when she fell asleep. 

Her second surprise came when she noticed that she was having her head on Oliver's lap while he was sleeping in a sitting position with his head uncomfortably leaning on the sofa. 

He is the one who is not falling well and here she is, not at all considering and sensible. 

Chidding herself, Kyra slowly stood up and reduced the air conditioning. After that she wrapped a blanket around Oliver and walked into the kitchen to make lunch for both of them. 

As her phone was buzzing earlier, she turned the screen on and as she expected, it was her brother Ryan, sending pictures of their day out. 

It is obvious that he wants her to know how they all are enjoying the weekend while she is stuck in a research institute. 

'This is not bad as well. A peaceful movie and falling asleep to it with the man I like.' Kyra thought as she smiled and started to make preparations for preparing lunch. 

If she is in her house, her brothers always cook. Although she is good at it, they simply wanted to pamper her and let her enjoy the weekend. 

Now, making lunch for someone she likes is actually not that bad. 

Not very long after Kyra woke up, Oliver woke up too. Because of the too much sleep he is taking, they are short and disturbed. 

He didn't see Kyra in the room so, he knew that she was either in the kitchen or study room. 

When he came out of the home theatre, he could see Kyra's back as he engaged herself in cutting vegetables. 

'Should I back hug her?' Oliver thought. He remembers that when he was a kid, his father used to do the same for his mother and she used to love it. 

His mother used to tell him that it gives the feeling of warmth and comfort to the loved one. 

So, Oliver always had this thing for a back hug when his girlfriend / wife was cooking for him. 

He doesn't remember doing this with his first girlfriend because they have never spent a day alone with each other let alone have her cook for him in his house. 

In fact, a few of his memories of his first love are fuzzy and vague. 

Coming back to the present, Oliver was about to hug Kyra from back but remembered that his god sister Hope (the twins mother and Kyra's sister in law) once told him that she had slapped her then boyfriend, Andrew, Kyra's first brother, because he startled her with that sudden hug. 

After contemplating, he decided to give it a shot. If Kyra is really comfortable with him, she might not give startling responses like slapping or kicking him. 

"Hey." Oliver said as he wrapped his arms around her waist from the back. At first Kyra was too taken by his sudden gesture, but relaxed in his arms after a few moments. 

She felt good. 

She felt his warmth invading her and it gave her comfort. Comfort that someone is there for her to support her and love her. 

"You woke up so soon." Kyra said, as she placed her palm on his cheek from behind. 

"I usually sleep less. Sleeping for this long is actually a miracle to me." Oliver said, kissing the back of her head. 

"Your throat is clearing up, Oliver. Take proper rest today and you will get better by tomorrow." Kyra said. 

"If I get well tomorrow, can we go on a date tomorrow?" Oliver asked, placing his chin on her shoulder. 

"If I don't spend tomorrow with my brother Ryan and my best friend Luther, they will throw tantrums like kids."

"They are already sending pictures of them enjoying it to make me envious. They are thinking that I am at your research institute." Kyra said. 

Oliver chuckled. "This is actually feeling like we are having a secret affair," he said. 

"I know. I know." Kyra chuckled. 

"It's exciting." Oliver whispered in his husky voice in her ear. 

Kyra gulped, feeling the blood rushing towards her face. His husky voice alone to turn her on? 

Her self control seems to be quite less. 

Oliver smiled inside when he saw Kyra's distracted face. He could see that she is having the same impact as him when they distract each other. 

Oliver kissed the place where her shoulder meets neck, the same place where he left the hickey last night. 

When Kyra felt his kiss there, her heart started to beat fastly and her eyes started turning heavy. 

Oliver took this opportunity and made her turn to face him. Now, they are just a few inches apart and both of their breathing are quick and short. 

Oliver leaned his forehead to her forehead and smiled. His hand gently caressed her face and tucked the strand of her hair beneath her ear. 

If he was feeling, he would have kissed her. Unfortunately he wasn't, so he had to stop there. 

They stayed like that for a while and they only broke it when Oliver's phone started to ring. It's Jennifer and she wanted to know how Oliver is feeling now. 

In another half an hour, Kyra finished preparing a healthy and simple lunch with the help of Oliver. She insisted that she can do it alone but he didn't have the heart to let Kyra do everything. 

This is her first time visiting his home and he is making her work. He didn't like it. Not even a single percent of it. 

Oliver and Kyra had a peaceful lunch as they chatted about work and some other personal things. 

After that, Kyra gave Oliver medicines and then, he gave her a quick home tour. 

"You have my paintings." Kyra said with a smile when she saw a few of her paintings hung to the walls in the rooms. 

"I am your fan, Ms. Collins." Oliver whispered to her. 

Kyra chuckled.

"I am deeply honoured that my idol is my fan." she said, making him chuckle. 

"When I first found out that you are this mysterious painter, the passion, I had to tell you that I was surprised." Oliver said. 

"Why? You didn't expect it?" Kyra asked as she looked at her painting. This is the first professional painting she did and she didn't want to sell it. 

But her friend / slash manager who takes care of auctions and other stuff told her that she met a man who described this painting just exactly with the same concept Kyra painted it with. 

After hearing that, Kyra decided to give the painting to that man and it turned out Oliver is that man. 

Not only her first painting but he has two more of her paintings with him. She paints very few paintings so, having three of them can make Oliver be considered as her fan. 

"It's just that, I was picturing the painter to be middle aged." Oliver said. 

"You, what??" Kyra shouted in a low tone. No girl would be unbothered if her age is misunderstood. 

"Don't get angry, girlfriend." Oliver said, tapping her nose.

"The paintings are too mature and deep for your age. You just started your life but the paintings feel like you have seen so much of life outside." Oliver said. 

When Oliver had put it like that, it felt more like a compliment so Kyra cooled down. 

"I have been through a lot since my childhood. I had seen the dark side of life in my teenage years, so I could be considered a little mature compared to others of my age." Kyra said that. 

"Don't think about it anymore, Ky. You have your family and friends and now, me as well. That dark side will never appear in your life ever again." Oliver said, kissing her forehead. 

But little did he know that the ones who pushed Kyra into that dark side are soon going to reappear in her life and it is not very far from now on.

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