He’s As Dazzling As The Stars

Chapter 1109: A little tempted (2)

The heartbeat is completely disordered again...

This guy is really good-looking! Especially, Ye Lan has recently discovered that he seems to be getting more and more handsome.

However, since he looks so attractive, why do you stay so close!

"Ms. Tang." At the moment when she was distracted, the office door was knocked. Mo Tian's voice sounded outside, "The Smiths have been waiting in the meeting room."

"I see, come here right away."

Tang Jifeng answered.

At this moment, Ye Lan had already recovered. She felt that her heart had a serious problem, and she has lost control several times today. She took a deep breath and suppressed her heartbeat, "You... are you going to be busy?"

She also became stuttered inexplicably.

"Yeah. There are more things today."

"Then my business..."

"I'll tell Mo Tian in a while, you will find him for the rest."


"Do these programs have yours?"

"Yeah. I will perform the double row key. By the way, will you be free by then? You are a sponsor, you can sit in the first row position we arranged. You can also watch my performance from the nearest distance!"

"Since you are so sincerely inviting, I will take time if I don't have time." Tang Jifeng glanced at the time, stood up, took off his windbreaker and changed into a formal suit, and said: "I will let the driver take you back in a while. Before leaving, remember to I will take the cake away."

"...I know. But durian is really delicious. If you don't eat it, it is your biggest loss."

"Still think about what you should invite me to eat next time. If it's durian again, I refuse!"

Ye Lan smiled, "Please wait until the party is over!"


Tang Jifeng left the office first, Ye Lan packed up the materials and cakes, and came out later than him.

When I walked out of the office, I saw Tang Jifeng leading the Smiths out of the living room. The three of them walked together, and Tang Jifeng was personable. The way he was at work was completely different from that day when he was in a bar. Such him, calm and restrained, has a mature charm.

Ye Lan's gaze fell on him from afar, and his footsteps stopped unconsciously. Staring at him, he didn't move away for a long time.

"Little Miss." Ye Lan didn't recover until Mo Tian's voice came.

"Huh?" Her gaze reluctantly moved away from Tang Jifeng for a while. It's no wonder that she was too ecstatic to see him. She had noticed it a long time ago, and even the other female employees craned their necks and looked around. Sure enough, everyone has the love of beauty.

"The driver is already waiting downstairs, I'll see you down. By the way, let's talk about the sponsorship."

"Okay." Ye Lan nodded and followed Mo Tian to the elevator entrance. Before getting on the elevator, he unconsciously glanced at the figure of Tang Jifeng in the reception room formed by the glass wall.

Subconsciously raised his hand and touched his lips.

Before that...

Is it a first kiss?

Although it wasn't for my boyfriend, but my heart seemed to be beating very fast at the time. Moreover, if the first kiss is given to Tang Jifeng, it is not too bad after thinking about it. At least, she still likes Brother Ji Feng!


Five days later.

Tang Jifeng's sponsorship fee was successfully paid.

Ye Lan threw the contract to Qiu Qiu, the Minister of Finance for verification. Qiu Qiu raised her eyebrows, "I really love my concubine, and she is so agile, how can I not love you!"

"Qiuqiu, what should I ask Brother Ji Feng to eat when you come?" Ye Lan muttered, "I still want to cook for him, but... he hates my cooking skills. Take him there. Eating outside seems to be too insincere."

"Lan Lan, your brother Ji Feng, is not only handsome, but also generous. Not only is generous, but also so simple. What a peerless man!"

"Yeah." Ye Lan felt more happy than boasting himself when Qiu Qiu praised him. Brows curled, "I also think he is very good, not a good man like he said."

"It's a pity, he is your brother."

"What's a pity?"

"Think about it, if he wasn't your brother, you two...Huh?" Qiu Qiu finally said, "Isn't he surnamed Ye?"

The signature on the back clearly reads "Tang Jifeng".

"I never said that his last name is'Ye'."

"You never said that. But you said he is your own brother. I have never seen a brother or sister with a different surname."

"Well~ he is my brother's best brother. He treats me the same as my own brother treats me, so he is his own brother."

Qiu Qiu smiled meaningfully, "Then I will take back what I just said."

She covered the contract, crossed her arms, and embraced Ye Lan, "Lan Lan, you said, he is so good to you, does he mean anything else to you?"

"What are you thinking?" Ye Lan threw Qiu Qiu's hand away, "He is my brother, he is very simple to me, you are not allowed to guess at random! Also, Ji Feng has always been a child since childhood. Do it to me!"

"Really?" Qiu Qiu looked disapproving, supporting his jaw, "Anyway, I have only heard that there is no pure relationship between men and women."

"Then we are a special case!"

"Special case?" Qiu Qiu smiled and leaned on her shoulder, "Okay, then we will wait and see, you must let me see the special and pure boyfriend and girlfriend relationship between the two of you."

Ye Lan turned her back, pretending to ignore her.


Is there really no pure friendship between men and women?

Well, even if that is the case, the relationship between her and Tang Jifeng can only be regarded as family affection! Didn't he also say, is he his own sister?

Thinking of this, Ye Lan's mood suddenly fell a little bit inexplicably. Started, opened the contract, his eyes fell on the last three words "Tang Jifeng", and he looked a little surprised.

Hmm~ She also discovered that Tang Jifeng not only looks good, but also writes the words so well.


Time flies slowly. The student union is responsible for holding the party on Saturday.

That day, early in the morning, at the dinner table, Ye Lan was discussing the party with Ye Yan.

"Tonight, I won't go."

"But my parents have gone abroad for vacation. If you don't go, I will be alone." Ye Lan took a bite of the fried egg.

"I have to go to country M today. It's hard to get three days off every year, and I happen to be free for these three days."

"Heavy color and lighter sister!"

Ye Yan made her a glass of milk, "You can find Promise or Fu Yunxi to accompany you. They are free."

Ye Lan did not answer. I took a knife and fork to cut the golden ham. I was bored for a while before I asked: "Brother, if you don't go, surely Brother Ji Feng will not go, right?

"It should be. I want to go abroad, and I leave everything here to him. Moreover, I remember that he has arranged a social meeting tonight."

"...Oh." Ye Lan replied in a low voice, chewing two bites of ham, and instantly felt that the taste was extremely boring.

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