Hero’s Creed

Chapter 694: Huge and daunting!

The gate of the tomb was completely opened, and an army of numerous barbarians' souls poured out, and after covering the square, they ran to the surrounding junctions to wipe out all the invaders.

"Haha, there is a good show now, the laboratory of the Black Flame Church is definitely finished."

Mueller moved towards Downton while fighting, and he made a rough estimate. In just a few minutes, 30,000 or 40,000 soldiers rushed out.

With fearless armor all over his body, Downton held a shield in one hand and an axe in one hand, maintaining a defensive posture. It was simply impossible to escape. There were soul warriors everywhere, and he dared not fight back, otherwise he would attract more soldiers.

Dupont was never a person who was waiting to be killed. He was like a shadow in the pool. The whole person became black and melted into the ground, followed by a rush to the gate, but before he rushed into the 50 meters, the soldier was like being Like blessing the rage aura, all rushed to him.

No way, DuPont can only withdraw.

"Let's just wait like this?"

Mueller frowned deeply, because he found that his strength was gradually weakening, because of the surging will to kill.

"This should be the will of the barbarian king, and will suppress all intruders."

DuPont is also uncomfortable. The higher the rank, the more powerful the magician, the stronger the repression. As for the fish of the ruling order like Sissi, the will of the barbarian king does not bother to attack, because it can break through layers of defense. Like a tomb, at least it must be the Dragon Slayer!


For ten minutes, the soul warrior was still rushing out endlessly, and Mueller discovered just how presciently Downton had been defending.

"Are you going to break the core magic circle? Otherwise, the soldiers will be condensed all the time, and everyone will die."

Downton’s hope is Homer, and he has no problem with magic.

"Let's act. It's a magic circle full of ancient civilizations. I can't understand it at all." Homer sighed. "But I can tell you that it can sustain so many soldiers. The core of the magic circle is definitely an epic item. ."

"Shall we withdraw first?"

Even DuPont, who has always been mentally tough, can't bear this pressure. When preparing to retreat temporarily, the last wave of soldiers was finally over.

"Dragon God is on it. I can't figure it out anymore." Mueller gasped and smashed the five soldiers into smashes. "One million barbarians, now the laboratory must have been filled. . Everyone is waiting to be chased!"

"What's wrong with me?"

Sissy stroked her forehead and woke up in pain.

"I knocked you out."

Downton explained, guarding DuPont, this guy thought deeply, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Thank you!"

Sissi is not a stunned head who knows nothing, that will torture will kill the nerve too much, if it continues to bear. Will become an idiot.

"I also helped a lot." Mueller expressed merits, "but your sleep is so good, I want to kiss you."

Sissi originally wanted to thank, but heard the second half of the sentence. The angry cheeks are red, "Go die!"

"The nonsense is over, then let's charge together, more than two thousand soul soldiers, shouldn't it be a problem for you?"

DuPont uses a bayonet sword. Every time he swings, he will draw a few beautiful sword flowers. Compared to fighting, Sissi thinks he should go to the fancy fencing contest more, and he can definitely win the championship.

"Less, they will tear me apart."

Mueller screamed as he prepared to wait for Downton and Dupont to charge, and then followed him.

"Then you stay here!"

After Du Pont finished, the whole person disappeared in place and moved towards the tomb, but every 50 meters, it would appear once.

"His teleport also has a distance limit, but this guy is very insidious, and the limit distance is definitely not fifty meters." Mueller muttered.

Downton didn't answer, directly charged, while a pair of flame wings appeared behind, adding propulsion power to him.

Holding Sissy, Downton floated in mid-air, shooting like a predatory eagle at low altitude, and went straight to the tomb, leaving a dazzling red line of fire behind him.

"Hey? What is the hurry, wait for me!"

Mueller charged, a pair of wings appeared behind him, and every time he slammed, the outflow of air would hit the nearby soldiers.

DuPont was the first to enter, followed by Downton, who had originally wanted to observe the scene inside the gate. As a result, a king of the hill and an archer rushed out from the direction of three o'clock and six o'clock respectively. The strong impact proved They slaughter the dragon ranks.

"It's from the Magic Bow Knights under Wood."

Sissi recognized the archer's uniform.

"Don't care about these trivial matters, be alert."

Downton reminded.

This is a large hall with the size of two football fields. It is supported by eighteen stone columns that are hundreds of meters high and enough for dozens of people to embrace. Not only are the stone columns carved with frescoes, but even the surrounding walls and floors are not Exceptions are all the deeds of the barbarian king.

"Well? Why are there no soul soldiers inside?"

After the King of the Hill came in all the way, he was surprised to see the soldiers stop in front of the door and turned to leave to find other invaders.

No one answered him, because everyone's eyes were stunned by the two magnificent triumphal arches in front of them. On the door beam, there was a battle axe and a long sword, hanging two corpses up to tens of meters in height. On top.

"My emperor Polo, is this an abyss king?"

Mueller looked at the corpse on the left, involuntarily stunned, hard skin comparable to armor, showing the crimson skin color unique to the abyss demon, a foot away from the head, suspended a crown.

This is the characteristic of a terrifying abyssal king, as long as he reaches the rank above the legend, he will condense a crown by his own rules, but it has now been eclipsed, symbolizing the extinction of the flame of supreme authority.

"Um, the battle axe inserted in its chest should be an epic weapon."

Mueller murmured, his eyes glowed with excitement, and he couldn't help but shoot.

Downton did not listen to Mueller's exclamation, but stared at the body on the other side of the Arc de Triomphe, a little surprised.

"This is the angel family? It's so beautiful!"

Sissi asked.

The body, which was nailed to the chest by a holy sword, was completely white, and there were a pair of white wings draped behind him. Even if he died, he seemed to be filled with holy breath.

"Is this guy male or female?"

Downton couldn't see the **** of the corpse, but no matter how critical he was, he couldn't deny it. The beautiful appearance of this corpse cannot be overstated. The figure is the golden ratio.

"Famous king Tanan's battle for fame was to kill the terrifying monarch and the archangel. They got their weapons and the arrogance and domineering."

Homer sighed with emotion.

"Outsiders, since you entered the **** arena, you are eligible to be tested by the barbarian supreme king. If you succeed, you can get his reward!"

A grand and majestic voice sounded, and the trembling ears numb.

"What is this?"

The king of the hill whispered, and the cheek was swollen by an invisible large hand, and the whole person twirled like a windmill, and then fell to the ground with a chirp.

"Warning once, insult the barbarian king, die!"

There was a spirit of majesty that could not be offended in the voice. Sissi, who had the lowest strength, was still dizzy even if her shield was fully opened.

"How should we be tested?"

After a glance, the king of the hill passed out, and Mueller, who had always been slack, dared not blast.

"The gate on the left, the embrace of death. The gate on the right, the baptism of light, is free to choose according to your soul tree and bloodline. Remember, each of you has only one chance, and no chance to refuse."

Voice explanation.

"Only fools will refuse!"

Mueller set his sights on the door of the cruel dread monarch, he is the dark department, naturally prefer this.

"Ba arrogant, I'm here!"

Tang Dun is eager to try, he is a sacred line, but this kind of armament is the most lacking, almost all is controlled by the Guangyan Holy See, if you are not loyal, you can't get it.

"What if it fails?"

Sissi couldn't help asking.

This time, not only Dupont and Mueller, but even the deputy head of the Demon Bow could not help but roll his eyes.

"My princess, failed, naturally dead."

Mueller teased.

"Time is limited, seven outsiders, let's start the trial!" There was a cold voice in the voice. "The countdown started. After a minute, if you didn't enter the Arc de Triomphe, you will be wiped out."

"seven people?"

Mueller looked left and right, and with fainting hills and demon archers, there were only six.

"I saw it, there!" Sissi suddenly pointed her hand to the corner of the gate. "Don't run away. I have seen the disguise and the invisible legendary costume."

Listening to Sissi's words, Downton really wanted to cover her mouth, being able to hide in the vicinity without being discovered by Dupont's genius, it was definitely a strong enemy.

People's cards are hidden tracks, you can see through, people must be the first to clear you, this is simply to find a dead end.

"Beyonce, come out, I know it's you."

DuPont turned his eyes~www.readwn.com~ guessed who was hiding. In the treasure trove of the furnace, it was the woman who broke her own good.

The space seems to be distorted, and a tall dark female elf appears in the field of vision. Her skin is the kind of darkness inherent in Drow, but her eyes are very bright, and there are a pair of full breasts. Wrapped in tight leather armour, it squeezed out a deep gully, enough to drown every man.

She wears a pair of over-the-knee boots on her feet, embroidered a magic circle with red magic lines on the edge, and a pair of hot pants on top. The two **** thighs are so exposed to the air, flesh ~ photoinduced It is full of sexiness with a strange taste.

The female drow looked like a smile, glanced over everyone, and at the same time licked the corner of her lower lip with hot red lips. After groaning, she then disappeared again.

"This guy is threatening us and preventing us from trying our best."

The archer explained.

"I want to enter the gate of the trial of light!" Downton is not worried. The drow are all evil camps, and certainly will not enter the angel's gate. "Sixi, how about you?"

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