Her Mysterious Life – In love with her secret savior

Chapter 185 - Let's Adopt This Puppy.

Oliver returned to his room, his mind filled with the new information he just received. It left him with many questions which can't be answered logically. 

He asked the old man about the friend who accompanied him but the old man said that he can't recall how that man looked. He said he could recall Oliver only because of yesterday's incident. 

'Maybe the old man mistook me as someone else. Whatever he told doesn't ring a bell at all.' Oliver thought. It is the only plausible conclusion he could come to. 

'Let's see. He said that he would show me the jeep in which I came here. Maybe it will answer my questions.' Oliver thought. He can send the jeep's registration number to his assistant and ask to whom it used to belong.

By the time he returned, it was already night and everyone had dispersed to their own room. Like yesterday, the guard/ receptionist was in the lobby and greeted him. 

Oliver nodded his head and took the elevator to his floor. 

Instead of going to his room, he knocked on the next door to check if Kyra had returned. He hoped that she would have a good time with her childhood friends. 

No one answered but he could hear the delightful screams from inside. He was about to knock on the door again but he realized that it was open. 

"These girls! Do they not care about safety at all?" he nagged and pushed the door open and walked inside. 

"Careful, Jen. My baby is still sleeping" Oliver heard Kyra say. 

"He's so cute and soft. Let's raise this baby together, Ky. You can be the momma and I will be dada." Oliver heard Jennifer say. 

'What the hell is going on!' Oliver thought. 

What baby?

'Did they adopt a baby?' he thought and it alone horrified him that he lurched inside the bedroom without a knock and what he witnessed made him speechless. 

Kyra was holding a small, white puppy in her arms in the same way a mom holds her baby. 

Jennifer was caressing its head. Both their eyes are filled with love and gentleness. 

"Oliver, you returned." Kyra said as she smiled at her boyfriend who was standing at the door with a funny expression on his face. 

"Oliver, meet mine and Kyra's baby, Butter." Jennifer introduced the puppy which is sleeping in Kyra's arms. 

"You guys adopted a dog?" Oliver asked. At least they didn't adopt a human body. 

"Yep. What did you think?" Jennifer asked, looking at him. 

"I didn't think anything." Oliver lied and shifted his attention to his girlfriend who had not even talked to him let alone kissed him. She used to give him a kiss as soon as he returned from anywhere. 

"How is your reunion?" he asked. 

Kyra didn't move her eyes from the puppy. "I went good. I got to adopt this sweetheart here." she answered and kissed the dog's head before brushing its fur dotingly. It reminded her of her dog so much that she started to miss it. 

"Ate dinner?" he asked. 

"Yep. You?" she asked. 

"I will cook something." Oliver said and waited for an answer but Kyra didn't say anything but nodded her head. 

Feeling neglected, Oliver glared at his competitor. Jennifer chuckled seeing the interaction which was funny. 

"Good night, Oliver. We are kind of busy here." Jennifer said, waving him away. 

Oliver shot another glance at the attention grabber and with a sour face he left. This little fur ball here has not only taken attention from his girlfriend but also his best friend. 


"I win." Jennifer jumped in joy. 

"Yeah…yeah, you win." Kyra agreed. 

"I didn't think Oliver would be the jealous type. Seriously? Jealous of an innocent puppy here?" Kyra added as she shook her head and chuckled. 

"Admit that you enjoyed it." Jennifer said. 

Kyra smiled and nodded her head, holding her laughter. 

"He has been a jealous type from childhood. He didn't like me when we were kids. He was rude to me and later I found out that he was jealous of me because his sister loved spending time with me rather than him." Jennifer shared a childhood memory and laughed. 

"It's cute." Kyra said, smiling. 

"It looks cute now. But Ky, what will you do if he gets jealous of his own babies because they are grabbing your attention?" Jennifer asked. 

Kyra slightly blushed. 

"Why is everyone talking about marriage and kids today?" Kyra asked and sighed. 

"You are imagining it right now, aren't you?" Jennifer asked when she noticed that Kyra spaced out. 

Kyra didn't answer but smiled. It actually made her feel warm and happy when she thought about her own family with Oliver. 

Jennifer smiled as well. Even she couldn't help but think of her family with Anthony. 

Sweet silence engulfed the room until they heard a loud bang from next door. 

"It looks like your boyfriend is angry and is showing it on his innocent door." Jennifer said. 

"I better cool that big baby first." Kyra said and stood up. 

She walked to the microwave oven and took out the dishes she brought for Oliver from the restaurant. She knew that Oliver would miss the dinner sp, so she took a takeout for him and kept it in the oven to prevent it from cooling. 


By the time Oliver comes out of his bathroom, freshly showered, Kyra has already served the dinner for him and is waiting for him. 

He had a towel wrapped around his waist and another towel was around his neck. The droplets from his wet hair are still on his face, making him look hot. 

"So, someone has at last remembered that she has a boyfriend." he said, making Kyra chuckle. 

She is already accustomed to Oliver's appearance like this. Though they are not living together, they did spend a good amount of time together in the same house. 

"That certain someone has never forgotten about her boyfriend." Kyra said as she walked to him and took the towel.

Not the towel around his waist. The one wrapped around his neck. 

"Sit. I will dry your hair first." she said, making him sit on the edge of the bed. 

Oliver gladly obliged and let her towel dry his hair. 

He wrapped his arms around her waist and asked, "So, besides adopting the dog, what else have you done?" he asked. He wants to know if she has asked her friends about her mysterious rescuer. 

"We reminisced our childhood memories and talked about our life's. One of them already has two kids while the other two are having a baby next month." Kyra said. 

"They got married pretty quick." Oliver said. 

Is she saying that she wants to get married and have babies??

Oliver erased that thought as soon as it occured. 

She has so much to do before settling in her life. Her career as a surgeon is in its important arc now. This is not the time for her to get distracted. Maybe next year or the next year after that year. 

He is ready to wait. Though he is eager to start the next arc of their life's, he knows that this year and the next year are important for Kyra in both her careers as surgeon and businesswoman. 

"So, how was your time on the mountain? Did you like any specific place there?" Kyra diverted the topic. She could only sell herself for talking about marriage and babies out of nowhere. What would he have thought about her?

"I just walked around. I think the whole mountain is beautiful and peaceful. No wonder people come here for summer." Oliver said. 

Kyra hummed in response and finished drying his hair. She placed a quick kiss on his lips and said, "The food is getting cold. Hurry up." 

"Should I eat first and get dressed or, should I dress up first and eat later?" he asked. 

"Latter would be good." Kyra said. 

"Wanna enjoy the visuals?" he teased. 

Kyra rolled her eyes. 

"I don't want someone to get a cold, that is why." she explained. She found out that Oliver is prone to cold. 

"I know." Oliver said and pecked her lips before getting dressed. Kyra closed her eyes all the way and had her head turned in another direction. 

"Your favorite dishes?" Oliver asked as he sat down. It is when Kyra opened her eyes. 

"Not the top favs. I didn't want dishes to get cold, so I had to compromise. After my brother comes tomorrow, we four can go and eat there." Kyra said.

"Our first double date." Oliver said. 

"One of the best ways to replace my bad memories with good ones." Kyra answered. 

Oliver smiled and nodded his head in agreement. As Kyra is not nervous about her brother's arrival, why should he be?

It looks like his girlfriend is prepared to handle the storm. 

Oliver finished eating and Kyra decided to go back to her and Jennifer's room to sleep. Though Oliver wanted her to stay with him, Kyra didn't want to leave Jennifer alone. Okay! One of the main reasons is the puppy as well. 

She was about to give a good night kiss but her phone vibrated and a notification popped up. It is from Justin and it showed that he has sent her a video. 

When she opened the chat, her heart started to beat fast. Justin has already found the video and has also made its quality and resolution upgraded. 

"What is it?" Oliver asked when he saw her nervous face. 

"It's…it's the video of one of my rescuers a decade ago. The camera at the hospital captured the face of one of the rescuers who saved me from drowning." Kyra said and played it. 

When Oliver saw the face of the guy, he froze.

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