He’s As Dazzling As The Stars

Chapter 1356: Nowhere to go (2)

"Xingxing, you never thought about it, why doesn't your grandfather expose my mother?"

"He... he must have his own reasons..."

"Then, why is he still willing to put you in our Tang family for adoption, knowing all the truth about the past events?"

"Grandpa...I thought about taking me back. It was you...you didn't let me go."

"Yes, he really wants to take you back, but that's a lot of years later!" Tang Yu's expression is always cold, "Xingxing, have you ever thought about it, why he knows everything, but still insists on doing it? Your aunt married to our Tang family?"

A series of questions came over at once, making Song Zhixing a little dizzy.

After Su Fengjin's affairs came out, she was in a mess, and she didn't have time to think about these complicated things.

"It seems that you never really thought about it. Do you need me to tell you the answer?"

She bit her lower lip tightly.

Tang Yu had already spoken: "In your eyes, maybe your grandfather and your aunt are more important than anything. However, in your grandfather's eyes, you can't compare to your aunt, and even - you can't even compare to the interests of the Li family. ! Back then, the reason why he stayed here was only to exchange interests with our Tang family. To put it bluntly, you stayed in our Tang family to seal his hostage!"

"Tang Yu, shut up!" Song Zhixing shook his head in disbelief, "I'm not allowed to slander my grandfather!"

But when he said this, he didn't have any confidence in his heart.

"In order to stabilize the foundation, your grandfather wanted to marry your aunt. Originally, if you marry me, you can also stabilize the foundation of the Li family, but in his opinion, because of my mother's relationship, we have It is bound to last. I will neither marry Li Hanyan nor go with you for a long time. With his suspicious temperament, he thinks that our Tang family will abandon you Li family sooner or later. Moreover, for so many years, he has indeed had enough It was under the control of our Tang family. Therefore, he broke his face with us in advance and turned to the Chi family of country J."

"Don't say it!" Song Zhixing covered his ears, looking at him with red eyes, "I don't want to listen! I don't want to hear a word!"

Tang Yu seemed to have made up his mind. He wanted to pierce all the cruel facts together. He stepped over and grabbed her hand covering her ears. "In order to get along with the Chi family, he completely ignored your wishes. , Under house arrest, use you, let you marry a man you don’t love at all, or even, never know each other, just to achieve his interests! The stars, what kind of home can he give you? Do you lick the wound? If you really go to him, he will only push you to another man, put you under house arrest again, and put you in the mouth of a tiger. Understand?"

Those words, like sharp swords, cut her heart. It seems that a knife is not enough, it is cruel. Pulling out a wound, another wound...

In an instant, it was **** and full of holes.

Like an overwhelming blow, Song Zhixing looked at Tang Yu obsessively. After watching for a long time, his eyes blinked, and a tear finally wetted his eyes, "Tang Yu, how can you be so cruel?"

Tang Yu suffocated his breath.

Song Zhixing looked at him with a smirk, but laughed with tears, "So, are you happy? Even my last possible place is ruined so ruthlessly...should, will you be happy?"

Tang Yu wanted her to see the truth clearly, and didn't want her to leave here. However, seeing her being shocked and desperate right now, she has already begun to regret speaking so directly.

"Stars..." A dark red appeared in his eyes, calling her dumbly.

She suddenly struggled hard and broke away from his hand. He approached, and she instinctively stepped back, staggering weakly and faltering.

"Don't come here!" She hissed to exhaustion, as if he was a beast.


"You don't want to say anything anymore... I beg you..." The sky collapsed, but that was the case.

Song Zhixing whispered in despair. Falling down on the sofa behind him, the whole person curled up into a ball. Like an abandoned child, she hugged herself tightly, so tight that her hands were stretched with veins, as if she wished to hide herself.

She knew that Tang Yu was telling the truth.

Otherwise, there is no reason why these things that Su Fengjin did have only now been exposed in such an unbearable way.

The last relative she used to be, from the beginning to the end, how much true love does she have for herself? Or is it all just use?

Song Zhixing really wanted to know, but the answer scared her again.

She sat there desperately, feeling a sharp pain in her chest...

Tang Yu stood there, waiting for her to relax, but gradually, she realized that something was wrong with her.

Although she couldn't see her small face hiding between her knees, she was trembling clearly, and she was shaking more and more severely.

"Stars!" Tang Yu called out nervously, and stepped over. However, Song Zhixing did not respond to him. Heart, bring up. He clasped her slender arm and lifted her head, which was always low. Her pale little face suddenly ran into his sight, and her forehead was full of painful cold sweat.

The whole person is already dying. As if the next moment, it will die.

This look made Tang Yu hate that he couldn't slap himself harshly. Some things are obviously opportunities to talk to her in a tactful way. How come they are stimulated by the rhetoric that she wants to leave and ignore them?

"Xingxing, cheer up!" Tang Yu touched her cold little face with one hand, as if to pass his own temperature to her, with the other hand he had already taken the cell phone out and called the hospital.

Throughout the whole process, his hands and even his voice trembled a little.

Because the girl in her arms is getting heavier and getting colder. This feeling made him feel truly scared for the first time.

He hugged her sideways and strode out.

"Song Zhixing, you are not allowed to have anything, have you heard it?" Tang Yu has never felt such anxiousness, and his footsteps are even a little messy. "You said that you want to be a good wife for me. No one is a wife, so Scared my husband so much!"

Song Zhixing heard the words ‘wife’ and ‘husband’, tears streaming from his closed eyes.

She tugged Tang Yu's front with her fingers, the cold sweat on her palms fainted and moistened the shirt.

"Tang Yu, why are we... on earth... why... so suddenly?"

Tang Yu lowered his head, touching her forehead. He felt her coldness, her despair, her trembling. Thin lips, lifting, hoarse, whispering: "Stars, I love you..."

[After returning to China today, I fell on the bed and slept for a day. Now my soul seems to have not returned, and I feel uncomfortable. I’ve worked so hard to update the codewords for everyone. In fact, I miss you out there~~ I’ll update here for the time being at night. I will get up and update you during the day tomorrow. The time has not been fixed yet. But with my scumbag status, I guess it will be at least until the afternoon~]

Please remember the domain name of the first publication of this book: ddxstxt8.com. Apex novel mobile version Reading URL: m.ddxstxt8.com Previous Chapter ← Chapter List → Next Chapter Bookmark the New Book Recommendation: The entertainment life of the gods in the era of the ancient monster blood entertainment film era My wife is the alien **** of the traverser's dad Miaoshan Heque Super Psychic System Invincible Sword Repair System The Heroic Spirit of Dusk

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