He’s As Dazzling As The Stars

Chapter 1066: Love can not be forgotten (1)

In the last sentence, as if wishing to sound more relaxed, her voice was deliberately raised. Xiong Wanting was startled and turned to look at Shu Nian, feeling a little bit more embarrassed in her heart.

In these years, she is the only one who knows how she has lived.

Those unintentional but cruel pranks may have already been lightly breezy by others, but they have brought endless damage and shadows to her.

Two people entered the supermarket and strolled in front of the dazzling array of shelves. After so many years, shopping in the supermarket arm in arm with Xiong Wanting is like a world away. The last time they went to the supermarket like this, they were still girls who didn't know how to feel sad about each other.

Supermarkets have always been time-consuming, and it has taken nearly two hours to stroll around at random.

After shopping, Shu Nian pushed the cart to check out. When queuing, Xiong Wanting took out the amethyst powder in the cart and played with it, "When did you eat this too? Not the least favorite before. Is it?"

Shu Nian was startled, and then whispered in a low voice: "This is something to nourish the stomach."

"You have a bad stomach?"

"...No." Shu Nian shook his head, somewhat as if he had just woke up from a dream.

How long have you been with Ye Yan? She turned out to be so inextricable.

He said that he needed time to calm down, but when he went to the supermarket, he still unconsciously picked things according to his hobbies and needs. Even his own taste has not even been taken into consideration.

Xiong Wanting saw through her distraction, looked at the amethyst powder in her hand with some unknown reason, not sure if she had said something wrong.

"Niannian?" Xiong Wanting called to her, and Shu Nian finally recovered. In the end, she picked out the amethyst powder in her hand and put it in the recycling bin of the supermarket next to her. Enough."

Xiong Wanting said softly, knowing that something was wrong with her, but didn't say much.

After checking out, two people came out of the supermarket with a bag in each hand. Xiong Wanting walked two steps before realizing that she was in a completely strange city at the moment. Turning around, I wanted to ask Shu Nian where they should go next, but when they turned around, they found that Shu Nian didn't know when to stand still.

She was holding things, and stood there without moving. The line of sight fell on a certain point dumbfounded.

Xiong Wanting looked in her direction and was also stunned, no, shocked! So shocked! The long figure standing there facing a royal blue sports car is very familiar.

It's Ye Yan!

It turned out to be Ye Yan!

This person, standing in the crowd of comings and goings, was dazzling and dazzling. Even after five years, even if he has not looked like a young boy in the past, Xiong Wanting can still recognize him at a glance. For such a person, it may be difficult to forget.

Shunian was here, seeing Ye Yan here, and it was very hard for him. Just two days ago, she had stood here, waiting for him to pick herself up with spring love and sweet mood. She was deeply intoxicated by the taste of being held in his hand. However, the higher the hold, the more painful the fall...

Ye Yan had already seen her, no, to be precise, Ye Yan was actually waiting for her here. Shu Nian didn't know how he knew that he was here, or... he had been following him, but she hadn't noticed it?

While she was thinking about it, Ye Yan had already walked towards them slowly.

"...Give it to me." Ye Yan glanced at the bag in her hand, and then it was only natural to carry the thing. Shu Nian subconsciously squeezed the shopping bag tightly, Ye Yan could see her resistance as always, a dark circle in her eyes.

His hand is hanging in the air. After a while, I slowly withdrew it back, put it in my pocket, looked at her with a complicated look, and asked in a low voice, "How did you do on the exam?"

"Maybe... so so."

Ye Yan let out a ‘um’, his deep gaze fixed on her, and there was a moment of silence.

Shu Nian did not speak.

The two people, at this moment, were clearly so close, so close that they were within reach, but Ye Yan could clearly feel that an insurmountable gap had grown between them. He said that he would give her a week to calm down, but he knew very well in his heart, with his Shunian temperament, how could a week pass? This week’s time is just for myself...

This kind of cold war, a week's time, for him, is already the limit...

He can't stand the suffering for too long.

"We are in a hurry... and we left first." In the end, Shu Nian spoke first, breaking the awkward silence.

He raised his eyes and glanced at Ye Yan. With his free hand, she squeezed Xiong Wanting's hand and left silently.


However, only after taking a step, Ye Yan stopped her. She stopped and heard him whisper, "I will leave for a few days and go to F country on a business trip."

Shunian paused for a moment, and finally...just quietly whispered: "Good journey."

Ye Yan's eyes were dark, staring at her back.

No disappointment from last time...

Nothing like before...

There is no instruction to take care of my stomach...


A good trip is like saying goodbye to an ordinary friend.

Unfamiliar, cold...

Isn't it, in her heart, even the nostalgia and love for him were taken away by the truth five years ago?

At this moment, this proud and fearless Ye Yan didn't dare to ask in depth.

After all, he was afraid of such a ruthless answer...

Even if Xiong Wanting no longer had the vision to see, she could still see that there was something wrong between Shu Nian and Ye Yan. The two of them looked at each other's eyes, even though there was pain in them, but that kind of pain was only experienced by those who were deeply in love.

and so……

Are they in love?

Was it because of what Hu Yang said that caused them to be in a frozen state now?


In the next few days, Shu Nian accompanied Xiong Wanting to stroll around the city for several days. Because Xiong Wanting broke up with Hu Yang, she was in a bad mood, so she didn't leave too early.

On the fifth day, Shu Nian received two emails as soon as he got up.

She was a little nervous.

I turned on the computer, washed my face, brushed my teeth, and sat down in front of the computer. Xiong Wanting had also got up, and followed along. Shunian did not go through the college entrance examination, but the tension at the moment is probably not much easier than when the college entrance examination was released.

She took the lead in opening the first letter, which was the first medical school from the capital of S country-her first choice.

Breathing away, his eyes lowered all the way, only looking at the two most conspicuous words. After entering the eyes, his eyes gradually dimmed.

Very lost...

got rejected.

Originally, it was the most sure school. After all, this is the goal she has been striving for in recent years.

"Don't rush to lose, don't you still have a volunteer?" Xiong Wanting squeezed her arm to cheer her up, "If you really go to M country to study, wouldn't it be right? Anyway, I still have to be there. After reading a Ph.D., won't we be able to be together again in the future?"

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