Hero’s Creed

Chapter 731: with full force

Bang! Bang!

The thunder gradually weakened, and the elemental strike was about to disappear. The whole battlefield was surrounded by a mess, with big pits everywhere, and the swamp drowned and poured out, making a rattle.

"DuPont must be killed before he is completely familiar with the power of the scepter."

Downton gasped for two breaths, and a potent potion of magic energy shot out of the magic book. He took it home, and opened the bottle cap and poured it into his mouth.

In fact, Downton does not lack magic power, but idle is also virtuous idle.

"Your magic energy and physical energy are really sufficient, not worse than my scepter!"

Dupont looked at Downton's slender limbs, his face was full of envy, he is not a muscle ~ stick, but the body is tough and can't be added. If you own it, you can interpret the assassin profession to the extreme, and the horrible magic reserve , It is not like a mortal.

Taking out a bottle of magic potion, DuPont slowly sucked it into his mouth. He didn't use the magic drill, because the other party would never give him the time to draw.

The adventurers whispered and took advantage of this opportunity to retreat quickly. This is just the tranquility before the storm. It will definitely be more terrifying after a fight.

"Oh, and you guys, did you laugh at me just now?"

DuPont's eyes turned to adventurers.

The adventurers quickly denied it.

"Oh, it doesn't matter."

DuPont shook his head and smiled. When the adventurers breathed a sigh of relief, the other side suddenly raised their scepter towards them.

Fuck! Fuck!

The light of the condensed scepter of the dark law flashes, and after a while, the shadow arrow shoots.

The adventurers' faces changed a lot, let alone the word "run" shouted. The idea had just risen in my mind, and the shadow arrow had been shot.

boom! boom! boom!

The unlucky egg in the front row was hit. It exploded in an instant, and there were flying pieces of minced meat and giblets everywhere, and no whole body was left.

"Remember, you have to pay the utmost respect to the DuPont family. Even the most dismal children are not the ants you can laugh at and despise."

DuPont murmured softly.

Boom! Boom!

The remaining adventurers were dripping with sweat. His legs and feet were sore, and he fell to the ground, unable to climb with trembling.

"Dupont was just an attack, and actually killed a third of the Tulong Stage in seconds. This attack is also terrifying!"

After being scared, the adventurers suddenly looked at Downton, and they realized how sturdy this kid could stand in DuPont's full blow and fight back.

"It's time to end this farce!"

DuPont looked at Downton with a sardonic smile on his lips. "I admit that you are great, but so far, I will show you now, how powerful is the scepter rank? Come out. Shadow Doppelgänger!"

Downton did not dare to delay and sprinted with all his might.

"Too late!"

Dupont raised his scepter, shot a shadow, and in an instant it became the same shape as him, completely indistinguishable from each other.

"Go, kill him!"

With DuPont's order, fifteen shadow avatars disappeared into the air, killing Downton.

"How can I hide this time?"

Juliet was nervous, and was attacked by an assassin who was so invisible, and the gods could not eat it?

"As a reminder, they are not magical shapes, but avatars that contain my ray of soul. They have all my martial arts and talents, but their strength is not as good."

After all, DuPont is a genius. In a short period of time, he has mastered the use of the scepter and started to fully activate the power.

Tick! Tick!

With Downton as the center, the soul perception is rippling like the ripples of the lake water, and clearly feedback 30 figures.

Dupont was too cunning, and directly made fifteen clones invisible, confusing Downton, if he found it in time, he would definitely suffer a big loss.

Bakong Hammer Turtle!

Downton punched with a heavy punch and smashed a doppelganger, and after only a few seconds, he recovered and continued to charge.

"Ma Lei, are these guys immune to physical attacks?"

Downton has a headache, too many avatars, the most important thing is that he will also be invisible, so that he must turn on the mirror to stop water perception, but this is too soul-consuming and absolutely unsustainable.

"Defense, as long as you fall into the offensive and defensive, I can bomb you."

DuPont looks calm, but he is also looking forward to his heart. He seems powerful, but there are hidden dangers. The magic energy consumed by casting so many avatars is a huge number, and the number is too large, resulting in inability to control precisely.

"It doesn't matter to control, after all, most of them are feints, and only five are the real tricks!"

DuPont's left hand holding the scepter was a little trembling. These avatars were immune to physical attacks. As long as Downton defended, they would be dragged down. After all, when he found something wrong, it was too late.

"It's too much trouble, I got you all in one pot."

Downton roared out of the Horn of Heaven and punched with a punch. When he saw that he could not make a gap and escaped, he immediately changed his tactic.

After the Firebird spun out, breathing out a breath and disturbing the vision of the Titan's bones, fluttered its wings to Downton, and he became one with him.


Downton was engulfed in a hot orange flame.

"What's wrong?"

The onlookers were shocked and thought they were rebels.

"Flame Crow!"

Downton's left hand pointed to DuPont, and a large number of fire clouds formed, and then condensed into a flame crow, noisy, like a sharp arrow, shot at DuPont.

DuPont did not dare to resist, and dodged immediately.

boom! boom! boom!

No matter what obstacles the flame crow hits, it immediately exploded and splashed the sky with Mars.

"Huh, you are at the limit!"

Downton teased.

"Let's care about yourself first!"

Dupont replied, but Downton was right, and he made a big move, coupled with the effect of the huge ugly death embrace, gave him a sense of strength, otherwise he would have personally done it himself.

"Don't worry about you!"

Downton roared, and the giant savage waved a red light.


Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

A little bit of Mars appeared in the surrounding air, like starlight, like firefly, and like a bonfire firewood. Followed by the burning, forming a fire, and then exploded in the blink of an eye.

boom! boom! boom!

The heat wave rolled over. Fire tongue flying. A radius of two hundred yards was completely shrouded.

The air was drained in an instant, and the onlookers felt suffocated.

DuPont's face sank. A spit of blood was thrown because his avatar, although not killed, was hit hard.

Due to the separation of a ray of soul, these avatars are like arms. But the ensuing trouble is that the doppelganger injury will also be fed back to the body.

"What the **** are you? Why do you still do magic?"

Looking at Downton, who was wrapped in flames, his hair was red and his hair became orange-red. DuPont was shocked.

The onlookers were also dull.

Lava burst!

Downton was too lazy to answer, the giant sword inserted into the ground, like an earthquake. Cracks spread immediately, and the hot magma soared up.

Under the interference of this range of attacks, it is not easy for the avatars to get close.

DuPont's confident expression disappeared again. Because he found Downton finished himself, "How could this happen? If it were replaced by another enemy, I would have removed his head!"

"The most annoying thing about Lao Tzu is defense. Watch me blow you up at once, Angry Serpent!"

With the introduction of the Great Sword of Downton, the magma that came out of the ground immediately gathered to form a large snake that killed DuPont.


Downton turned around, directly a breath of fire. A dozen meters of flame sprayed the three avatars out of invisibility and completely ignited them.

Tang suddenly looked pale, and could not bear screaming after holding on.

"Haha, I guess it's true, as long as you kill these avatars, you will be hurt!"

Downton is actually not sure, just bluffing DuPont.

"Humph, then you kill them to kill me!"

DuPont is not bad, showing no flaws at all.

The onlookers were stunned, especially the demons, all with a look of contempt. Downton's attack power was really domineering, fierce, and violent.

Due to the crazy catharsis of magic energy, the neighborhood has become a sea of ​​fire at this time, and the battle has reached the center. The rune of Downton’s brow is bright, the flame elf flew out, singing around him, clear and loud, the fire element is resonated, more Is violent.

"You can't drag it anymore, otherwise you have to shoot it yourself if you want to overturn the boat in the gutter."

DuPont was quite decisive. Seeing that the situation was about to be reversed, he immediately became invisible and endured the pain to join the war.

Because of the lack of firebird control, the Titan skeleton was killed again, stopping Downton at once and preventing him from approaching DuPont.

"It's no way to go on like this, Homer, let the ghoul demon servant out!"

Downton did not want to waste time and firepower on the avatars and decided to use the undead servants.

The door of war opened, and a low-level ghoul rushed out, and under the guidance of Downton's mirror to stop the water, besieged DuPont.

"Haha, laughed to death, do you think these low-level cannon foes can entangle me?"

DuPont was anxious. Downton really looked down on himself. Although a few of the ghouls were obviously born with inferior intelligence, but what is the use of fart? Not the result of being killed by yourself!

There are also a number of powers, and DuPont doesn’t want to waste it on the cannon fodder that even the fish can’t count~www.readwn.com~ So he drew his dagger and prepared to beheaded.

"Sure enough!"

Seeing Dupont's strain, Downton was overjoyed, he couldn't help but fisted his fist, bet on the right, and then at the next moment, a golden light yellow spread under his feet, while his long arm waved, a golden light group shot out, flying To the ghouls, they unfolded directly and enveloped them.

Uh! Uh! Uh!

The moment when it was affected by the glory, even the most dull ghoul, his expression was excited and excited in a moment, especially the few low-witted ones, even shouting loudly.

"For the glory of my Lord!"

Roaring frantically, a dozen of the fastest ghouls surrounded DuPont.

"What kind of magic is this?"

Dupont’s sixth sense passed on a strong death crisis, and he wanted to avoid it, but he had made plans to kill these undeads with close range, and he would use a range of martial arts to kill them. sword.

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