He’s As Dazzling As The Stars

Chapter 1317: Have a baby (1)

Tang Yu held her up, placed her on the bed, and subconsciously touched the head of the bed with his big hand. Song Zhixing blushed and pressed his hand. Tang Yu looked at her suspiciously. She bit her lip and said for a while: "This time, we don't need that, okay?"

Tang Yu's fiery eyes fixed on her. They will be separated this time and will not see each other for a long time. Naturally, he hopes to avoid the condom. Two people can feel each other's existence without any barriers. The feeling is completely different from wearing a condom. .

He breathed a little harder, "You know, you are not in the safety period now. In case..."

Although he wanted her to have a baby for himself, he didn't want to really force her.



"Then let's take a gamble, shall we?"

There was some light in Tang Yu's eyes, "What are you betting on?"

She clasped his neck with her little hand, her eyes stained with bright streamers, "Didn't you still say that you want me to have a baby for you? If, today I really have, then I will marry you when I come back."

His eyes were full of emotions, he held her hips tightly, restrained the excitement, his face always seemed to be very calm, "Marriage and childbirth is a major event in life, just bet with me so silly, not afraid of yourself. regret?"

Song Zhixing looked at him emotionally, "I'm not afraid. No matter what the outcome of the bet is, I won't be a loser."

Even if you are really pregnant, marrying him is the best arrangement.

Tang Yu threw away the full set of safety in his hand, overwhelmed her on the bed, and hurriedly tore off her clothes, "Tonight, I will try my best."

Song Zhixing grabbed his hand, "That's not allowed to hurt me."



Half an hour later...

In the master bedroom of the villa, a man's breath and a woman's groan were heard, and the entanglement became more intense.

The man covered the woman, sweaty and extremely sexy. He lifted the woman's jaw with long fingers, caught her small mouth that closed, and kissed again lingeringly. The girl's eyes were dizzy, blurred and sentimental, she looked at him confusedly, "I...no more..."

Four words, his voice is broken.

"Hey, bear with me." The man's voice, mixed with deep passions, made people's bones tingling and crunching into the bottom of my heart.

In the next instant, he hugged her, who was already limp.

Another hour passed.

The door of the room, with a bang, was the sound of being hit hard.

The servant who happened to pass by the door was taken aback. He didn't know what was going on. He was about to raise his hand and knock on the door. After listening carefully, he heard the heavy gasps of men and women entangled through the door panel. Obviously, someone was on the door panel inside. Then, the door panel was very rhythmic, and it was hit with bangs, accompanied by the girl's soft and unbearable begging for mercy. The servant outside the door suddenly flushed, his heartbeat quickened, and ran away quickly.

The second master is too... amazing! Can the little lady's small body stand it?

I don't know how long it took, Song Zhixing softened to Tang Yu. Tang Yu put his arms around her, rubbing his fingers lightly on her shoulders. I let her go and let her leave temporarily, but now many are not at ease.

After a long time, waiting for the tide to recede, Tang Yu took a small item from the bedside and gave her.

"What is this?" Song Zhixing fiddled with it in his hand.

"Take the translators in all languages ​​with you. If you don't understand the language of country J, just use this. However, you are not allowed to go out alone. You can't figure it out in the south, east, and northwest. If you lose it abroad, no one will save you. "

"Don't scare me." Song Zhixing put the translator on the pillow, lying on Tang Yu, smiling at him, "If I lose it in Country J, I will call you. You will definitely save me. ."

Tang Yu nodded helplessly and angrily on her forehead, "You can't promise not to run around?"

"Okay, I promise! I promise not to run around!" In order to show his sincerity, Song Zhixing raised his hand and said wealthy: "Don't worry about me, I am really not a child. Besides, with grandpa and aunt, I will be fine. of."

Tang Yu sighed and hugged her back against his chest. Yes, she is 18 years old and an adult. However, in his world, she will always be the child who does not grow up and needs his care. Even if she is really pregnant tonight and has a baby in the future, there will be only one more child in the family that needs to be taken care of!

Probably because they are going to be separated tomorrow, neither of them feels sleepy. After taking a shower, she recovered a little more and went back to her room to regroup the luggage. Later, Tang Yu took him back, and the two leaned on the bed. She was watching movies and he was reading documents. Looking at it, when he was about to fall asleep, he was awakened by Tang Yuki again, and the two hugged each other lingeringly.

At that moment, Song Zhixing suddenly really thought, in fact, if he really had Tang Yu's child. It's really good. As long as there are children, no one will not allow them to be together for any reason, right?


The next day.

Song Zhixing was sent to the airport by Tang Yu. Tang Yu wanted to send her in, Song Zhixing held him down, "You still don't get out of the car. I'll go directly to the waiting room. I'm afraid Grandpa will get angry again when he sees you."

Li Qiming has been in poor health these days, and Tang Yu also knows that it is really inappropriate for him to stimulate him at this juncture. After pondering for a moment, he nodded: "I watched you go."

Song Zhixing glanced at him, opened the door and got out of the car. Looking at that figure, Tang Yu's eyes tightened, he still pushed the door and stepped out of the car. Before going around to the front, Song Zhixing suddenly put down his luggage, turned around, and plunged into Tang Yu's arms. Tang Yu grabbed the back of her head, buried her small face on his chest, and exhorted: "Call me when you arrive."

"...Hmm." Song Zhixing's voice was dull. There is a kind of parting, knowing that I will meet again soon, but it is hard to give up. "I will talk to Grandpa well, so that Grandpa can accept you."

Tang Yu smiled and kissed her on the head, "When I pick you up, I will talk to him personally."

Song Zhixing nodded. She doesn't know what the road ahead of her and Tang Yu will be, but at this moment, she hopes to go longer and farther...


When Song Zhixing arrived in the VIP lounge, he saw Li Qiming and Li Hanyan sitting side by side from a distance. Li Qiming seemed to be in poor health and kept covering his mouth and coughing. Li Hanyan patted him smoothly on the side.

Song Zhixing looked from a distance, and looked at the old man's thin body with white hair and trembling cough, only feeling like a knife.

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