He’s As Dazzling As The Stars

Chapter 1116: Are you in love? (3)

If it was before, he would definitely give her a warm welcome, but now...

He doesn't seem to care about her anymore.

"Lan Lan, is your brother alright? You fell so hard last time!" Even though Ye Lan wanted to ignore him, there were always people mentioning him from time to time.

"I don't know." She replied weakly.

"I don't know? He is your brother, you don't even know, who knows?"

"Yes. Are you reluctant to tell us?"

"Are you still in the hospital? Let's go see him together another day!"

"If it weren't for your brother's sponsorship, our school's party would not have been possible! I think the school should send a representative to see your brother."

"He is not my brother, and I have nothing to do with him. It doesn't matter anymore, you don't want to ask anymore." After being annoyed for several times, Ye Lan finally did not hold back. He became a little emotional and his voice was unconscious.的扬高.

Everyone, you look at me, I look at you.

What's going on here?

"You... quarreled?"

"Okay, don't be long-winded." Qiu Qiu finished off and pushed the female classmates back to their positions. "My brother, what do you always remember!"

Qiu Qiu returned to her position and saw Ye Lan still lying softly on the table. She was a little worried, "What's the matter with you? Did you really quarrel?"


"How is that?"

"..." Ye Lan felt a pain in her heart, and for a long time, she said lonely: "It should be considered a breakup..."

"Break off?" Qiu Qiu felt incredible. "You are kidding me. The first second he didn't even want his life to save you, the next second, you told me that he broke off with you?"

Ye Lan's eyes were red in an uncontrollable circle. Yeah, why can he say that if he breaks up, he will break up, so ruthless and unfeeling to this point? Even if you just treat her as a younger sister, that shouldn't be the case. He really won't think about her again, won't he worry about her injury?

She doesn't know if she really likes Tang Jifeng, but if this is just about liking someone, then this feeling is not as beautiful as she imagined, on the contrary, it is extremely uncomfortable! Every day, she would miss him uncontrollably, waiting for his information, waiting for his call, but because of this, she was unhappy every day.


As soon as Ye Yan returned to the country, he found something wrong with Ye Lan. She looked like a frosted eggplant, she was extremely depressed. The quirky little girl before, disappeared in an instant.

"What happened to you in the past few days when I was away?" Ye Yan couldn't help but ask a few days later while eating breakfast.


Ye Yan looked at her carefully, with sharp eyes, "Did you fall in love?"

Ye Lan's movement of biting the bread became stiff, and then only weakly said: "No."


"I'm going to class." Ye Lan put down the tableware, obviously not wanting to talk about this topic.

Ye Yan frowned. Looking at the worried little girl, she was worried and quite disappointed. The little girl who used to talk to herself about everything seems to have grown up all of a sudden, and now she knows that she is hiding her thoughts.

"You don't say I don't force you. But there is one more thing..."

"What?" Ye Lan stopped.

Ye Yan handed her a card, "Today is Ji Feng's birthday, you prepare a birthday present for him."

Ye Lan bit her lip and didn't immediately pick up the card. He just said: "He has so many people giving gifts, is it rare for me to give them?"

He must have a gift from a woman. Moreover, now that the relationship with her is so clear, I am afraid I don't want to receive her gift!

"He gave you so many gifts, and you don't want to give him one. Take it." Ye Yan stuffed the card into Ye Lan's hand and exhorted: "Birthday PARTY at 8 o'clock, the same place. I can let someone come. Pick you up."

"No need." Ye Lan refused: "I have an appointment tonight."

"Have an appointment? Men or women?" Ye Yan raised her eyebrows. Could it be that this girl is really in love?

"Men!" Ye Lan left only these two words, carrying his schoolbag, and left the house.


This little girl is really in love!

Ye Yan twisted his eyebrows, subconsciously trying to catch up. It’s too early to fall in love at the age of 16, right?


the company.

Ye Yan opened the file several times and closed it again, very upset. Tang Jifeng entered his office from the outside and happened to see this scene and asked, "What's wrong? What's the tricky part of the contract?"

"You came just right, I have something to ask you." Ye Yan pointed to the sofa opposite to him and motioned Tang Jifeng to sit down. He looked at Tang Jifeng seriously and seriously, "Last time, there was a party at Lanlan School. Did you go there?"

Speaking of Ye Lan, Tang Jifeng's figure tightened slightly. He didn't answer immediately, but instead asked: "What?"

"Have you found any suspicious characters?"

"I don't quite understand what you mean by "suspicious"."

"For example, did she tell you which boy she liked, or did she get closer that day."

Tang Jifeng leaned back, squinting at Ye Yan, "Why are you asking about this suddenly?"

"To be honest, I think this girl seems to be in a relationship without telling me!"

"What?" Tang Jifeng sat up straight.

Ye Yan glanced at him, "Look, you don't think you can accept it? She is only 16 years old!"

Tang Jifeng was silent for a long time before he said calmly: "Don't be suspicious, she has always been ignorant, where do you see that she is in love?"

"Today is your birthday, and every birthday in normal years. There is no special situation. We all spend it together. Every year, she is the most active one, and she has been looking forward to it. But today, when I told her about it, you Guess how she reacted."


"She refused, refused, participated, and added. She who loves to join in the fun the most, she actually refused to participate. The reason is that she has an appointment tonight. Moreover, the appointment is still a boy! Besides me, there is a boy who is better than you It’s important to say that if it weren’t for her boyfriend, I can’t think of a second one!"

"She... has a date with a boy?" Tang Jifeng murmured, and he couldn't tell what it felt like.

It's like being lost.

Probably, it feels like Ye Yan. My sister has become a boyfriend, and she can't accept it calmly and calmly.

"No. No, I have to check carefully, what kind of boy that little girl can see. What if I encounter an emotional liar and hurt her? Also, most of the boys today are unreliable. I heard Ye Lan say that the classmates in their class rolled onto a bed when they were young!" The more Ye Yan thinks, the more angry he gets, and the more he thinks, the more disturbed.

Tang Jifeng's face changed.

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