He’s As Dazzling As The Stars

Chapter 1050: You are playing with fire (3)

"You..." She looked at him embarrassedly, curled her hands on his chest, "Aren't you awake yet?"

"People are not fully awake, but the place where they should be awake is already awake." Ye Yan's voice was low and sexy.

After the whole night of yesterday, Shu Nian's body was completely overwhelmed by him, and he couldn't refuse. It is more sensitive. When he bowed her head and kissed him, she instinctively grabbed his neck, snorted, proactively pressed to his body, and handed herself to him intact.


She was so rebellious, so scared, and didn't know what kind of horrible abyss she would bring herself into if the **** of men and women happened again, so she shrank herself in a conservative shell, unwilling or daring Take a step.

At this moment, she understood that, in fact, it was not that she had no courage, but that she had never met the person who had plucked up her courage.

And now...

Ye Yan appeared.

He took her by the hand, protected her, led her out of the layers of mist, out of fear...

It also made her understand that there is happiness and comfort in love.


Fortunately, Shunian did not need to go to work in the morning, so she, who was suffering from backaches by Ye Yan, could still shrink in bed at 11 o'clock to recuperate.

Ye Yan leaned against the bedside and hugged her on her chest. Long fingers gently pushed her messy hair away and glanced at her left cheek. The redness finally disappeared. He stroked his thumb on it and frowned, "Does it still hurt?"

Shu Nian shook his head, "It doesn't hurt anymore."

She remembered something again, and shook his hand, "I was drunk last night, didn't I feel gaffe?"

Ye Yan remembered the scene of her crying on her back last night, pretending to be a headache, "I should receive complaints from many residents today. You cry so badly, everyone thinks I'm violent at you."

Shu Nian囧. Does she really cry hard?

She actually broke off those things. Later, I came back a little more sober. However, from her eyes swollen into walnuts, she should have really cried miserably last night.

"Shunian." Ye Yan whispered to her, put his arm around her shoulder, and gently stroked her shoulder. The look was solemn, as if there was something to say to her. Shu Nian tilted his head and looked at him, "Why is it so serious all of a sudden?"

"Let me give you a home."

Shu Nian was startled.

The heart lake, as if moved by something, rippled in circles.

In fact, she didn't know what her home was for a long time. After her mother left, there was a missing piece in that home; later, she married Xiang Muyang, and Xiang Muyang’s home was not home at all; and later...

When she returned to her father and Aunt Gui, she still had to move out after all.

At that time, she was like a lonely boat drifting in the ocean. She was always looking forward to a stable harbor in the future to take her in and let her rely on, so that her heart could no longer drift around.


"Ye Yan, let's start step by step and let the flow go, okay? And..." Shu Nian looked at him seriously, "Behind us, there are two families."

Ye Yan had already guessed that it would not be that simple to marry Shu Nian as soon as he divorced that person. He wanted Shu Nian to move in to live with him, but with her character, he would not nod his head either. In the end, he had to compromise, "This matter, I listen to you. So... after finishing the matter with Xiang Muyang, I will take you to see my parents."

"..." Would he be too anxious?


In the afternoon, Shunian went to the hospital and gave a leave report. Because the exam was about to be taken, and only one week was left, Shu Nian proposed to take a week off to prepare for the final sprint. The hospital nodded happily and encouraged her to refer to it. Shu Nian knew that the hospital was so active, naturally because she was in the light of Ye Yan.

After applying for leave, Shu Nian groaned for a moment, and walked to the ward where Ning Meng lived.

Outside the door, she stood for a while before knocking. Shu Nian nodded and said hello to the nursing staff in the ward when they came to open the door.

Mrs. Xiang asked: "Who?"

"it's me."

Shu Nian said, walking inside.

Her appearance stunned everyone inside.

Seeing Ming Wanjun sitting next to the bed, Shu Nian was also startled, his eyes touched the chicken soup on the bedside, and his heart was sour. However, there was not much emotion on the surface.

Madam Xiang and Ning Meng suffered a big loss yesterday, and Shu Nian is naturally not welcome at this moment. The palm prints on Shu Nian's cheeks disappeared, but Madam Xiang's face was still swollen, and her hair was down, which could be blocked, but she was somewhat embarrassed.

When Ming Wanjun saw her, she stood up, her lips trembled, and she wanted to call her. However, Shu Nian didn't look at her, but his gaze fell on Xiang Muyang, "Now, can we get the divorce certificate?"

Ming Wanjun looked at them in surprise. What... Divorce certificate? What does it mean?

"Shunian, you... what did you just say?"

Shunian squeezed her fingers into her palms, gathered courage, and turned around. Faced with Ming Wanjun, she smiled with all her strength, "You are now trying to please your stepdaughter, and you are pregnant with my husband Xiang Mu. Yang’s child. But, it’s okay, in a while, he will be just my ex-husband."

Ming Wanjun took a step back after being hit hard.

Shu Nian is still smiling, but behind that smile, how much trauma has he suffered?

She's a mother, she doesn't know...

She hasn't cared about or understood, but she's still trying her best to please the mistress in her marriage. How can she not hate or complain?

"Let's go." Shu Nian didn't look at Ming Wanjun again, but at Xiang Muyang, "I have everything together."

Xiang Muyang still didn't have much words. After taking a heavy look at Shu Nian, he finally followed her out of the ward.

Ning Meng sat up from the bed, "Muyang, I will go with you."

"No need." Xiang Muyang glanced at her, "You are not in good health, so let's lie down first."

Madam Xiang is also worried about the child in her belly, "Yes, Mu Yang is right. Mengmeng, don't worry, as long as your baby is stable and you can get out of bed, I will let you get married right away."

Ning Meng bit her lip, looking worriedly at the back of those walking away. Knowing that they are going to go through the divorce procedures, but when they think that they will be alone for a period of time, they feel uneasy.


Xiang Muyang drove to the Civil Affairs Office.

Shu Nian sat in the passenger seat.

Several times, Xiang Muyang looked at Shu Nian. Those eyes were complex and deep, containing pain, injury, and regret.

Halfway through the drive, he finally couldn't help interrupting the long silence that had hovered between the two.

"Is it really so impatient?" Shunian didn't understand the thoughtless words.

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