Her Mysterious Life – In love with her secret savior

Chapter 147 - Finishing What We Couldn't Finish The Last Night

After speaking to Oliver for a few minutes, Kyra left his room and arrived at her office which she shares with five other doctors, Ron, Jennifer, Claire, Teressa and Lillian. 

When Ron noticed Kyra, he gave her a smile. 

He still couldn't digest the fact that Ria Lopez he knows is Kyra Collins, the daughter of his idol, Charles Collins and sister of five most powerful men. 

She is down to earth and very modest. 

If it is someone like Teressa and Lillian, they would have boosted about it in every opportunity they can find. 

They would have taken advantage of their family and bossed around. On the first hand, they wouldn't be hardworking enough to become a doctor!

"Good Morning." Jennifer greeted as soon as she saw Kyra. 

"Good morning, Jennifer. Good morning, everyone." Kyra greeted everyone. 

Teressa and Lillian nodded their heads, not taking their eyes off from the screen of their PC. 

"Good morning." Claire wished. 

"It's been a week since I saw you. How are you feeling now?" Kyra asked her other friend, Claire who got Typhoid and has taken a sick leave for a week. 

"Lot better. I went back to my hometown and my parents took care of me." Claire said. 

"Parents are best." Kyra said and smiled. But there is something bitter lingering in her eyes. 

Her adopted parents are best but not her biological parents. 

"They are." Claire agreed. 

"And, girl, I heard that you got attacked in the operation theater by some attacker. Are you fine now?" she asked. 

"I am fine. Just a small scar." Kyra answered as she showed the bandage. 

"I am asking about your emotional state. You should have got scared right? If not for the cops who arrived at the right time, who knows what might have happened." Claire said. 

"Yeah, I was lucky." Kyra agreed. So, they have made up a story to cover the real incident. It's fine as long as she can continue her normal life. 

Meanwhile, Jennifer and Ron looked at each other. Only they knew what happened as they were in the operation theater; however, the higher ups asked them to keep it a secret.

"Yeah, she got lucky. All she had to do was get one scar on her neck and she got to have a coffee with Matthew Richards!" Teressa grumbled. 

"Just because she got into danger because of her father Matthew Richards treated her to a coffee yesterday in the cafeteria. Isn't she so lucky?" Lillian said, enviously looking at Kyra. 

"You had coffee with Mr. Richards?" Claire asked, incredulously. 

"Yes. What is so special about him?" Kyra asked. In his eyes, he is an ordinary person. Well, if you exclude the fact that he is a wealthy businessman who is also a top officer in the intelligence bureau. 

"He is from Richard's family, Ria. He is the brother of Dr. Daniel Richard in the gynecology department and he is the brother of the supermodel Sophia Richards."

"He is also a genius, wealthy business magnate who is creating innovations in technology and is bringing revolutions in many other industries with his partner, the great Walter Collins (Kyra's second brother)" Teressa said. 

"My bad! Why will she know that? She is a typical nerd who only knows about surgery and medicine." Teressa added with a smirk. 

She can't deny that Kyra is a talented surgeon, so they could only come in this way to disparage Kyra. 

When Ron heard them, he could only ball his fists in anger. Only if they know who Kyra is, they would fall on their knees and ask for an apology. 

The great Walter Collins they praised now is none other than the brother of this woman and the Matthew Richards they are drooling over is the man who is waiting for approval from this woman here. 

"Enough! Teressa. You better work hard and bring your career back on the line first. Then you could diarage someone for being good at their work!" Jennifer said, her voice as sharp as a knife.

"And, you! Can't you speak for yourself? I know that you don't care about what others think about you but you must keep them in check. Otherwise it will get out of control. You are strong enough to zip their mouths forever." Jennifer said to Kyra. 

When Kyra got lectured by her childhood friend she could only smile. This is so Florence. It's been eight years and this woman is still the same. 

"I will keep it in my mind." Kyra said and smiled again. 

For a few moments, Jennifer was stunned. Why does Kyra look so familiar when she smiles? And, those words as well…

It made her remember her friend Alex who might be dead by now. 

Remembering Alex, she could only avert her eyes from Kyra. She doesn't want to remind herself of Alex. That fool blindly trusted her family and got killed mercilessly. 

"And, what are you guys doing? You are stuck with your PC's and you all came so early." Kyra said. 

"You don't know, right? I totally forgot to tell you. We are having an efficiency evaluation and feedback revelation meeting in a few hours. We get evaluated with respect to our efficiency, expertise and cognitive development."

"We also get feedback from our attending physicians and the patients we interact with. The ranks are generated depending on the points we earn and this ranking plays a crucial role for promotions, salary raise and almost all the other factors." Ron said. 

"I see." Kyra said and didn't say anything after that. 

She is not worried about other things and she knows that she will get a good ranking but what she hates is the ranking system and the unnecessary attention and enemies it brings. 

It's too bothersome. 

"We all are finishing the charts and updating the status on the website. We shouldn't be lagging." Claire said, suggesting Kyra to do the same. 

Kyra never lags as she finishes everything in time. 

As they are free thai whole morning and everyone else is busy doing their pending work. Kyra decided to utilize this time to meet her uncle and ask him about the details of yesterday's attack. 

When she entered the room, Oliver was talking to her Uncle Richards about the operation, the precautions and the consequences. 

When he saw Kyra, Oliver politely smiled. He became good at hiding their relationship as it is something he is doing on a daily basis. 

"Dr. Lopez." he politely acknowledged her. 

Kyra rolled her eyes inside but returned a polite smile. 

"I know that Dr. Miller is aware of who she is." Kyra's uncle said. The president of the hospital, Kyra's other uncle, told him that Oliver is aware of Kyra's real identity so there is no need to worry about her. 

"I got habituated to addressing Dr. Collins like this." Oliver replied to Kyra's uncle. 

"It's for her own good." Mr. Richard said. 

"Weren't you supposed to be in your office, working on the documents Dr. Lopez?" Oliver asked. 

"I am done with it, Dr. Miller." Kyra said. 

She actually escaped from Oliver saying that she has documents to finish and upload. Although she didn't have much work, she made it sound like she had too much to handle. But, here she is, visiting her uncle. 

"Don't give her a hard time, Dr. Miller. That poor child has to stay awake all night taking care of me." Kyra's uncle said. He looked worried and it seems like he is expecting Oliver to chide Kyra for attending personal matters during her work shift. 

Little he knew that Oliver would never ever scold Kyra for doing that. He and Kyra spend at least half an hour together in his office doing nothing but cuddling, flirting and talking. It is necessary to have some refreshment in the midst of a stressful time as a surgeon. 

"He is not that cold and strict as told by others." Kyra said. She is the only person who saw the other side of him. Sweet, romantic, considering and sometimes shameless and narcissism, 

"It's a relief then." Mr. Richard said. 

"Dr. Lopez, can you follow me please." Oliver said and turned to look at Mr. Richard. 

"You have one last injection left for today. We will prepare it for you." he said and walked to the room connected to this VVIP room. 

It is used to store the medicines and if wanted, the confidential things related to the patient. 

"He would have got suspicious." Kyra whispered as soon as they walked into the room. 

Oliver hummed in response but locked her in between him and the wall and started to kiss her. 

"Wh..what are you doing, Oliver??!!" Kyra exclaimed. 

"Finishing what we couldn't complete yesterday night." Kyra said. 

"We didn't meet yesterday night." Kyra whispered, her breath already erratic because of Oliver's long kisses. 

"You might not remember but you tried to seduce me yesterday night when I came to check on your uncle." Oliver said with a teasing smile. 

"What??!" Kyra asked, horrified. What if her uncle saw them?

"You asked for a kiss. You said my kiss would end your pain.." Oliver said, kissing her neck.

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