He’s As Dazzling As The Stars

Chapter 1269: Love beyond cure (3)

When Song Zhixing heard that he really threw it away, his intestines were blue with regret. She had been thinking about the necklace for a long time, and it was an adult gift from her second uncle. It was only a moment of breath to return it to him. Who knew he would do it.

She drooped her head, feeling boring, "Forget it, then I'll go back."

Song Zhixing was weak and got up to leave. Tang Yu grabbed her and sat down next to him on the bed. Song Zhixing was about to question, Tang Yu had already lifted her long hair away with one hand, and then a cold on her neck. She happily reached out to touch it, and touched the cherry blossoms, her little face that was still slumped just now, and immediately cleared, "You didn't throw it away?"

"There is no next time. Give it to me next time, and I will transfer it to another woman."

When Song Zhixing heard the last sentence, the smile on his face narrowed, and he looked at him with clear eyes, "Second Uncle, do you have many women?"

Regarding her question, Tang Yu wanted to scold her for having no conscience. For such a long time, his thoughts were almost entirely on her, where did other women come from?

"What do you think?" He leaned lazily on the head of the bed. Elegant posture, like a lazy lion lurking.

"I think..." Song Zhixing thought for a while, "Chengcheng said, men like you are mostly women hooked up."

"What kind of man am I?"

Song Zhixing thought of Chen Cheng's "perfect man", but didn't say it, but said: "A man like you, not only rich, but also such a handsome man. It must be very popular among women."

"Really?" Tang Yu is definitely not a person who is exaggerated enough to listen to praise. Moreover, he was still described by cliché and superficial adjectives such as "rich" and "handsome". However, from the mouth of this little thing, the feeling is completely different. The whole body is comfortable, the whole body is comfortable, that's about it.

"What about you?" Tang Yu asked suddenly.


"Since I am rich and handsome, do you like me?" Tang Yu asked this, seeming to ask carelessly, but his eyes fixed on her scorchingly. The look seemed to see her deep in her heart. Song Zhixing didn't dare to ask whether he liked it or not, because there were some questions, once asked, the answer was ready to come out. However, that kind of answer made her scared and dare not face it.

She got up and wanted to leave, Tang Yu hugged her back. Song Zhixing struggled subconsciously. He grabbed the quilt, rolled her up, and hugged him.

"Second Uncle..." She looked at him hurriedly.

"I will sleep here tonight." Tang Yu whispered, "You don't want to answer the question just now, or if you can't figure it out by yourself, I won't force you."

Song Zhixing looked at him, his eyes were like a net, densely netting her. The original struggling action gradually stopped. She didn't move any more, but let him hold and leaned against his chest. Song Zhixing was very contradictory. Slowly, he put his hands out of the quilt, gently, tentatively, and hugged Tang Yu. Tang Yu froze for a moment, and his heart surged. At this moment, he felt that even if she did not respond to herself, he could feel her dependence, he felt enough.

"Second uncle, my aunt likes you very much..." she said softly, "My aunt's house has collected many magazines with you. No, she has all the magazines with you. I know that she has a deep affection for you. I have liked you for many years."

"That has nothing to do with me." Tang Yu said ruthlessly, "She knows my mind better than anyone. She shouldn't have any expectations of me."

"But, you have a marriage contract..." Song Zhixing looked up and looked at him.

When it comes to the marriage contract, Tang Yu looks a little more complicated. Song Zhixing asked: "When did you make the engagement? Since you don't like her at all, why did you have such a engagement?"

Looking at Song Zhixing's innocent face, Tang Yu only felt that some of the truth was too cruel for her. He only wished she never knew.

"When you were young and ignorant, I had a marriage contract with your aunt. As for why..." Tang Yu paused, "This is set by their elders. Your aunt and I have never participated. , And did not nod too much. Your aunt has always been abroad and has not come to Jude City, so I originally thought that we were tacit understanding to each other and didn't need to say too much to embarrass each other.

Song Zhixing lay on his chest, moved his hands up, and put his arms around his neck, "My aunt is very good, and she still loves you so much, have you really never considered it? Cheng Cheng said...you are together, It matches."

Speaking of the last sentence, Song Zhixing's tone became a little darker.

"It was indeed considered." Tang Yu replied frankly.

Song Zhixing was startled.

"Marrying your aunt to be your wife is indeed a good choice. However, it is a pity that there are other surprises in life." Tang Yu looked at her eyes deeper and deeper. He understands the meaning of this, and she also understands it.

She is the surprise in his life. I don't know when, I fell in love hopelessly. Then, she became the softest part of his heart. Treating a small flower seedling carefully, waiting for her to grow up. Even if he knows that she is not good enough, she is self-willed and mischievous, and she doesn't even love him yet, but love is love, and she is unable to withdraw and does not want to withdraw.

His words are like confession. Song Zhixing's heart throbbed and looked at him blankly, as if bewitched by something. She suddenly leaned in and kissed his thin lips.

Tang Yu breathed heavily.

Even if two people kissed many times, she would take the initiative, but every time he met her, he would still become uncontrollable like a hairy boy.

Song Zhixing was also extremely nervous. The lips pressed past, and then backed away.

With a mist in his eyes, he looked at him mistily. Tang Yu held her big palm and tightened his lips, "That's it?"

"Stars, a little kiss, but it's hard to satisfy me." He looked at her with encouragement in his eyes.

Song Zhixing licked her lower lip nervously, and in the next moment, as if she was going to lose money, she leaned over again, her soft mouth covering her lips. This time, Tang Yu didn't let her back down, nor did she let her dance alone. Instead, he grasped the initiative as quickly as possible, and put his big palm on the back of her head to deepen and aggravate the kiss.


In the room, a man's breath and a woman's groan floated. A kiss, a passionate spark. In the end, Tang Yu let go of her and went into the bathroom alone, a little embarrassed.

Seeing that he was in extreme pain, Song Zhixing followed with some worry. Seeing her coming in, Tang Yu hurried away with a gloomy face, "Get out quickly."

"...You seem to be uncomfortable."

Can it be uncomfortable? He has endured it for several years.

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