Chapter 1081

Under Rod’s sign, the Ice Elemental Man came to the surface of the sea with him soon.

As the ruler of the Elemental Plane of Water, the Ice Elemental showed good adaptability to the environment. Whether it is under or above the sea, it does not affect its ability to cast spells. Rhodes has no doubt that it can reach Deep in the ocean without worrying about the effects of pressure.

In the sky, some Wraith flying fish are exploring this area, looking for possible land. This is a special undead creature that does not belong to the elemental plane of water at all. It has not attracted the attention of other creatures in the ocean. Only Rod knows these special undead creatures. The origin of creatures.

Looking at half of the ice elemental figure out of the water, Rod hesitated. After thinking for a while, he asked: “You can understand, what am I talking about?”

The ice elemental man looked blank, the gills behind his face were closed tightly, and he did not answer Lord’s words.

Although the occurrence of this situation had been anticipated, Rod sighed in his heart when he really saw the reaction of the Ice Elementals.

Since he has not yet mastered the special skills of linguistics, the language that Rhodes mastered is limited to the lingua franca used by humans on the main plane.

In the main plane, humans dominate again. Whether it is Bracada or Elasia, the official language used is this lingua franca. Therefore, some creatures in other regions are in order to better communicate and trade. The communication on the Internet will also learn the lingua franca, and this language will spread over time.

In the Elemental Plane, the situation is complicated. Since there are not many traces of human involvement, even the mages of Bracada, the land that has risen only occupies a negligible piece of the Elemental Plane of Water, so it The creatures, who have never heard of this language, naturally cannot understand the meaning of Rhodes’s words.

The existence of linguistics can change this. Grandmaster-level linguistics can understand any known language, and can even understand the whispers in the soul fire of undead creatures, and can communicate with all creatures without obstacles, which naturally includes Elemental creatures.

If Rod still has a wealth of attribute points, he might start to think about whether to assign attribute points to linguistics at this time.

Rod recalled that in previous games, the special skill that worked best with linguistics was the existence of diplomacy, which could initially gain the favor of other camps and let weak creatures actively join in.

Players who learn linguistics and diplomacy generally don’t focus on combat.

However, at this time, Rhode could no longer achieve this. Realizing that he was on the elemental plane of water, Rohde immediately assigned his attribute points to the special water magic skills, and obtained expert water magic in one fell swoop, just to better cast his spells in such a special environment.

There is no way to use the skill points to communicate with the ice elemental man in front of him, and Rod doesn’t know what to do for a while.

The original bone fish kings did not come to the surface of the sea with Rhode, but continued to execute the order to transform other creatures.

After noticing the existence of the Altar of Flowing Water, Rohde was able to confirm that at least in this area, only the previous batch of water elemental people existed, and there would be no other powerful creatures, and the bone fish king could safely transform. .

At this moment, the ice elemental man on the side took the initiative to speak, and between the opening and closing of the gills, a language that Rhode had never heard before was heard. The tone was low and accompanied by a series of long sounds, obviously he wanted to express something.

This time, he changed to Rod with a blank face.

After confirming that the language was completely unsuccessful, Rod did not pay attention to the ice elemental man beside him, but instead set his sights on the surrounding sea.

In the sky, there was still a bright brilliance. Just like when Rod was just arrived here, Rod was completely unable to judge the passage of time through changes in the sky, and could only achieve this through the records in the system log.

The surrounding sea is also a calm scene, and even a larger wave is not visible. Looking at it, except for the Wraith Flying Fish in the sky and the ice elemental people beside him, Rod can not even see any creatures. exist.

Under the ocean, there may be countless creatures, but at this moment, Rod felt a sense of death from the surrounding environment.

Like all the creatures that have been exiled for thousands of years, Rod feels sincerely that he does not belong here.

“Do you know? I was supposed to lead the undead creatures to conquer the world and fight the greatest legendary creatures, but now, I can’t achieve anything because I’m trapped here, trapped in this plane.”

As he said, an unwilling heart emerged from Rod, looking at the ice elemental man aside, he raised his hand, but couldn’t help but see the long-wrinkled fingers that had been soaked in sea water for a long time.

This discovery seemed to make Rod a little frustrated. He put his hands down again and hit the sea on the side. The waves splashed on him, and then fell into the water without a trace.

The Ice Elemental saw this scene with some doubts on his face, and a low and weird tone came from his mouth again.

Luo Luo laughed mockingly: “I’m really crazy, and I would talk to an elemental creature and say that there are none of these.”

At this time, Lord’s face began to converge, and his eyes gradually turned cold as he watched the ice elemental man, and a chill began to spread to the surroundings.

The ice elemental man not far away sensed the changes in Rod’s body, and just wanted to escape underwater. The black cloud before it appeared again and completely enveloped it.

The death cloud released by Rod himself was not as effective as that released by the Skeleton Fish King. Under the spread of the death cloud, the ice elemental figure melted instantly, unable to hold on even for a moment.

Holding the elemental core belonging to the ice elemental man in his hand, Rod noticed that the core had long been broken and full of cracks, and even the ability to gather magic elements was much worse than before.

Shaking his head, Rhode collected this elemental core into the space ring, and took out a new one to hang on his body to accelerate the mana recovery.

In Rod’s eyes, a kind of worry gradually emerged, just like what he said to the ice elemental man, Rod did not know whether the bone fish king and the resentful flying fish could play the role he expected. Find the gathering place of Master Bracada by yourself.

Rhode didn’t know how long it would take to return to the main plane, but this was the only feasible way for Rhode at the moment. His sight gradually became firmer, and even if it took a long time, he would not give up.

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