He’s As Dazzling As The Stars

Chapter 1047: Chong drowning (3)

Shu Nian originally thought that Ye Yan would take him to places like bars, but as a result, Ye Yan just went to the canteen to buy a dozen beer and parked the car directly on the river.

Autumn is about to begin, and the heat of the sweltering heat has been dissipated in the evening breeze, with a hint of coolness.

Shu Nian sat on the edge of the river, looking at the lights on the river in confusion, her depression was so heavy that she could not breathe. Ye Yan opened a bottle of wine for her, handed it to her, and asked, "How is your drink volume?"

"...I haven't drunk it much before, maybe I was drunk with just one bottle." She took a sip, and the cold liquid slid all the way down the throat, making her feel completely cold.

"If you drink beer like you do, you can drink one bottle until dawn." Ye Yan said, raising his head, and pouring the whole bottle in a big mouthful of heroic ‘muttering’. Shu Nian smiled, "I can see it. You drink a lot, and your stomach is what makes you drink so bad, right?"

"Really." Ye Yan squinted, glanced at her, and turned to look at Jiang Jing on the opposite side. "In the past, a bunch of us like to come here for racing in the middle of the night. After the ride, we sit here and drink. After drinking I'll be taken back by their group of girls. I'm sure to be severely trained by the family's elders the next day."

"It's Mr. Tang and Doctor Fu?"

"Yeah. There are still a large group of people. If you introduce them carefully, I'm afraid it will take half a day." Ye Yan glanced at her, "Next time, I will take you to see them."

Shu Nian smiled, "You guys, girls are all so pretty, you haven't had a girlfriend?"

When she asked about this, Ye Yan straightened up instead. For a while, "Shunian, five years ago, I said I wanted to bring you here. It was true."

Shu Nian smiled slightly. Ye Yan had said this before, but she had never taken it seriously. Now hearing him mention it, she already knows that he didn't lie to herself.

"Five years ago, why did you want me to go with you?" Shu Nian looked at him, the evening breeze blew the messy hair on her cheeks, and she raised her hand behind her ears. Until now, the redness on the cheeks slowly receded. "Aren't we two unfamiliar before?"

Moreover, they dislike each other.


There were many deep and complicated emotions in Ye Yan's eyes, Shu Nian wanted to understand, but he couldn't see through. In the end, Ye Yan didn't say anything, just raised his head and drank a long drink.

Shu Nian didn't ask any more.

The two were blowing in the evening breeze, drinking and chatting. Listening to Ye Yan talking about his once lively, bustling and rebellious youth past, Shu Nian was envious. Compared with him, his life is much paler.



It will be alright!

Her life will gradually become more colorful. Without Xiang Muyang, with Ye Yan, everything would be completely different...

Shu Nian looked forward to it silently. Before I knew it, I had already drunk a lot of wine, and the person was already dizzy and lying on Ye Yan's lap tilted.

Ye Yan hugged her, full of softness and fragrance, making his heart soft. Looking down at her by the moonlight and street lamp, she saw her face flushed and drunk and naive. She didn't fall asleep either, she opened her eyes and looked at him, her eyes a little blurred.

"Ye Yan, I still want to drink..." In her voice, she was sweet and soft, as if she was dipped in honey. Acting like this makes people almost have no ability to refuse.


"Don't drink it." Ye Yan picked her up, "Go back. You have to go to the hospital tomorrow."

Shunian's wine was very good, and he didn't cry anymore, just let him pick it up and put it in the car.

Ye Yan drank, didn't drive, and found a representative to drive the car. Throughout the whole process, Shu Nian leaned on his chest. My chest was very cold, and when Ye Yan found out, it was already wet. Looking at Shu Nian again, she was closing her eyes, but she was also in tears.

Ye Yan sighed and hugged her tighter.


After a while, the car drove directly to the garage of Shuixie Yunting.

After driving away, Ye Yan helped Shu Nian up from the car. Shunian stepped on high-heeled shoes and could not step on them securely. Ye Yan squatted down for fear that she would bend her feet, took off her shoes, and threw them in the car. Then, I was going to go to the trunk to bring the pair of flat shoes I bought for her last time and put them on for her.

However, before he got up, Shu Nian held his hand suddenly.

"do not go……"

Shu Nian looked up at him as if he was afraid that he would leave, with flashing tears in his eyes, and pleaded with a kind of pitiful, "Don't leave me..."

Ye Yan's heart was suffocated with pain.

She is like a child like this. An insecure child, afraid that others will leave her at any time and abandon her child.

He turned back and wiped away the tears on her face with regret, "I'm not going anywhere."

No more shoes!

He turned around and turned his back to her, "Come up, I will carry you home."

Shu Nian looked at the back in a daze, and heard the word ‘home’, sour bubbles appeared on the tip of his heart. She obediently leaned on his back, and suddenly sighed softly: "I have no home anymore..."

Ye Yan's heart hurts.

Looking at her slightly, she could only see her wet eyelashes.

"Ye Yan, let's go for a walk, okay?"


Ye Yan carried her on his back and walked out of the garage. It was late at night, and the community was very quiet. Ye Yan carried Shu Nian on his back, walking step by step in the community.

"Before, I liked to lie on my dad's back like this. He would go to many places with me on his back. Every time I lie on his back, I feel that there are no worries, and I am not afraid of anything." The voice is a little fuzzy, with vibrato.

Speaking of this, she was quiet for a while. He spoke again, his tone was sullen, "But, I can't do it anymore..."

"I am here now." Ye Yan turned his face to look at her slightly, "As long as you like, I can always carry you like this."

"Always?" Shu Nian sighed these two words tremblingly, as if uncertain, "Are you really going to be there forever?"

"Always be there." Ye Yan's voice was firm, and he paused, then added: "As long as you don't drive me away, I will always be there."

"Before, my mother also said...will always be..." Shunian lost her voice and choked up when I mentioned this, "But, when I opened my eyes, I couldn't find her again... …My dad and I were abandoned by her...she doesn’t want us anymore..."

Ye Yan's chest was swelling and painful. Obviously she experienced all of this, but he seemed to empathize with him. I was so depressed that I couldn't say a word.

All comfort, at this moment, is pale.

"Ye Yan..." Shu Nian suddenly called him.


"Actually, I'm so jealous of her... I'm so jealous and jealous..."

"she was?"

"Ning Meng..."

Ye Yan froze, and his breathing became much heavier.

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