He’s As Dazzling As The Stars

Chapter 1412: Er Ye is a carnivorous animal (1)

"I haven't chased a man, just figure it out by myself!"

Song Zhixing was lying on the bed, touching her swollen lips, thinking of his words, looking at the ceiling silly. When Tang Yu left, she let her figure it out, but she didn't have the experience of chasing men!

She rolled around on the bed and couldn't sleep, so she called Chen Cheng and asked seriously.

Chen Cheng recently did an internship in other companies, and was made to death, clamoring that designing is not a human job. After hearing her complaint, Song Zhixing asked her, "Orange, how do you think you have to chase someone to be sincere?"

Chen Cheng was drawing pictures over there, gnawing apples, and talking with her on the phone. Hearing her question, she murmured back to her with an apple in her mouth: "Why, you will finally think about spring?"

"I'm asking you seriously."

"Prescribing the right medicine is sincere. Isn't there an old saying? A man chasing a woman is separated by a mountain; a woman chasing a man, a gauze. Simple! But who do you want to chase?"

"...You say who else I want to chase." Song Zhixing felt that she was asking too much.

"Your second uncle?" Chen Cheng put down the pen and leaned back in the chair lazily. "Seriously, like you said, your second uncle was so indifferent to you before. Can you still chase after him? Don't you? At that time, people didn't catch it, and they hurt themselves completely."

"It will definitely be possible." Song Zhixing smiled, and replied confidently, his mood was not affected by Chen Cheng's worries in the slightest.

As soon as Chen Cheng heard it, he noticed something tricky, "You hurry up and tell me the truth, is there something else I don't know about?"

Song Zhixing hugged the quilt and rolled on the bed. After a while, she was a little shy and couldn't help but happily said, "He just kissed me."

"Really?" Chen Cheng was also happy for her. The next second, he doubted, "Isn't he who kissed you when he was drunk?"

"No. I'm more awake than me! It was he himself who told me to show my sincerity to chase him."

When Chen Cheng heard this, he understood. He said, "You guys really know how to play! Obviously you like each other to death, and you have to play the game where you chase me, and then I will chase you."

"Don't complain, give me a trick!" Song Zhixing sat up, the more he talked, the more energetic he got.

"What kind of trick is needed? He has said so, then you use the most direct and effective method."

"what way?"

"What do you mean?" Chen Cheng didn't answer the question, his tone was particularly ambiguous.

Song Zhixing understood, and rolled his eyes, "We have not spoken properly in three years, and you suddenly asked me to treat him...how can I deal with him?"

"It's called reluctant children and can't hold wolves. If you dare to start, he will be obedient the next day. If there is another child, you will not chase him, but he will chase you."

Song Zhixing considered her words seriously, and nodded and praised for a while, "Chen Cheng, you really have a lot of experience in chasing men, and you didn't ask the wrong person."

Chen Cheng became furious, "What are you talking about! Who has experience chasing men? This girl has only chased one or two."

The two talked and laughed for a while before they hung up the phone. Song Zhixing didn't feel sleepy, so he got up again and started drawing again.


The next day.

It was only five o'clock, and Song Zhixing got up.

When going out, the colleagues were together as usual. She carried the thermos and walked out of the apartment with them. There are also peaches in this group.

Everyone was talking about work, and I don't know who suddenly saw the thermos in Song Zhixing's hand.

"What do you mention this to the company?" The other party lowered his head and sniffed, "It smells so good, did you make something delicious?"

"That's right! At the noon cafeteria, we all eat and share together." I don't know who suggested it.

Song Zhixing hurriedly hugged the thermos, for fear of being snatched by these hungry wolves, "No, I am useful. Don't want to eat any of you."

"Such a baby, wouldn't it be for which lover?"

"Sister Zhixing, you have only been here for a few days, so do you have a sweetheart?"

Song Zhixing didn't bother to take care of their jokes.

Taozi, who was walking aside, couldn't help but glance at her more, then glanced at the thermos in her hand.


At noon, everyone else went to the cafeteria, and Song Zhixing came out of the design department holding a thermos. She ran all the way into the elevator and pressed the top floor.

Taozi came out of the design department and watched the elevator continue to rise to the last floor.



When Song Zhixing arrived at the top floor, he was as quiet as yesterday. There is only an assistant on duty in the secretary's room. Tang Yu was not here either, the office door was locked tightly, and she was a little bit lost.

"Did he go out?"

"Second Lord has socializing at noon."

"Oh." Song Zhixing glanced at the thermos in his hand in a somewhat hesitant manner. She woke up early in the morning to stew the soup, wouldn't he be out of it?

After thinking about it, she put down the thermos and handed it to the assistant, and then briefly explained a few words before going down from the top floor to the cafeteria for dinner.

After two o'clock in the afternoon, Tang Yu returned to the company. The assistant handed him the thermos. He was originally at a loss, and the other party explained: "Miss Song sent it here specially today."

Hearing the words'Miss Song', Tang Yu's thin lips bend. Is this method of pursuing men too old-fashioned?

"What else does she say?"

"She said that she simmered it for two hours early this morning. Even if you are full outside, you have to taste her soup. Also...you have to finish it."

Tang Yu's lips twitched.

Probably there is only one who chases men as domineering as her!

Du Hui stood behind and smiled, looking at Tang Erye with sympathy, "Erye, just the craftsmanship of the young lady, might it be life-threatening after drinking this soup?"

"Very likely." Tang Yu also doubted. He had witnessed her craftsmanship in Bingyu before.

"I will call you an ambulance."

Tang Yu carried the thermos and entered the office, looking good.

Du Hui went back to his office to fetch the documents and went to the president's office. As soon as I opened the door and entered, the fragrance overflowed. I saw Tang Erye sitting on the sofa, drinking soup with gusto.

Du Hui drooled silently.

"Second Lord, you can't finish drinking such a big bowl of soup, right? I just have a bowl in my office. Or, I will share some of it for you?"

"No need to."

"It's used. I didn't have enough to eat at noon." Du Hui stretched out his hand. Before he touched the thermos, Tang Yu slapped his hand open, "I want to eat, and I will find a girlfriend to stew it for you!"

When Du Hui heard the word "also", he couldn't help but glanced at Erye more. The word "also" is amazing!

"Second Lord, are you going to reconcile with the little lady?"

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